Originally Posted by Triggar
"Last activity" means the last time he logged onto the site
Doesn't mean last time he viewed the site.
Originally Posted by 321
Homie that was the guy that led um that one outfit man I can't remember the name anymore that did the bridge thing then since everyone hated him he traveled to all 3 servers and let people kill him right before he quit. Sorry but whatever outfit it was had a boycot PSU thing going so I'm not sure if that is still going or not.
YES! GOD that was a great day! All the gay as people that wanted to hold hands and jump off the cery bridge were Liberated by the Digital Marines, and yes he went to different Servers and advertised everybody killed him, to make them all feal better. That was also the time we all hated PSU back then and I got my self banned as well. He didin't do that then quit because everybody hated him, that actually made him more active I belive, he had to leave cuz of personal reasons.