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Old 2004-06-19, 02:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #16

3 certs for the Reaver is simply insane, you're obviously a reaver pilot.

Increasing the cost of certs to a certain extent would go a long way to improving vehicle balance. I play an infantry character and must say that about 70% of my deaths are due to Reavers. Considering there are only three (at best) reliable ways to kill a reaver, Skyguard (very weak, dies in one Reaver volley), AA-MAX, and last is other Reavers. Now, seeing how everything easily kills infantry, everything except infantry should have an elevated cost attached to it and an increased purchase timer.

All too often PS comes down to zerg tactics for infantry where how fast you respawn and start attacking the target again is more important than strategic plans. For a combat game based around infantry, that is a poor system to use.

So, combat vehicles like Reaver, Armour(tanks), Artillery(flail), should all have higher cert costs with combat support vehicles having a minor increase of around 1pt. Combat support being Deliverer(variants).

By making assault vehicles more costly with longer purchase timers, you'll improve the survivablity of infantry thus creating more strategic play with exciting firefights instead of the gib-fest that often goes on. Often I see no difference between PS and Unreal, this has to change.
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Old 2004-06-20, 04:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
Ait'al's Avatar

The games not based around the infantry, its fucked up because of it. This is to get people to use vehicles like they should and stop zerging, if thats possible.

And i dont know if youre being sarcastic about the "youre abviously a reaver pilot." comment or not, but i am a reaver pilot. And Reavers are easy to kill. I have skygaurd, which isnt easy to hit with a reaver when it can kill them so quickly(from the gunners side) and AA max, which i use alot take, them down easily also(which i use extensivly, once again.). At the worst, unless you dont get that you cant hit a plane directly with a skygaurd, you will loose about half life against a reaver before it dies. The only way you die from a reaver in a skygaurd is if its already on you and firing before you started.

Change Mosq cert to 2 certs
Reaver 3 certs
Air cavalry 4 certs

Not sure of these: might be interesting change:
Galaxy 3 certs
Lodestar 2 certs
Liberator 2 or 3 certs: Im going with 2 since it has the set back of needing 2 or 3 people and has low defencive ablities.
New cert called air assault or air convoy 5 certs that consists off all 3
Air support changed to 4 certs and now consits of only galaxy and lodestar

Are you nuts? 2 certs for the most powerful, bep/killwhoring-est cert in the game? Best single transport ever!

There is a reason skeedo is 3 certs and the reaver is 1. 2 certs for that monster and a 3- cert reaver would be one of the most gameplay-destructive things out there.

Also, 4 certs for gal and lode only? wth.
And eldanesh, if you read this again, you missed the line above. The 4 cert is for transport specialists. The line above is the big cert for 5. Kinda like unimax but with what should be a change back to a 20 minute timer and lots of air transportation. 8)

Mind you the emphasis is for transport specialists.

I kept the name because its more of a transport name. And gave the other one a name because its more near the assault emphasis of the other two if you spend the money to also have lib in there.

Last edited by Ait'al; 2004-06-20 at 04:59 AM.
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Old 2004-06-22, 11:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #18

Why the fuck should transport specialists ahve to pay more in certs to do less?
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