Originally posted by Revolution
I havent left the computer in 3 months exept to sleep, Watch the NFL Playoffs, and eat! (Well besides going to Carson City to the whore house to get a quick lay no strings attached. Oh plus those teenager girls but I checked their ID's they were over 18. That was fun all it took was one bottle of wine for both of em. And gambling at the casino up street(Craps Table), plus playing in the snow outside, Rocking the HOOD with my electric guitar, Drinking with my Stoner friend bitching about shit, watching movies, playing chess, jerkin off to my HUGE playboy collection, cooking, reading books, photography, going to live comedy, working on the house, cleaning, rebuilding the 68 Chryster, college, court, my time in jail.
Shit maybe I dont spend too much time on the computer! Maybe if that Hong Kong FOOL got out more he wouldnt be dead!
Using his own post i will show why he needs to move out of his moms basement.
! (Well besides going to Carson City to the whore house to get a quick lay no strings attached.
whats the name of this whore house? and its adress, oh thats right, you dont know because your 12 and like you said, have not left your computer in 3 months. And You have likely never had sex with anyone but the person you love more, more on that latter.
Oh plus those teenager girls but I checked their ID's they were over 18. That was fun all it took was one bottle of wine for both of em.
Well, unless it was one of those really big jug like cheapo wine bottles its not gonna get 3 people drunk (And who gets drunk off wine?) and if you had two hot young teenage girls who wanted to have sex with you, what kinda wierdo freak checks their ID's? Common man its a threesome with hot young chicks! Your a strange one.
And gambling at the casino up street(Craps Table), plus playing in the snow outside, Rocking the HOOD with my electric guitar,
one, Craps is a stupid game, two who plays in snow in a big city, after a few hours its nasty as hell, and if you live in the "HOOD", well... and Three, who the hell Rocks the hood with their electric guitar?
Drinking with my Stoner friend bitching about shit, watching movies, playing chess, jerkin off to my HUGE playboy collection, cooking, reading books, photography, going to live comedy, working on the house, cleaning, rebuilding the 68 Chryster, college, court, my time in jail.
I dont believe your in college, but it think its proably very possible that you do jerk off a good deal, as that is sex with the person you love most, and you might do some of that other stuff. I dont think you read and i doubt you have ever been to jail. And i dont think you have a car, unless its a hotwheels one.
And the guy died because he realized suddenly he had spent all that time on DII when he could have been playing something better, like everquest.