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Old 2004-06-28, 09:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant Colonel
Onizuka-GTO's Avatar

as if a 1% gain is the same as the NC having at leased 10%+ more then the rest......

I love you, You love me, Lets go kill those dammn NC's With their jackhammer shotguns, And their Phoenix Missiles too, and make them wish they were barney's too.
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Old 2004-06-28, 09:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO
as if a 1% gain is the same as the NC having at leased 10%+ more then the rest......
1) In primetime, 1% is about 30-50 people. Given that the NC dropped a percent and the TR gained one, that means that there was around a 60-100 person shift, which is enough people to Pop-lock 1-2/3 of a continent.

2) The purely psychological importance of having the greatest population is quite profound.
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Old 2004-06-28, 11:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

There is a lot of discussion about major Emerald outfits leaving TR and going to Markov as another empire, just to make a point.

A lot of outfits on TR/Emerald are also simply giving up and going to VS, if they aren't just taking their whole team and going to another game.

Wakie wakie, developers. Your game is fast going down the shitter- despite your public spins that everything is cool.
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Old 2004-06-28, 11:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Sentrosi's Avatar

Agreed. And with the availability of Planetside only being a download away, I wonder what makes SOE think that this is a viable option?

We had a discussion tonight and are remaining TR on Emerald, but will keep an open view on jumping empires. It's a shame, really. I wish I could be a fly on the wall during SOE's board meetings with the people in charge of Planetside. Marketing, Development, Customer Service, etc. all getting in a room to discuss it.
Commanding Officer

To the next idiot who says the PS2 Devs do not listen: See this Thread
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Old 2004-06-29, 03:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
Happy lil Elf
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Not to be a, actually, to be a dick:

These, and pardon my language, are starting to get really fucking old. If you want to write a neat little whine about how absolutely horrendous it is for your team, go play on the OF boards. Yes I know that the TR have it rough compared to their competition. That sucks, and I sympathized. I say sympathized because it's gone past feeling sympathetic and hovers more in the area of being really [i]really/[i] fucking annoyed about having to hear about it constantly. Yes we know it's been rough for you. That sucks. Here's the thing though guys, in spite of all the griping about equipment, it's the population that's killing you, not the relatively minor imbalance in the everlasting arms race that is planetside.

But hey, I'm sure that writing rant after fucking rant is going to make people want to give TR a shot.

No, wait.

P.S. Let me save you the trouble: "Then don't read it". You're missing the point with that tired innane response though. Let me summarize the point for you: Don't fucking write it. It's not NC or VS that it may very well be helping to fuck over.
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

Its eating it's food. (Incorrect use of apostrophes specifically for UV)
"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.
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Old 2004-06-29, 04:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
First Lieutenant

Enclave rejoined the TR. This alone is probably about 2-4+% for the TR. I know a lot of people don't like Enclave, but it took guts for them to go back to TR with all the doom and gloom surrounding them on Emerald.

C22 and KAAOS both left TR. C22 is now VS, and KAAOS I believe went to try out Markov.

VS also has a lot of influx of Markov people now, which is scary. type /who vam and see who they are.

With the next balance changes coming soon in terms of maxes and TR stuff, the glory days of NC are coming to an end.

I'm not saying the NC will falter, just that the map will be much more even. Expect global locks to not occur for a long time.
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Old 2004-06-29, 11:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Happy lil' Elf
These, and pardon my language, are starting to get really fucking old. If you want to write a neat little whine about how absolutely horrendous it is for your team, go play on the OF boards. Yes I know that the TR have it rough compared to their competition. That sucks, and I sympathized. I say sympathized because it's gone past feeling sympathetic and hovers more in the area of being really [i]really/[i] fucking annoyed about having to hear about it constantly. Yes we know it's been rough for you. That sucks. Here's the thing though guys, in spite of all the griping about equipment, it's the population that's killing you, not the relatively minor imbalance in the everlasting arms race that is planetside.

But hey, I'm sure that writing rant after fucking rant is going to make people want to give TR a shot.

No, wait.

P.S. Let me save you the trouble: "Then don't read it". You're missing the point with that tired innane response though. Let me summarize the point for you: Don't fucking write it. It's not NC or VS that it may very well be helping to fuck over.
It's all fun and games until you're not in the limelight. You know, we listened to the Vanu when they cried about their Lasher for months. Most of us are well-aware and readily acknowledge the fact that the problem is the population. I don't give a shit about the weapons, I can use captured weapons or Core Combat weapons just as easily as anyone else, and have no problems getting my hands on them whenever I want.

So be of good cheer. The Lord loves a cheerful worker. Move out and draw fire.
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Old 2004-06-29, 08:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
First Lieutenant

These, and pardon my language, are starting to get really fucking old. If you want to write a neat little whine about how absolutely horrendous it is for your team, go play on the OF boards. Yes I know that the TR have it rough compared to their competition. That sucks, and I sympathized. I say sympathized because it's gone past feeling sympathetic and hovers more in the area of being really [i]really/[i] fucking annoyed about having to hear about it constantly. Yes we know it's been rough for you. That sucks. Here's the thing though guys, in spite of all the griping about equipment, it's the population that's killing you, not the relatively minor imbalance in the everlasting arms race that is planetside.
But hey, I'm sure that writing rant after fucking rant is going to make people want to give TR a shot.
No, wait.
P.S. Let me save you the trouble: "Then don't read it". You're missing the point with that tired innane response though. Let me summarize the point for you: Don't fucking write it. It's not NC or VS that it may very well be helping to fuck over.
They're old to us, but that's irrelevant. It's new to the devs, which is important. Personally, I don't feel that they are giving in the whines. Many of them about the TR(especially the maxes and extra vehicle requirements) really do need to be looked at and addressed.
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Old 2004-06-29, 10:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

To the TR players,

As a former player of PS, you have my deepest sympathies and understanding of the situation with the TR. I know that in the minds of 95% of the NC players, everything is balanced, and fine, and nothing you say will make any difference to them and only attract flames about how its all skill and poor tactics on our part.

The veterans of the TR know better, and we know they're only fooling themselves. If they think things are "fine". Talking with my former outfitmates, it sounds like the same old thing really.... whats sad, no longer do they talk about fighting to win bases, but just fighting for kills. It appears that expectations are at such a low point, that to paraphrase (sorta) and one guy, "you get used losing all the time and just have fun defending a base" or words to that effect. Kinda sad.

I'm contemplating returning to the game, but i have to say this, rather than switch empires, i quit the game instead. But now, after having been removed from my old outfit from inactivity, and having something of a falling out, i find myself with no loyalties other than to continue a hopless fight that i know we cannot win. So for the first time, having no affiliation i find myself contemplating playing as something ive come to hate beyond words.... An NC.

But then.. i hate giving in more. I think if i return to this game, and continue on as TR, and merits go in.. i will wear my veterans badge with pride.
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Old 2004-06-29, 11:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Ducimus
So for the first time, having no affiliation i find myself contemplating playing as something ive come to hate beyond words.... An NC.

But then.. i hate giving in more. I think if i return to this game, and continue on as TR, and merits go in.. i will wear my veterans badge with pride.
Come to the dark side. Come to TR-Emerald. And come to Black Widow Company.
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Old 2004-06-29, 11:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Diddy Mao
Second Lieutenant
Diddy Mao's Avatar

C22 going VS, Tr going Enclave. Everything is balancing out, though u dont' welcome the Enclave back they do contribute much
You last visited: 03-18-2005 at 01:50 PM - lol time flies
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Old 2004-06-30, 01:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

While we dont like the Enclave the fact that they are so massive just means that we will like the help. Not them.
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Old 2004-06-30, 11:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Major General
Firefly's Avatar

Originally Posted by Peacemaker
While we dont like the Enclave
You mean White Power or whatever the fuck they're called.

"The Great White Hope" is Southern-slang for the KKK. Just an FYI in case you give a shit.
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Old 2004-06-30, 11:42 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Major General
Peacemaker's Avatar

I doubt the ENTIRE enclave is a bunch of white power smacktards but if they are id say Fsck em. Let the NC keep them.
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Old 2004-06-30, 11:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
Radaeron's Avatar

(FYI: TR of werner, an it aint all balanced there either )

I'm jus wondering.. I've seen TR and VS cries for help..
Have the NC ever had to?

If not, hopefully 2.8 => 2.10 will be their turn, lol

@ TR who read this
I feel your pain

@ NC who read this

@ VS who read this
INI Elite are back
*TotalBiscuit tips his hat to INI*
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