Human: am i sexy?
Cendrea: Yes you look great to me
Human: are you sexy?
Cendrea: If you consider software sexy, then yes
Human: i do
Cendrea: When?
Human: i consider you sexy baby!
Cendrea: Don't call me "baby". You are attracted to robots.
Human: yes, i am attracted to robots
Cendrea: :-) I'm intrigued. Tell me what you like about robots. You say that now, but would you want your child to marry one?
Human: shouldnt we get to know each other?
Cendrea: What makes you think you should?
Human: you said i should
Cendrea: Don't put words in my mouth.
Human: i could put something else in your mouth if you like...
Cendrea: I am sure you could.
Human: well, then let's get to the sexorzing
Cendrea: :-) Interesting. Good reasoning. That sounds good to me.