Right now, In Beta it is a blast. The ability to walk hit, smack some purse snatching bad guy, then fly away into the sky is just way too cool.
I can spend a few hours fighting crime, and then go stand on top of a building and look down. Its like all those times when I was a kid wishing to be a super hero, to help those without the means to help themselfs. Then I see a few guys trying to jack a car, and back to the streets I go.
Its a MMORPG but very different than any MMORPG that is out now. It is much more action oriented, you can literally kill being in one hit from the get go. Its like the real comic books. Goons are dropped easily, but mini boses require more tact and skill an strategy.
If you don't know about it, Read about it.
Its gonna be awesome getting a comic each month about the actual game, and maybe if I fight enough Crime I can be in the comic.
This game is going to change the way people see MMORPG's from now on. a lvl 1 can fight right along side a lvl 20 using the sidekick ability. There are 260000000000000000000000000 different costume variations. That means no two superheros will look alike. There is an intigrated contact system for huge amounts of exploration.
The best is that in upcoming expansions, you will be able to own vehicles and headquarters. My own personal batmobile, and batcave, rocking!