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Old 2003-01-21, 06:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant General
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Originally posted by Hamma
I will be pissed if some guy takes my name
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Old 2003-06-04, 05:46 AM   [Ignore Me] #17

Originally posted by MrVicchio
When the Game Anarchy Online was in development, there was a big fansite run by Derisor(The VERY same one causing havoc on the PS forums ATM) ANYWAY, someone got into the game before he did, took his name (there was only ONE AO server at the time) and then emailed him demanding MONEY for his name. Taht sh!t aint cool at all.
I know this is an old post, but I stumbled on it during a search and just had to reply.

Since I am the person who took the name Derisor in AO and denied the "real" Derisor from using it, I just want to clear this up. There was never any demand for money from my side and I wouldnt have taken any if they had been offered. There were some people who claimed to have the name that tried to get money by promising to delete it, but these were scams. When these fake blackmail scams showed up, I contacted a fairly known poster on the official boards while being logged on as Derisor and told him that I would never ask for or accept money for the name. And I asked him to post that for the public so that the real Derisor wouldnt be scammed into paying for nothing. I also sent off-line tells to Derisors char (Exuro) with that message.

I took the name Derisor because of the way he had treated several close friends and because of the way he acted towards others. It was purely to grief him and money was never an issue for me. Derisor is an extremely mean person who treats others like dirt if they disagree with him. He makes a big show of telling everyone about his huge credentials and his extensive experience with multi-player games, because he desperatly wants to be seen as an expert on the subject. And when someone dares to disagree with his expert opinions, he almost goes into a rage. Through a friend I had access to reading the private forums on his guilds site in AO (Winds of Rubi-Ka, a long dead clan) and it was truly a disgusting sight. There were statements from him along these lines:

"I have paid more than 200$ for the guild domain, hosting and other expenses, so this is my guild. I own the guild and make the decisions".

For anyone who is interested, Derisor was an Atrox Enforcer who never got past level 3 and lived his entire life in an Omni-tek starter backyard. He was deleted about 3 months ago when I reactivated my AO account, since I needed the character slot for a new char and the name had lost its importance.

So you may hate me for taking a little revenge on the arrogant Derisor, but at least get the story right and know that it was never about money.

Respectfully yours,
The Fake Derisor
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Old 2003-06-04, 06:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
NightWalker XI

I have used this name since I first got the Internet back in 99

Its a really cool anime series (NightWalker: Midnight Detective) and I was given NightWalker (or Nighty) as a nickname by my firends cause I am like..crazy about anime and thats my favourite, anyway the XI is a Roman numeral, it means 11, thats because I had 11 accounts at one time over at and 10 of those got banned, the only one thats left and I still use is number XI or 11 so it stuck with me

*ponders if people read all that*
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Old 2003-06-04, 06:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Teh Masturbator
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Originally posted by FakeDerisor
I know this is an old post, but I stumbled on it during a search and just had to reply.....


Welcome to the forum FakeDerisor. No problem with bumping an old post, your post was very well thought out
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