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Old 2004-01-12, 08:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant General
Onizuka's Avatar

My gawd, you guys friggin wack-off to this stuff. Its incredibly awesome looking, but it doesnt get me horny or make me drool. Sheesh
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Old 2004-01-12, 09:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

Originally Posted by Rayder
Where in Dearborn do you live Squick?
Right near city hall. That is also about three miles east of the Ford World Headquarters. (the "Glass House") Also about five miles west of Detroit.
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Old 2004-01-12, 09:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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I live near Dearborn High.
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Old 2004-01-12, 09:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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I'm waiting for some one to photoshop that truck into the PS Lightning....

Eh those cars are nice.....but where-wait no-when will you use all their horsepower? (when the cops aren't around is not an answer, same with when the cops are trying to catch up). Get one of those cars when your in Germany or something.

For me, big truck+lota mud=:drool:

Bleh i gota get off this mountain.
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Old 2004-01-12, 10:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

Originally Posted by Rayder
I live near Dearborn High.
Thats amazing... I have met 20+ people that live in Dearborn while being online having nothing to do with Dearborn or Michigan! Our city is not huge either, we have what, 200,000 people?

Very cool.
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Old 2004-01-12, 10:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
xmodum's Avatar

i wonder how many people that post here live anywhere near me at Fort Walton Beach , Florida. my town pwnz all others (well maybe i dont get out much )
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Old 2004-01-12, 10:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Originally Posted by Setari
whoa wait wait wait...Hamma, that truck comes stock 500 hp and 500 lb/ft of torque??
o....m.....g.....how much are those gonna cost? cuz that would mean....there'd still be room for aftermarket stuff?! hfs that's cooler than cool!!!
The new one yes, it will probaby still run around 30-35k - they pride it on being somewhat affordable

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Old 2004-01-12, 10:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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AztecWarrior's Avatar

And people say that domestics suck. Take THAT, Skyline!
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-12, 10:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

cool..and not all domestics suck just the ones that are really cheap like the neon .....but all the trucks are cool whether lowridin or 12 inches up with 36 inch tires
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Old 2004-01-12, 11:01 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Yeah, slow cars will never be fast (cough Civic cough Neon cough Focus.)
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-12, 11:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #26

Originally Posted by AztecWarrior
Yeah, slow cars will never be fast (cough Civic cough Neon cough Focus.)
well the fact is...civics can be fast but it is one damn hefty price.....*cough* about 50 large *cough*
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Old 2004-01-12, 11:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
Bighoss's Avatar

Originally Posted by SDM
Isn't it hard to type with your nose in his ass?
first off you have no idea what your talking about, secondly even if you are unitentionally bashing Hamma's hot pimped out Ford F-150 he will sick his sidekick monkey on you (Squeeky) anway.
Take what you can! Give nothing back!
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Old 2004-01-12, 11:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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AztecWarrior's Avatar

Originally Posted by Setari
well the fact is...civics can be fast but it is one damn hefty price.....*cough* about 50 large *cough*
Well duh, if you go out on a limb and buy an Allison turboprop engine for your Civic then you'll go fast...
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2004-01-12, 11:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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nah, all you need are some JATO rockets, you knwo what i mean if you saw that mythbusters

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2004-01-12, 11:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Lightbulb Collector
AztecWarrior's Avatar

Yabbut the Allison actually exists. You could substitute with a Double Wasp, a Merlin, or other WW2-era but updated engine. They sell them to air racers.
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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