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Old 2004-07-12, 11:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

Originally Posted by hDrakbynea
I have NEVER heard ANYONE speak poorly about it. It's one of the best RPGs ever made, so immersive and fun.
If your a guy, you and bastilla make love in one of the rooms on the Ebon Hawk... well the screen goes black and you here noises... As setari said yesterday on IRC, it sould be like a menu...
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Old 2004-07-12, 12:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant Colonel
Madcow's Avatar

Played it through dark side, and immediately started a new game to play it through light side. One of the better games I've ever played, even with the occasional crash. The only real video lag issue I had is in the plains of Dantooine. For some reason that area of the planet lags me to the point that if I run forward a step it will freeze and the next thing I know I'm on the other side of the map. It makes finishing that area a huge pain in the ass for me, and I dropped graphic settings down there to little improvement.

***game spoiler below***

Playing on the dark side is so incredibly fun, by far the most evil thing I've ever had a chance to do in any game is when I used both the guilt of his life debt and force persuasion to make Big Z kill Mission. I laughed like a bastard when that went down.
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Old 2004-07-12, 12:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Lieutenant General
Infernus's Avatar

Originally Posted by Madcow
Played it through dark side, and immediately started a new game to play it through light side. One of the better games I've ever played, even with the occasional crash. The only real video lag issue I had is in the plains of Dantooine. For some reason that area of the planet lags me to the point that if I run forward a step it will freeze and the next thing I know I'm on the other side of the map. It makes finishing that area a huge pain in the ass for me, and I dropped graphic settings down there to little improvement.

***game spoiler below***

Playing on the dark side is so incredibly fun, by far the most evil thing I've ever had a chance to do in any game is when I used both the guilt of his life debt and force persuasion to make Big Z kill Mission. I laughed like a bastard when that went down.

That's the good way to go about gettin things done... shame the wookie into it...
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