Originally Posted by Jabberwocky
even in first person shooters? wow that takes some serious skillz.
Nah, quite the opposite... I am the same way, I exclusively use trackballs, now with optical trackballs it is even better. It took me upwards of a year to become ultimately proficient with a trackball, but now I see the incredible advantage in FPS games.
How many times have you had to pick your mouse up, has the optical portion "caught" a little while you were in the air? That does not happen with trackballs. Another big advantage is the ability to just flick the ball and raise your fingers a bit, and let it spin, then set back down when you do a 180, sounds complex, but that takes one major wrist flick and a lot of movement to do a perfect 180 nearly instantly with a mouse.
I have not been into competition-level FPS games since Quake3 first came out, but at the last competition I ever went to everyone was amazed that I used a trackball, and of course I was the only one that did. But I totally swept the competition without even a challange and won a brand new shiny Voodo 3 3500, the best video card at the time; I still use that in my DVR machine since it has a digital TV decoder in it.
I'm sure I would get schooled now thhough, I have not played any games other then flash games in close to a year