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Old 2004-01-20, 02:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
infinite loop
First Sergeant
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Gunslanger, I first played PS with 512MB RAM. After a month, I upgraded to 1 gig. IMHO, it is a night and day difference. PS is more or less unplayable with anything less than 768MB of RAM. Put in another 512MB stick before you give up.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Gunslanger's Avatar

really? thanks for the advice! i will try it. as you can see from my sig, i had quit for awhile. got tired of sony telling me my lag was becuase of they don't support my soundcard(which was total BS). i took a few months off, tried SWG, left, went back to EQ. now i'm back as a part time PS player-missed it. if i can fix this lag problem, i'll be full time PS and probably quit EQ(after playing that for over 2 years).
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sergeant Major

it's not the system RAM, it's the graphics memory, 64M doesn't cut it.
I have 512, works pretty well on low detail. just configure the initial virtual memory size to be 1024 and you're set.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Fenrys's Avatar

1.4ghz Athlon, 512 DDR266, 128 9600xt

Well above the minimum reqs listed on the box.

Even with all graphics settings turned off/minimized I get way too much FPS lag.

I know that an extra 512 ram would do wonders, but that would mean also buying a new motherboard and I just can't afford to do it right now.

I wish they would let me turn down/off even MORE settings. I could not care less how pretty the game looks.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Sergeant Major
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Funny thing is, I used to run PS at HIGH graphics options on my computer without lag when I first started playing. Then they released CC, and I had to drop to MEDIUM. Then they did the server merge and now I'm a frickin LOW in massive battles if I want to kill the lag. Everytime they make the game "Better for everyone" they make it look worse for me.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
infinite loop
First Sergeant
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Originally Posted by DeadTeddy
it's not the system RAM, it's the graphics memory, 64M doesn't cut it.
I have 512, works pretty well on low detail. just configure the initial virtual memory size to be 1024 and you're set.
Good point. It's actually going to be a combination of both. A 128MB graphics card (or 256) definitely makes a difference. But for performance vs price, you'll get much more out of more system RAM than buying a new vid card. That said, I would upgrade both if possible, but the RAM first if you can't do both.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Gunslanger's Avatar

Hmm...i have my graphics all set as low as possible and i have my virtual memory set high. funny thing is that some people have worse systems than me and get less lag than me...i'm not going to buy another graphics card anytime soon.
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Old 2004-01-20, 02:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Sergeant Major

set your virtual memory to custom. one of the things that cause the most lag is when there isn't enough and the OS starts increasing it ingame. high is arounf 700 megs I think.
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Old 2004-01-20, 03:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
infinite loop
First Sergeant
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Originally Posted by DeadTeddy
set your virtual memory to custom. one of the things that cause the most lag is when there isn't enough and the OS starts increasing it ingame. high is arounf 700 megs I think.
The point is, using much virtual memory in a game causes a performance bottleneck now matter how you look at it. More RAM = less virtual mem used in game, thus better performance
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Old 2004-01-20, 03:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Gunslanger's Avatar

heh, i took someone's adive here awhile ago and set it waaay higher than that. the minimum is like 1024 and max is....well i forget the number...it seemed to help.
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Old 2004-01-20, 03:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #26

Min and Max need to be the same number if you dont want to take a performance hit, but as already stated, if you are depending on the pagefile, you are screwed anyways. If you alt tab out of PS and look at the task manager it is running at like 730MB so you need to have more ram than that if you dont want to have pagefile lag
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Old 2004-01-20, 03:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
Gunslanger's Avatar

ok, we have officially derailed this thread i'll start a new one in case anyone else has advice for me and some computer talk for dummies. i don't know what pagefile is...if you could, explain more please
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Old 2004-01-20, 06:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Ait'al's Avatar

I havent read this all yet, but, i think they should add a permanent limited flora and have a full flora setting for the same reason as the weather thing. Or add a thing that limits your vision any way in a simpler way when the weather thing is off and a thing that still covers up things under the grass when floras off that is like an ultra Infiltrators suit affect. So it really hard to see but if you look close you can see it somewhat. Not that youd necesarily know what it is. that way you cant be seen that well when you hiding and they cant destinquish between you or a mine or whatever.

And i dont personaly see the problem with bots. ITs the same as a computer Player. You can always kick there ass and ther not hard to spot. Ive always thought they are good things for a game. They cant change the rate of fire or anything to give htem an advantage any one cant have throught there own play and they can change from what theyve been programmed to do. Unless theyve taken it into hacking parts of the game to make things work instantly in a way they cant.

Last edited by Ait'al; 2004-01-20 at 07:10 PM.
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Old 2004-01-20, 06:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Jagd's Avatar

How about you stop suggesting things they should change until you know how the game actually plays as it is right now?

Ok, thanks.
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Old 2004-01-20, 06:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Ait'al's Avatar

Why dont you try not posting unless you have something to actually say.
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