Great Read. Ive talked to several veterans of both Gulf Wars, 5 Devil Dogs just got back from their Tour of Duty in Iraq and I play planetside with them regulary. A personal friend of mine, and one of my sisters friends whos husband just came back from Iraq and did some tileing for our kitchen floor and they have all said similar things. They have all said good and bad things about the War but they all generally agree that it is a good thing and that if they go back they hope to bring out something good as much as they can with all the bad that is going on right now. All, I can say is thank god we have such curageous men and women fighting for our freedoms whether you agree with the war or not. I even know a few guys in a Battalion from the 101st that are transferring to an active division because they are that passionate. I even get angry when I hear of all the assinations and bombings, and beheadings that even before the war broke out I joined ROTC and Im planning to go into Marine OCS and personally bring hell up those people like Abu Al Zawahari.