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Old 2004-02-17, 01:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Master Sergeant

not weird, but lifelike almost I was in PS and well I cant remember most of the dream but put it this way my mom woke me up, I was on the floor, pillows everywhere and when she got me up, I yelled OS!!!!!!!!!!! at the top of my lungs.
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Old 2004-02-17, 01:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
MilitantB0B's Avatar

Every once and a while, and I mean really rarely, I have a recurring weird dream.

I actually hate this dream, but I haven't had it for 2.5 years, so I am kinda happy about that. Basically the dream consists of me gruesomely killing just about everybody I know, before finally turning the weapon on myself. Every time I have it, it ends in my suicide and then I wake up. I know that everyone has had violent dreams, but this one is pretty bad, for about a week afterwards, I won�t be able to think about it much without turning my stomach.

The odd thing is that I am a not an angry person, nor am I violent. I am actually one of the happiest people I know. I am just glad I haven�t had it in a while, that is one thing I can do without.
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Old 2004-02-17, 01:54 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
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A few nights back i had a dream that when i woke up, i got dressed and intsead of putting on shoes, i put on rollerblades. So i went to school with rollerblades, and when i got there (i usually get there before school starts) and came up towards my friends, i noticed my girlfriend was crying. Immedietly i was like wtf to all my friends and they pointed to a guy across campus and said he beat her up.

Strange thing was that as soon as i got to my friends, i suddenly didn't have rollerblades on anymore, and the guy they were pointing at seemed to be the only other person on campus besides me and my friends.

So i immedietly started to walk towards the guy, with the image of my foot kicking his ass in my head, but at the same time realizing that if i do kick his ass, i'll get kicked out of school (due to the fact that i live in the neighboring city to the city that my school is in, i'm on a transfer, which says under the conditions that if i get in any major trouble, i'm ejected from the school).

I keep walking towards him, but when i get to him, i start talking to him. Not like angry talk, like, "Yo, whats up, man?"

The weird thing was, i was looking at the guy but i couldn't see him. I knew a dude was there, but it was like seeing a projected silhouette that had minor details. My dreams are obviously not very visually detailed.

Anyways, i think to myself, "Why isn't my fist in this guys face yet?" So then i ask, "Why the fuck did you beat up my girlfriend?"

Next thing i know i'm calmly following him down an open hallway (don't ask me how a hallway is oepn, but it had taht feeling) where the PE Locker room and small gym should be. We reach a door at the end of the hall and enter.

The room is very small, about the size a rectangular prison cell you would see in a movie. Inside the room is a table on the immediate right, with stools on either side. A bit deeper into the room there is a part of the left wall that extrudes a bit, and a couch that goes along the right wall.

Next thing i know, I'm coming through the door abruptly, like i'm frantically searching for someone or something. The guy and some other people were playing cards, open the top of table very quickly and shove everything in there, like they weren't supposed to be playing cards, and they were trying to hide it. Theres another tall black man with long dreadlocks standing behind the others, in front of the couch, facing the extruding part of the left wall. He looks at me when i come in.

I immedietly slam the door and i'm in the hallway again, but it looks like the inside of an airplane, with no chairs inside of it. A flight attendant wearing clothes that match the hallway's interior directs me towards a door in front me flight-attendant style (the polite hand gestures, nod-and-smile, while keeping eye contact with me). I open the door to look down at the top of clouds, as though i was actually in an airplane and we were flying. Thing is, there was no force trying to pull me out the door liek a normal pressurized airplane would have.

I calmly close the door, and the next thing i know,i'm playing cards with the guy.

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Old 2004-02-17, 02:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant Colonel
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I have dreams about terrain, roads, bizarre towns, being a ghost, abandoned houses with rotting floors/walls, those aliens from the movie Aliens, and being lost far from home.

Sometimes I forget my dreams and sometimes one will change my whole mood/outlook for days or weeks as I see it even in my waking mind.

I wish I could direct my dreams. Instead of creepy dark cities, how about 10,000 hot chicks? Maybe some race cars or jet planes instead of a dark path through a swamp? What a pain is the human brain.
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Old 2004-02-17, 02:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
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dont we all wish that?

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Old 2004-02-17, 02:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
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I dreamt I was chasing some random person through an intire town, the setting was like an arabic place. I kept loosing and finding the person, it was like find waldo but life size, then I woke up. Ill find him tomarrow!
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Old 2004-02-17, 04:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
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its not impossible to driect your dreams, ive done it, its been a long time since ive had a dream though, but ill tell you, it takes practice, the real trick is, is to realise your dreaming, while your dreaming, trust me, its harder than you think, at the time that is, and you can do just about anything then, though, all ive been able to do so far is direct the dream, IE what you do, not change the surroundings or characters, thats hard.

as for strange dreams, i, well, its been a long time, but several times in a row, i was dreaming, and i could feel in the dream, as if i was awake, like, pain, and pleasure, and textures, and so forth, and i remember in several of those dreams, i was killed, and it didnt hurt, well, it did, but for instance, i recall a dream where someone stuck a sword though my back, it hurt, it felt cold, and then, i died, in the dream, and i never once wokeup during those dreams.

i recall another dream where my brother came in my room, while i was asleep, and woke me up, as he came in, and there was a light to his back, so it made him look dark to me, and he came in my room, and crabed my leg, and squeezed, and i couldnt wake up, i tried hard, untill finaly, in the dream, and in reality i screamed no, and while i was awake, that leg hurt like a bitch. thats it, the rest of my bizzare dreams are too screwed up to mention.
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Old 2004-02-17, 04:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #23

I've tried directing my dreams all the time, never works. But please mentions more screwed up dreams.
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Old 2004-02-17, 04:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
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well, another trick that helps, is to be half asleep. just barely awake while your dreaming, see, something i noticed about myself, is that as soon as i start to think, i wake up, so its a balancing act, of staying asleep while thinking (IE directing your dream)
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Old 2004-02-17, 05:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #25

Heh, once I almost went to sleep with my eyes open. I just lay there in the dark with my eyes open for ages and waited for my eyes to go darker and darker. Unfortunately my eyes were too dry and I blinked, ruining it all.
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Old 2004-02-17, 05:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
Lieutenant Colonel
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What about the dream where you're underwater, and you take a big cold lungful of water in and instead of dying or suffering it's kinda cool and refreshing.
"Blessed are the Peacemakers, for they shall be called Sons and Daughters of God." - Jesus Christ

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Old 2004-02-17, 05:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #27

Or maybe you were just dreaming you were a fish Vet.
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Old 2004-02-17, 08:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Master Sergeant
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. . . . . . . . one time i had a dream about some body.. ther was 2 other guys ther, a castle outside and a snipergun. anyway i was in the kichen and i smell something.. i open the door to the bathroom and se this body whit a strange head it looked like if it was skined, it had this strange face,, i cant realy describe it but it looked a bit like a cow face, i was told by one of the guys it was my mother�s grandma, i dident realy react to that. after that i looked out the window and saw thing big castle and a hill, on the hill ther wher a few people... thats about it... i never know what happend whit the sniperrife.... :/ the only thingy i can think about this dream is that my mother�s grandma was in one of those camps they had in WW2.
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Old 2004-02-17, 09:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Any dream involving any of the ex's really creaps me out for all day.
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Old 2004-02-17, 10:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #30

I had this dream twice where i was in Vietnam during the war. A squad and I are moving through a seemingly deserted village. We stop in the middle of the village and everyone sits down. I pull out a cig and light it when all of the sudden all these Charlies come out everywhere and the entire village lights up. The squad hides behind a downed tree and we return fire. Then all of a sudden the VC have wolverine claws and are throwing Shuriken-like things all over the place. I take several bullets and wake up later with interesting pains where the bullets hit me. (kinda like bruises but...different)
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