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Old 2004-07-09, 08:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
teh Sexb0t

MY family names our dogs after kings, we had this one dog I loved named Ivan after the Russian czar, Terrible Ivan. He killed like 15 wives because they never gave birth to a son for him.
[ Penis removed by Hamma. ]
(The Shunk Logs.)
Violated by ChiaHamma
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Old 2004-07-09, 08:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #17

mines odd... i was in a fight and got hit in the eye preaty bad. i sarted to bleed behind my eye and soon a build up on blood was pressing on my eyes, so the docs had to cut a slit on the side of my eye and saidly the blood poored out, and about that time i looked into a peace of glass and it looked like i was crying blood.... my crimson tears seemed bad ass to me, not simple like a pwn-age007 but meaningfull
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Old 2004-07-09, 12:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Sergeant Major

Got mine from ut2k3, wen u killed som1 it says Name Fatally Enlightened Name well my first char was FatalEnlightenment, i got into othr stuff (ps was my first online game) and FatalEnlightenment was too long so i shortened it to FatalLight, I like it because it reminds me more of an OS
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Old 2004-07-09, 12:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant General
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Rob 'cuase its my name Hunter comes from a Trial of Bloodname as they call it for a MW4 Clan(we were a clan not some stupid Inner Sphere wenie, i think the gaming "clan" started becsaue of the MW game) basicaly the Last name gives you higher standing in the clan, becasue good people get the namesand bad ones don't and There are several names within the clan that compete for the good people quite fun realy.

Rbstr428 is my aim name and it is shortened to Rbstr everywere else i like it better becasue it seems less like a real name

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2004-07-09, 12:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Vis Armata
Sergeant Major
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vis armata, Latin - "armed force". Seemed fitting for games where I was using weapons.

Sony, though, nerfed my name after beta for some at least for now I'm going by VisEsq (Esq for my chosen profession).
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Old 2004-07-09, 12:43 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Staff Sergeant

hmm i should make one.

cool names.
My Spelling = Bad
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Ask if you dont understand
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Old 2004-07-09, 12:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #22

My name Nalar comes from the Riftwar Series of novels by Raymond E. Feist. Nalar was "the Mad God", he was the god that brought chaos and destruction to the universe.
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Old 2004-07-09, 01:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Staff Sergeant
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alter ego
n : a very close and trusted friend who seems almost a part of

Since I knew I would be playing PS alot, my character (that I needed to build up at the time) would be my other half, if I aint out, I'm in on PS. He was my AltaEgo.

Silly but I like it.
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Old 2004-07-09, 02:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Lieutenant General
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Chainfall...not sure why...

ActiveX...its a cool name to kill ppl with...

Post at me bro.

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Old 2004-07-09, 04:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Lieutenant Colonel
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Because someone took onizuka already.
since i was quite angry i put demon on the end in the case i met that person and show im more evil then he was.

I used this for about 4 years, it just stuck with me after watching GTO.

I could name myself something else but i keep forgetting the names, so i just kept this one.
The GTO at the end came on only recently because quite a number of people use the name "Onizuka" as well, and usually get to it first ....

*glare at Onizuka*


I love you, You love me, Lets go kill those dammn NC's With their jackhammer shotguns, And their Phoenix Missiles too, and make them wish they were barney's too.
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Old 2004-07-09, 05:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
Tribute Name

My Character name on Emerald is Dogsbody . Its my tribute to a British WWII ace by the name of Douglas Bader. His call sign when he was a squadron Leader was based on his initials � DB � Dogs Body. The interesting thing about BD was � he had no legs. No, I am not Kidding. He lost them in an air crash, one below the knee and the other above. But he talked his way back into the British Air Force when they really needed pilots, and went on to become an Ace, and a Squadron Leader. Was shot down, captured, and gave the Germans so much trouble as a prisoner, that he was eventually sent to Kolditz.
Eat Flaming Lead you... no wait, thats my repair tool. Rada
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Old 2004-07-09, 06:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
Staff Sergeant

ha, i forgot all about that, cool, can we do that in PS???
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Old 2004-07-09, 06:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Cauldron Borne

What? have your character's leg's amputated?

Explain yourself before you say something that makes no sence, you foolish little boy (j/k).

In the meantime, check out my Siggy!

WOW I didn't think so may would respond to this. Cool. So.....Hamma, wanna explain yourself? How bout the rest of the PSU/PS staff.....
CauldronBorne, LiquidForce

SPAM SONG! (Yes, it DOES exist kiddies.)
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Old 2004-07-10, 12:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
teh Sexb0t

Originally Posted by Cauldron Borne
What? have your character's leg's amputated?

Explain yourself before you say something that makes no sence, you foolish little boy (j/k).

In the meantime, check out my Siggy!

WOW I didn't think so may would respond to this. Cool. So.....Hamma, wanna explain yourself? How bout the rest of the PSU/PS staff.....
Monty Python Spam skit = teh classic.

There is one of these type of threads in the Lounge like once a month it seems... I think I might be able to find a link to it. That way you can see those that posted in that one and not this one yet. Most not all use their PS name for PSU.
[ Penis removed by Hamma. ]
(The Shunk Logs.)
Violated by ChiaHamma
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Old 2004-07-10, 01:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
First Sergeant

Cryptica is actually a shortened version of CrypticalLogic, actually I don't remember how I got it other than I remember thinking I was being all uber-mysterious when I was like, 11. Other names I used include Mizeraaze, because when playing a game of Disciples (an old TBS strat game) one of the units said something that sounded like it. It's pronounced "miz-er-aa-zay." Another name I use is Torlanan, which was the name for my bestest D&D character when I was young, and also I use ChickenWing because that's my nickname in college.
[Damn now my sig is too big. #%)!]
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