Originally posted by CyberHawke
I am glad that they are at least taking the time to evaluate what other components need to be associated with Sanctuary Strike functionality. It should be EXTREMELY diffucult for an enemy faction to maintain forces within a Sanctuary. For example, the defending sanctuary should have some type of Sanctuary defense grid of awesome power - not just the pea-shooters around bases. Or perhaps there needs to be areas in which enemies of a sanctuary cannot access; like forcefields around certain pads or facilities.
Yeah, ive got to agree with this. Its ok for us lot to say "wow, santuary strikes, that would be a laugh!", but what about noobs ?, the poor guys first game, gets into santuary and is blasted to frag by a TR raid!. Kind of shit for them.
I like the idea of being able to amass a strike force to attack a satuary, but hawks right, there need to be much more advanced defenses for santuary, and i still think some areas (like spawn rooms) should have perminant force feilds.
I would like to see the upcoming core combats "pain fields" in all spawn rooms, perminatly.