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Old 2003-01-29, 11:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Second Lieutenant

3 and 9 are the best.
...What's Iraq like?

IEDs, SAF, RPGs, & mortars. But only during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The enemy is so poor, they have to keep day jobs

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Old 2003-01-30, 12:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
First Lieutenant
Revolution's Avatar

If the sgt blew up everything with no trace I wonder how the court ran this one down.

P.S. yes this is some funny stuff but if you like to keep it that way do NOT got to rotten.com (That site scares me)(Admins dont load that up on a work comp I'd rather have tits and ass on my comp at work)

*shivers and looses appitite for steak thinking about that site*
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Old 2003-01-30, 05:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #18

Somehow I don't think that the majority of these are actual events.

Cases in point:

#3 72 rat poison tablets... thats QUITE a lot of poison... but you really think that it's enough to kill a 180+ lb man, with one sip, INSTANTLY?

#4 A double barreled shotgun... IN A CAR? A nine mil, a 22 auto, anything but a 4 foot long weapon in confined quarters.

#6 How do you "wander" onto a live fire range? Last I remember a "Hogans Alley" would have at least an 8' barbed wire topped fence around it. The "Danger. Firing range. Do not enter," signs would probably be a decent clue. Also what are 14 State Troopers doing on the same "Hogan's Alley" at once? The ONLY thing I can think of for this would be some kind of SWAT exercice (which I 'm not even sure State Troopers anywhere would have) and they wouldn't be using pistols in this case.

#7 "Military Seargent" USMC, US Army, USAF? Where did he get almost a metric TON of explosives, and how did he get them out of wherever he got them? Most damning... do a google search on the word "Trintynitrate" Described as similar to C4, you'd think that this hugely powerful explosive (750kg blew a hole half a football field DEEP and 5 football fields wide in solid earth.) would have a site or two describing it... A google search turned up quite a few matches... but every single one (I looked at about 50) was a copy of this thing, mostly on sites with the words humor or joke in the url.

Funny read... but that's about it...
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