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Old 2003-11-05, 11:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #16

Oh and one last complaint, how retarted is it that all it takes to kill an enemies mods is blow the gen snag the mod and then run to the nearest body of water. If a mod is lost in this way it aught to revert to the base.
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Old 2003-11-05, 01:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

On further examination i must upgrade my assesment from negative to:

Mostly Harmless
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Old 2003-11-05, 01:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
First Sergeant
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Originally Posted by Doppler
Oh and one last complaint, how retarted is it that all it takes to kill an enemies mods is blow the gen snag the mod and then run to the nearest body of water. If a mod is lost in this way it aught to revert to the base.
why? that would defeat the meaning of "stealing" if you got killed and it immedatly warped back to the gen and into the pod thing, then doing team-steals would be pointless.
I need a new sig, PM me if you wouldnt mind making one for me. Thanx
has to have a VS reaver in it
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Old 2003-11-05, 01:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #19

It should be like the LLU when the timer is up it reverts, and I'm sorry just running a Mod to water should not destroy it, combined with the fast hart this leads to extreme gayness.
The courageous man needs needs no weapons. The practical man wants them all. The ambitious man has plans for the practical one.


Lord give me strength of arm, will, mind, and the accuracy of shooting to preserve them all.
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Old 2003-11-05, 01:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
First Sergeant
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Originally Posted by Doppler
It should be like the LLU when the timer is up it reverts, and I'm sorry just running a Mod to water should not destroy it, combined with the fast hart this leads to extreme gayness.
I need a new sig, PM me if you wouldnt mind making one for me. Thanx
has to have a VS reaver in it
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Old 2003-11-05, 07:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Originally Posted by Doppler
I am not going to pay for an expansion like this every six months, I really dont feel there was enough body of content to be worth that.
Then don't. Simple solution really.

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Old 2003-11-05, 07:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Originally Posted by Doppler
It should be like the LLU when the timer is up it reverts, and I'm sorry just running a Mod to water should not destroy it, combined with the fast hart this leads to extreme gayness.
It's not an LLU and cant really be compared to one. What were they supposed to do make the base blow up?

PlanetSide Universe - Administrator / Site Owner - Contact @ PSU
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Old 2003-11-06, 03:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Lieutenant Colonel

Here was my idea to shake the shit up. The caves are random, or somewhat randon, anf the Mod's switch randomly every like 75 minutes. Why now have the LLU bases do the same every 75 minutes? Every hour and fifteen minutes, randomly assign the LLU to three different bases on a continent, instead of having it on the same bases always. Some of the LLU bases are shit to play, as when you come into the continent, the first base you hack is an LLU base, meaning your LLU runs are cut down by one. Plus, on a few continents, all three LLU bases are joined together. At least this is what I remember. So why not shake up the LLU's when the caves and Mod's are shaken up.

Also, another thing that pisses me off, is that SOE's guide to Mods, says specifically, "Each empire can have 10 mods of each type in the world at one time." Yet it's setup so that an empire can only own 10 mods of all 6 types at once, not including stolen mods. I find this to be stupid. There are upwards of 8 - 10 bases per home continent, each having the capability of holding 6 mods, that's roughly anywhere from 144 to 180 mods total per empire, yet only 30 of those slots will be used, not including Stealing them, which in itself is not easy, yet fun. Most people will simply grab the mod, and run for water, which I feel is cowardly. The mods shouldn't blow up on contact with water. That gives any slut with a Mosquito, and SA the ability to go into locked continents and destroy quite a few mods before anyone can react in time to stop it. Which brings me to another point I find annoying.

IN locked continents, there should be a penalty to ANY and ALL invaders, until one base has been taken over, and THAT penalty in my eyes, should be no vehicles allowed. You shouldn't be able to bring any through the WG, no buying any in the continent. It is an incentive to push invaders to quickly hack a base, and turn it to their side. It stops them fucking annoying people with telephone modems from going into a locked continent and running around blowing up generators, just because they can't play in normal areas with their crappy computers.
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Old 2003-11-06, 06:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Jagd's Avatar

No way in hell should they ever stop vehicles from travelling through warpgates under any circumstance! What are you, out of your mind? You are penalized enough when trying to break into a locked continent, coupled with the fact that many of the continents make you slug your way through several bases before getting to a tech plant. If you can't HART to a locked continent, you need to be able to fly and drive there. And what about AMSes? You can't take away the invader's ability to bring an AMS, like come on! It would ruin the game.

EDIT: Would it satisfy you if there was some type of warning system for locked continents? Say on the map any of your locked conts would have an invasion warning on them, and if you zoomed in to the continent level any warpgates that had been used in the past 5 minutes would have warnings like "Large/Huge/Massive Enemy Force" on them so you would know where the enemy was coming from.

Last edited by Jagd; 2003-11-06 at 06:03 PM.
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Old 2003-11-06, 11:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Lieutenant Colonel

Well, YOU'VE obviously never spent 6 hours continuously defending against one yahoo with a Mosquito and SA, have you?
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Old 2003-11-07, 12:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Lieutenant Colonel
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Stimpacks, Lodestar, new weapons that don't suck, a flying common-pool non-tech-dependant troop transport (flying deliverer) and revisitation of the in-game voice-chat. Those are the things I'd like to see before too long.

I think there's a good chance that the devs are saturated and exhausted from thinking about PS too much. If I were SOE, I would give them a week off to get back in touch with life and take some well-deserved rest. When they return, you know they will be ready to grapple with the beast.
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