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Old 2004-05-23, 11:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant General
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yea, in SWG the cities are relatively lifeless, whether or not theres people there. NPCs are boring and stupid. they would be better off if they had them yell at people who walked by.
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Old 2004-05-23, 11:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant Colonel

After about 1 month after i quit planetside I went and picked this game up, it was great at first. But I quit a week after the first month because I found that Eq (No flame please, this was a year ago) had more depth, I have long sinced quit Eq tho, everyone is a fucktarded nacho greased, no life, basement gamer (no offense to those who fit into this category). SWG even when it was in its prime was repetitive.
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Old 2004-05-23, 12:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sergeant Major

playing SWG is a simple process from my experience

1. everybody in the party goes to the "mission" terminal and gets a "mission" in roughly the same cardinal direction (north, west, etc.)

2. run, run, run, run for about 15 empty, mind-numbing minutes of grasslands

3. kill the stuff that comes out of everyones' pile of crap

4. blow up everyones' pile of crap

5. run back to the "mission" terminal

6. goto 1

if somebody else comes along and blows up the instanced pile of crap that was made for your "mission", you still get credits for it so you just move on to the next person's "mission" or go back to the terminal. There... swg in 6 easy steps.
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Old 2004-05-24, 03:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant Colonel
Madcow's Avatar

I was playing, and enjoying the game until they announced the Creature Handler nerf. If I remember correctly, I was at 3/2/1/3 on the tree and was just able to have 2 graul maulers out at once when I found out they were getting rid of that. I'm a casual gamer and had spent a LOT of time getting to that point. They made their announcement, I cancelled my subscription. That was right at the time of the beginning of the holocron grind as well. I hoped the developers had some great idea for how to achieve Jedi, and I found out they caved to something only powergamers could truly accomplish. Lame.
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Old 2004-05-24, 11:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
TekDragon's Avatar

Well im glad they nerfed CH. I wish they had deleted the entire proffesion.

God damn kiddies turned that misbalanced proffesion into something that made SWG a fuking Pokemon game. You couldn't go anywhere, into the cantina or hospital or starport, without seeing a fuking ton of 30 foot tall butt ugly creatures named "Shrek" or "Tiny" taking up 90% of the viewing space.

I'm GLAD they got all the dipshits from the game by nerfing CH. They just need to do it again with hologrinders.
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Old 2004-05-24, 12:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
I Hate Pants
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CH were fucking retarded. They are not Starwars related in anyway. They should just get rid of them.
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Old 2004-05-24, 01:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Dharkbayne's Avatar

From what I heard, they're changing how you unlock your jedi char, you'll have to do some kind of quest, instead of the holo thing
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Old 2004-05-24, 02:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Lieutenant Colonel
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I'm glad that I apparently qualify as a 'dipshit' for enjoying things other than you, somehow that's something I can live with. Being glad about wholesale nerfs to the game is the reason the game is shit right now, interesting that you aren't actually able to see that. When I bailed on the game the 'kiddies' were playing Commandos or Combat Medics (which apparently still haven't gotten fixed), not Creature Handlers. I had spent about 5 consecutive nights wandering the wilderness looking for Graul Maulers with very little luck, and trying to tame them with even less luck. When I was lucky enough to find a baby I'd have to try and fail to tame it usually 20 or so times before I could succeed, and yet I was finding enjoyment in failing and running for my life from the Mauler herds. Then I found out that my precious casual gamer hours were wasted because of people like you bitching about something that I hadn't done or seen. Developers willing to cave so dramatically to whiners that they'd completely ruin somebody else's gaming experience isn't a game I particularly want a part of.

And Pants, CH is a HELL of a lot more SW related than 75% of the professions in that game. Commando? Image Designer? Chef? Teras Kasi (related only by the crap secondary universe stuff)? Polearms? Ranger? Bio-Engineer? At least there is evidence of a creature handler in the films, it's not something completely made up for the game.
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Old 2004-05-24, 02:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
TekDragon's Avatar

Madcow, before combat medics were turned uber with unbalanced CM matieral drops from the Genosea caves it was the CH class that was accomplishing the follwing:

1. Unbalancing PvP
2. Unbalancing PvE
3. Ruining the SWG feel.
4. Ruining the enjoyment of being in any city.

Commandoes had a very SWG feel. They were never extremely unbalanced in PvP and nowhere near unbalanced in PvE. The only proffesion they had an advantage on was riflemen (due to 3x dmg bug).

Combat medics also have a SWG feel, being plausable in the SWG world. Combat medics only unbalance PvP. They do not unbalance PvE or any of the other topics.

Your argument sucks. CH had absolutely no reason to be in SWG. If you want to run around with a 30 foot tall lizard or dinosaur go play fuking Pokemon.
The only thing
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Old 2004-05-24, 04:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally Posted by TekDragon
Madcow, before combat medics were turned uber with unbalanced CM matieral drops from the Genosea caves it was the CH class that was accomplishing the follwing:

1. Unbalancing PvP
2. Unbalancing PvE
3. Ruining the SWG feel.
4. Ruining the enjoyment of being in any city.
Unbalancing PvP? Are you out of your freaking mind? In order to be a decent CH you had to invest way too many resources to be a good fighter, and it didn't take much to take out the person behind the creature. Eye shot, mind poison, tons of other things. You must have been horrible at PvP.
As for unbalancing PvE, I saw a lot of TK Masters who could tank things the way no CH could dream of with his beasties. PvE was never remotely balanced and to pretend CH was the reason for that is laughable. The only point you might have are the 'amateur' CHs who were able to bring sludge panthers along with minimal effort in the CH tree.
Ruining the SWG feel? Again, stupid. The game has freaking COOKS for the love of Pete. At least we saw a Rancor tamer in the films, saw something that let you know it was a part of the universe. Give me a call with the names of the Image Designers you saw in the film when you get a chance.
As for ruining the enjoyment of the cities, I'll give you that. I always thought they should have had strict guidelines that pets would have to be placed in the datapad in the city with an exception being perhaps and area where handlers could sell their beasts a bit away from the populated parts.

Originally Posted by tekdragon
Commandoes had a very SWG feel. They were never extremely unbalanced in PvP and nowhere near unbalanced in PvE. The only proffesion they had an advantage on was riflemen (due to 3x dmg bug).
Translation: I played Commando and enjoyed it. A very SWG feel? Never unbalanced? Riiiight. When flamethrowers came out and you and every other bandwagon jumper became a Commando it was totally balanced. When a Commando could singlehandedly destroy an ATST (for some reason you neglect to mention those in your PVP argument even though they were WAY more deadly then any of the tamed creatures), even though the ATST at the time was king of the road that was totally balanced.

Originally Posted by tekdragon
Combat medics also have a SWG feel, being plausable in the SWG world. Combat medics only unbalance PvP. They do not unbalance PvE or any of the other topics.
Being 'plausable' (sic) in the SWG world? Holy crap, does it hurt at all when you talk out of your ass like that? So basically the fact that Rancors and tamers existed in the films is not good for being 'plausible' in a Star Wars game, but the fact that Tekdragon thinks Combat Medics sound cool makes them believable? Then you forgive them for 'only' unbalancing PvP? Did that honestly sound intelligent while you were typing it?

Originally Posted by tekdragon
Your argument sucks. CH had absolutely no reason to be in SWG. If you want to run around with a 30 foot tall lizard or dinosaur go play fuking Pokemon.
The only thing
My argument sucks? I apologize for littering it with such things as facts and with not leaving it as "CH is teh suxxors!" or whatever you've so eloquently said. Sorry that the game that you were so happy to see ruined for other people suddenly jumped up and bit you in the ass too. It happens.
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Old 2004-05-24, 07:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
firecrackerNC's Avatar

Wow Teks back.......and SW:G sucks.Cant Believe I spent $80 for the freaking *special Edition* which had some shitty artwork books and a figurine in it.I lost intrest in that damn game in less then a week.Takes SOOOO freaking long to get faction points,money and fun.I cant remember a time I actually had fun in that game.
these are lame
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Old 2004-05-24, 09:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar

I say this from the heart.

Originally Posted by Hamma constently
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Old 2004-05-25, 12:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
TekDragon's Avatar

Madcow, i'll let you go to SWG forums and type in "TekDragon".

You'll quickly find out the truth of who and what I was. You'll find out who was voted best player on Wanderhome, best PvPer on Wanderhome, first rifleman on Wanderhome, and founder of best PvP guild on Wanderhome.
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Old 2004-05-25, 01:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

Originally Posted by The Internet
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Old 2004-05-25, 10:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
Lieutenant Colonel
Madcow's Avatar

Originally Posted by TekDragon
Madcow, i'll let you go to SWG forums and type in "TekDragon".

You'll quickly find out the truth of who and what I was. You'll find out who was voted best player on Wanderhome, best PvPer on Wanderhome, first rifleman on Wanderhome, and founder of best PvP guild on Wanderhome.
Wow, you must have a really large penis too. Nicely done.

I don't go to the official SWG forums just like I never did, they were always filled with idiots just like the official Planetside forums. Congratulations on being their king.
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