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Old 2003-10-31, 02:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Happy lil Elf
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Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2003-10-31, 03:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
First Sergeant
Unknown's Avatar

Simply put, a flail (one man vehicle) should NOT be able to take on a heavy tank (2-3 man vehicle) head to head and not only win every time, but come out with over 50% armor left. Smell that? Smells like imbalance to me.

Possible changes (and I'm not suggesting all these changes at once. In fact, all you Uber-Flail-Lovers, just pick ONE of these):
-Higher angle on the gun. So you can't defend your self from any and all ground based attacks.
-Lower armor, so you can't survive long enough to take out 2-3 heavy tanks attacking you simultaneously.
-Lower attack power. Keep the one hit kills on infantry, heck even MAXes, but make it 2 shots to kill a lightning and 4 or 5 to kill a heavy tank.

Another way to change it would be to force the use of the high arc instead of the low arc. Increase the angle on the gun so that it points 60-85 degrees and give the shots more of a drop. This would buff the artillary role (It would be able to shoot over base walls much easier, and the shots would be harder to track) while decreasing the one-man-army role (there would be a minimum of 4-5 second travel time before the shot hits the ground, so a tank driving around you would be near impossible to fight off. You'd *gasp* actually need cover!!!). This would make it harder to aim, granted, so give them the promised "range finder" shot that gives them a camera angle of where the shot goes if needed. Problem is, that might decrease the need for a spotter, at least for fixed targets (like vehicle pads). IMHO this would make the flail much more like an artillary vehicle, and much less like a mobile uber turret.
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Old 2003-10-31, 03:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
First Lieutenant
Nimbus's Avatar

Flails aren't that bad.
I killed 2 with my cycler max yesterday.
My roommate got 5 with his mag before one killed him while repairing.
*signature eaten by feral snails*

Last edited by Nimbus; 2003-10-31 at 05:37 PM.
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Old 2003-10-31, 03:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
First Lieutenant

Originally Posted by ZjinPS
How many rounds can this vehicle carry?
They carry 150 rounds.

I haven't had any real negative experiences when going up against a flail yet so I'm not going to start crying nerf yet. They die pretty fast when you gang up on them or get really close where they can't hit you. Reaver and Mosquito pilots are slowly learning to hover above the guns elevation. From there you can shoot them all day without getting hit yourself. The rounds should deffinantly not be able to penetrate a base or towers walls. That's just too effective.

I ran across a group of flails using cloakers as spotters last night. I killed two spotters by listening for the sound the laser pointer makes and focused in on the source. Once I looked in the right direction, I could just make out their outlines on top of a hill nearby. I was in my Lightning and I just switched over to the 12mm and took them out. Unfortunately I received a direct hit from a flail shortly after and no more Lightning.
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Old 2003-10-31, 04:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
First Sergeant

I like the idea of an angle increase myself. The trajectory of the shot is almost flat now. At anything other than extreme long range, it is difficult to not have bit of the scenery get in the way of the shot. This change would help the flail fulfill its artillery role more effectively, and make it easier to engage up close.

P.S. you vanu tankers are just pissed because the flail shots detonate on the water and hurt your normally virtually invulnerable tanks :P
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Old 2003-10-31, 05:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
MacavitySWE's Avatar

Originally Posted by ZjinPS
How many rounds can this vehicle carry?
150 rounds, if you have a vehicle module on the base You are in and a link to dropship center you can rearm it, sloooowly
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Old 2003-10-31, 06:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Second Lieutenant
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I think it should get a very small increase to it's minimum arc, so it can't hit things in front of it. And a massive increase to it's maximum arc, so it can lob shells over hills and base walls. It is an artillary piece after all. It's armor is fine as it is. Like some are saying, once found and teamed up apon, they are easily disposed of.

And for those whining about the prospect of actually needing a spotter... this is a team-based game remember. Some people think driving a tank is boring, I love it. So people think that spotting for a flail is boring, other's will love it.
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Old 2003-10-31, 07:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Sergeant Major
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Originally Posted by keaoi
It needs a HUGE nerf. The thing is completely unbalanced. Everything I list, I saw with my own eyes.

It can...

- Camp air towers VERY effectively.
- Deploy outside a doorway, greeting players with a insta-kill suprise.
- Sit on a hill (sloping down), and spam a base.
- (This one REALLY F'ING PISSED ME OFF) Fire from JUST outside a warpgate, then after taking damage simply go back in and repair. This wouldnt be a problem if the damn thing wasnt just as strong as a GAL.

There are several actions I feel would be most appropriate.

- Stop the ability to repair ANYTHING within the SOI of a warpgate.
- Lower the armor of the Flail to something more like a Lightning (or less).
- Disable its ability to deploy within a enemy SOI.
- Force its deployment location to have the same requirements and landing an aircraft (VERY flat).
- Drasticly slow its aim rate while increasing its accuracy slightly. Artillery is precision equipment, and as such should require precision (slow) aiming.

This would the put the Flail back where it belongs. Which is anywhere but where it is now. The Front Lines.

OMG your a complete IDIOT!
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Old 2003-10-31, 07:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

[QUOTE=MacavitySWE]Err, artillery is supposed to be heavily armored... think about it: You have a big weapon that can rip thru most things at a range. Would you want to have the armor of a lightning?


Err what the fuck makes you think artillery is sposed to be heavily armored. Artillery is a big fucking cannon, its defense is distance. One shot from a tank will either destroy artillery or mess up its precision guidance so bad its more or less worthless untill it get ssome serious downtime. I've only played with them briefly, their killing power and the distance doesnt bother me, but i really dont think they should have any more armor then say an enforcer. They should stomp the living hell out of stuff from distances or stuff they get the drop on, not be slugging it out with tanks.
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Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-10-31, 08:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
NNY's Avatar

Originally Posted by Flammey
One, get close enough to it, and two, get above it's aim. Simple.
damn i get right under these things and i cant even set boomers WTF is up with that?
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Old 2003-10-31, 08:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Jagd's Avatar

Boomers are bugged, you still can't place them too close to any vehicle.
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Old 2003-10-31, 08:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
NNY's Avatar

what you mean i plased boomers under tanks before and lightings
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Old 2003-10-31, 08:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Misc Info

They became bugged.

I can't believe people can actually justify the Flail as artillery. It's NOT. It should not be able to fire so low, it should not have so much armor. Real life artillery (Howitzers, Tomahawk Platforms, etc.) Do NOT have a lot of armor and they can NOT fire very low.
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Old 2003-10-31, 08:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Old 2003-10-31, 09:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Sergeant Major
Bismarck's Avatar

Originally Posted by ChewyLSB
They became bugged.

I can't believe people can actually justify the Flail as artillery. It's NOT. It should not be able to fire so low, it should not have so much armor. Real life artillery (Howitzers, Tomahawk Platforms, etc.) Do NOT have a lot of armor and they can NOT fire very low.
It's interesting you all compare this game to real life weapons and situations.

Hover tanks, guns that shoot energy orbs, tanks that have 150mm cannons that go 60 kph+ and can take shell after shell of an enemy tank, a high altitude shuttle that takes you to wherever you want to go instantly, which comes every minute.....yep, the devs are really stressing reality here.

The flail seems balanced to me, cant fire undeployed, get close and it cant hurt you.

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