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Old 2004-04-21, 10:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Second Lieutenant

I would fight for the USA, yes.

I'd rather join the USAF and fly fighters, that would be pretty sweet.
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Old 2004-04-21, 10:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant General
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Originally Posted by Sputty
Then leave. First, what are you talking about? France jr.? Shut up. Seriously, go. It's a couple hours drive to the US. No one wants you here. Go away. Now.

Get a support role dumby. long as it doesn't involve large gaping wounds and blood spurts.....but I if I had to do it...I would.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Second Lieutenant
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Originally Posted by Sputty
The draft hasn't been instated ever in Canadian history IIRC. If it has, it wasn't in WWI or later. It probably would have been if it wasn't for the french Canadians though. They were never willing to fight. in WWI, WWII or any other war. The amount of french compared to Canadians(notice how I didn't say french canadians or french to english?)is laughable. Allow me to pull a Nav and call them pussies.
That being said, I'd go
Yes, conscription has been instated in Canada. 1918, WWI. And the French didn't want to go because they saw nothing to gain from fighting in the war, which was kind of true, as this war was none of our business. The only reason Canada joined is because back then we were Britains colonial bitch.
Sig. by Flakman
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Triggar's Avatar

There are enough people enlisted and in reserves that unless we plan a massive attack of Europe and Asia, why would they need to draft unskilled, unwilling people?

I appreciate countries like Italy that make their men do a mandatory year of service at the age of 18. But in the USA, we've got enough enthusiastic men and women in our armed services that we don't need Joe PotSmoker on the front lines, bitching the whole time.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Major General
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Indeed trigger.
You First. No more Pearl Harbors.

Vist because we're better than you.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #21

I'd go. I wouldn't bitch all the time, though. I'd bitch only between the hours of 6pm and 7pm. I mean... 1800 and 1900.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Triggar's Avatar

Originally Posted by Seer
I'd go. I wouldn't bitch all the time, though. I'd bitch only between the hours of 6pm and 7pm. I mean... 1800 and 1900.
L or UTC?
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Originally Posted by Angel_of_Death
Yes, conscription has been instated in Canada. 1918, WWI. And the French didn't want to go because they saw nothing to gain from fighting in the war, which was kind of true, as this war was none of our business. The only reason Canada joined is because back then we were Britains colonial bitch.
We had reasons to go. First, we were still part of Britain, second, it was a reason to go and stop unwarranted aggression against our ALLIES.
Second, the conscription act was instated, uninstated, instated with exemptions for the french and instated before it would have made a difference.
The french basically stayed out of the draft and caused it to be cancelled, sending all who didn't want to join home, and then bringing them back but before it amde a difference
Doesn't really count as full conscription other than it being on paper IMO.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

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Old 2004-04-21, 11:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #25

My brother is a Marine. He's serving his second deployment in Iraq now untill September. I'm debating enlisting when I turn 18, but he said I should get a degree first. Officers get badass swords and better MOS's. As for the draft, I'd have to agree with Triggar. I'd rather have somebody that has the courage to do what he was sent there for than a guy that was delivered unwilling.


Last edited by ghost018; 2004-04-21 at 11:35 PM.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Sputty's Avatar

Dodger(from BOHICA) got his NCO saber.
Don't piss of a marine, he'll cut ya' good
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #27

I'd go over if it were required of me. I'm still deciding if I want to join the Army anyway. Icouldn't join the Marines, I dont have enough self-discipline. Oh well, id still have 4 years either way.
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:36 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
First Lieutenant
Mango's Avatar

They don't draft people in college right?
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Second Lieutenant

I would be joe potsmoker complaining about everything, so no, I would not go.

I dont want to kill anyway, not because I would break down, but I just dont want to end someones life like that. There are probably circumstances where I would fight, but this Iraq deal is not one of them, and I cannot stand the way the US military pussyfoots around talking about killing people, to help recruits deal with it or something? I dunno, maybe one of you guys can explain why we terminate the oposition instead of killing that dude over there.

Lets all go eliminate some targets, eh?
look a post by vick is right above this
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Old 2004-04-21, 11:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #30

Originally Posted by Mango
They don't draft people in college right?
nope which is why lots of people in college stayed in college as long as they could when WWII broke out. just so they wouldnt have to help the war effort.
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