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View Poll Results: So, after readin the post, do you like my 'belief' on what would be a good 'balance'?
I've read the post & mostly Agree with the statements 21 53.85%
I've read the post, but dont really agree 10 25.64%
I've read the post, but not sure on where to stand 8 20.51%
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Old 2003-01-18, 04:29 PM   [Ignore Me] #16

oh, and yes, Even through it's the future, one must assume sniper technology must be at least keeping up or there wouldnt be a sniper.. Snipers exist to kill people in 1 shot--usually very lightly armored people if any--which is why i only say people in agile/light/infil shoudl have a chance of 1-shot kills...

Heavy+ armor is the "Field grunt" armor, anyone anticipating 1-on-1ing with someone at close range on a battlefield will be in heavy+ armor, agile & under are for 'vehicle' people, or non-combatants... which is why it's reasonable to say they are lightly enough armored for 1-shot kills to be present WHEN UNPROTECTED BYT HE VEHICLE, most vehicles have that glass on them which adds protection, so they are only vulnerable when entering/exiting that vehicle...

I think my 'idea' provides a balance, where snieprs can kill the 'non-combatant' class easily, but have a HARD time against the 'combatants' that would actually Fight the sniper rather then run... (would a hacker, dismounted-vehicle pilot, or medical dude in Standard armor even attempt to charge a sniper?--not likely... would a heavy or MAX suit? yes...)
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Old 2003-01-18, 04:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant Colonel
Lexington_Steele's Avatar

Originally posted by Jester
one must assume sniper technology would keep pace with armour technology
And we could also assume that they would be able to penetrate a MAX. We could also assume that every weapon would have this ability. (especially the Gauss with its magnetic propulsion technology)

But do you want MAXs to go down with one shot? Do you want every rifle to kill in two rounds?

We are not going for realism. Priority number one is that the game is fun to play.
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Old 2003-01-18, 04:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sputty's Avatar

Agile isn't that weak armor really. It i going to be some people's combat armor. Remember that certs may take a while to get so alot of people will be doing grunt work in the agile suit for awhile at least.
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Old 2003-01-18, 05:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Sergeant Major

The problem with headshots is that with weapons like the chaingun, it will be hard to not get a head shot.

"Guess I've drank the planetside kool-aid already, but this game looks like it will be unbelievably good." - Airlift
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Old 2003-01-18, 05:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Sputty's Avatar

Just like all the DM FPSes out there.
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Old 2003-01-18, 05:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Major General
Warborn's Avatar

You guys are looking at it the wrong way. First you decide what's best for the game, and then you justify it. That being said, though, I don't necessarily disagree with this. Virtually nobody will be in light armor, and you'll have more trouble finding someone in an I.S., let alone worrying about how many shots it'll take to put them down. As far as the rest go, though, it all depends on the reload time.
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Old 2003-01-18, 05:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Jester's Avatar

the damage model of a game such as that of SOF/SOF2 is fun for shooting people and watching them hop, but would be sucky sucky on the receiving end, but then i would like (my own personal enjoyment influences this) some sort of hit model. its better to actually have some skill in where you hit your opponent as oposed to just hitting one giant hitbox dont you think ?

maybe sort of like tribes, ie sniper rifles being as they are more accurate can hit headshots, where as spammy weapons (cg, explosives) cant.

what it boils down to i guess is what the devs do, but i as a gamer of several years over various genres, i do strongly think that some sort (if even basic) hit model that allows you to be more accurate with mroe accurate weapons is a bonus.

but it could be that its 6.30am in the morning and i am tired
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Old 2003-01-18, 05:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Sputty's Avatar

They could, but then everyone would complain there's no region damage for other weapons...heh...That's the problem. Finding middle ground.
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Zatrais's Avatar

I'm just curious, how do you suppose a sniper round could knock down a MAX wearer whitout blowing the shoulder off the shooter? Remember the bullet won't have more force than when the gunpowder is ignited, from there on it only loses energy.

basic physics, but annyways i pretty much agree whot Diost.
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #25

Actually I think my ideas are around the middle ground, Gives snipers a 'purpose' without nullifying someones ability to avoid 1-shot kills...

I dont think you have to cert in agile armor before yuo can get heavy, i think you can pick "heavy" armor right from the start, and likely can pick "rifle" too, and start running around in heavy/guass first day w/o any kills...

The problem people will have is getting a 'collection' of other skills that let them play more roles then that.. I'm sure we'll see MAX's and Heavies first day though... Agile is basiclly the pilot's 'heavier' armor, which still wouldnt last for more then 2-3 seconsd against a Gauss, but works well for pistols and such...

I work with sony a lot trying to 'balance' things, I'm looking in the Game's best interest not my own, I personally am leaning toward Tank piloting myself---but i guess that's because if people keep complaining about the power of a weapon in a game that isnt out in the public even in beta form yet... There wont be a 'sniper' option, beound the point of camping an enemy base waiting for pilots in light armor to jump into their vehicles... I'd rather just place explosives on the launch pad, let them jump in, then blow the entire *&^% ship =/
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Sputty's Avatar

HEh we don't know but I'd imagine the Medium(Heavy armor is the MAX) that it requires something. We know certain thing require otehr cert.
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #27

well i didn't say a MAX should be moved by a bullet, i said in reality if a person was hit with a bullet (usualyl someone doesnt walk around in an Exo-Suit), there is like a .5% chance the person could remain standing after suffering a 'good' hit from a sniper rifle..

I dont think a MAX should be 'moved,' or even stunned for that matter, I agree with what people say on snipers being 'useless' against a MAX(unless head shots go in)...

On the subject of snipers & recoil, the energy is directed out the front of the rifle moreso then the back(gas expands out the front), the kick back is basically you resisting the gas from pushing you backwards, btu the 20 gram projectile is thrown a lto faster and easier then a 180 pound guy securly 'grounded' (in prone), or supported in standing(against a tree i guess--though thats usually for sharpshooting with pistols =/ Almost all snipers fire prone.. which is why i hate the fact there wont be a prone position)
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #28


I should slap hamma for not updating his page....

BASED ON CERTS there is at least 5 body armor types:

Infiltration Suit(I.S.)
Standard Issue(Light)
Agile Armor(medium)
Reinforced Armor(Heavy)
Mechanized Assault eXo-suit(MAX)

thats also the 'scale' of armors in terms of "Hit Points" .. for lack of a better word.. Light is 25, Agile is 50, Heavy is 100, and MAX is 700+ i think is the numbers someone pulled from SS's

So heavy does exist
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Sputty's Avatar

Heh, Agile is know as light, Reinforced as medium, standard as standard and Heavy as MAX.
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Old 2003-01-18, 06:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Lieutenant General
io's Avatar

Ok i DO NOT want to start all this over again but

Originally posted by Lexington_Steele
Priority number one is that the game is fun to play.
Fun for who? You really think snipers will have fun if it takes 3 headshots on a light armor to kill him?

I agree with waiting till i play the game before complaining, people are panicking yet there has been no info about the sniper. If snipers can do their job good and take down weak prey in a headshot than more power to them, i'll probably be sniping from time to time as well and i'll make sure to not stand still like an idiot waiting to get shot, if not no biggie i'll just concentrate on the other "jobs" that interest me.
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