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Old 2003-11-14, 12:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Major General
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Neo = Norten systemworks.
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Old 2003-11-14, 06:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

Originally Posted by Happy lil' Elf
Or perhaps you're reading a bit too much into Smith's attempt to break Morpheus' will?

I dunno, when your hacking into something, what would that be called? I would think it be the same thing as a virus....maybe i'm wrong.
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Old 2003-11-14, 09:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sergeant Major

Keep in mind that the Matrix is not strictly a parallel to Christianity. It incorporates many different philisophical ideas, questions, and religious themes.

Neo however is a parallel to Jesus or some sort of savior. Jesus suffered, died and went to hell before he was raised to eternal life (he ultimately triumphed over death). Jesus did this to save the souls of mankind. Neo fought Smith and died IN a type of hell, and his body was reverently carted off by the machines (he ultimately triumphed over Smith). He did this to save the lives of Zion.
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Old 2003-11-14, 10:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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I think the end fight was like the ragnarok, for those who don't know, it was in norse mythology, where all the gods would wage a giant war and herald the end of the world, think of it, Neo, good, Smith, Evil, world is coming apart around them, they know EXACtly what happens and HOW it happens, and Neo and all the smiths die , and all the people are released, so basically, that world ends.
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Old 2003-11-15, 04:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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the oracle said that smith and neo were opposites, negative and positive, just like she is with the architect, the architect fixed bugs and fixed the matrix by using his agents that served him and the system, while the oracle created problems in the matrix and aided the rebel humans. With Smith and Neo its very similar. In the first matrix, after neo became "the one", he destroyed smith by jumping and going into smith, which pretty much destroyed smith while he was an agent of the system. Smith can manipulate the matrix like neo can, by controlling other programs by sticking his hand into them, which overdominated that program with the smith virus. So we end up with neo being able to manually delete programs and smith being able to manually duplicate himself. Neo could probably use his jumping trick to destroy an individual smith, but he is outnumbered, so the only way for them to destroy each other is to combine themselves, positive and negative, which neutralized both of them. So when Neo became a smith he was connected to all the other smiths, and since he can delete programs he chose to destroy himself which would destroy the whole smith virus.
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Old 2003-11-15, 09:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
The Mensa Troll
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I didn't read any of these posts but I just needed to make a shoutout somewhere and this seems to be the place.

Matrix: Revolution was freakin awsome and anyone who says differently needs to pull the stuck out of their ass!!!!

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