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Old 2004-07-19, 09:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Second Lieutenant

haha chainfall, same thing, I see a fucktard sniper on my team sitting in a doorway sniping, I drop a boomer and blow his ass away, someone is waiting for me to run out first? (I can tell) BAM BAM BAM sweeper to the head. Someone running in front of me to get to the veh term? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Laggy hallway newb spammer? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Tank driver spamming for us to rep his vehicle like a newb? (boomer love). I kill anyone who annoys me in game, whoever they are, I get grief-locked pretty often, but it is a price Im willing to pay for ridding myself of irritating little shitheels violently. That and the tells I get after I TK them are priceless.

+++++DATE: - Jungfrost polar base (Bernheart), 128.M41
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Old 2004-07-19, 10:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
First Lieutenant
BadAsh's Avatar

Originally Posted by 321
Yeah it could've been that or he wasn't a total noob spawn camper he just waited till you suited up I usally just guard the CC and don't touch the spawn and if I am down in the spawn I'm blowing them.
The only problem I have is that sometimes you have to spawn camp if you want to take a base or tower. IMHO it takes two people to spawn camp... the "camper" and the "respawner".

It seems to me that in a tower fight if you were not trying to hurry up and respawn to catch your killer either still wounded or trying to hack then you would never get "spawn camped".

In many cases Heavy Grunts who don't have hacking certs would just die by the hand of the player they just killed while slow hacking the tower if they did not camp the spawn.

So if you get "spawn camped" more than one time at the same location it's your fault for trying to get the cheap kill against a wounded player or the back attack while that player is trying to hack.

I know that's a different perspective and some won't agree. But, it's true in a sense and something to think about.
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Old 2004-07-19, 12:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Staff Sergeant
Meursault00's Avatar

Spawn camping is just something all us non AV people have to do.

It's nothing personal.

It's nothing wrong.

It's a part of the game.

Stop sending me hate tells.

To Wraithlord: Thank god I'm a VS and not TR on Markov, you would have blown my ass away so many times. Leave the snipers alone, they're trying to keep the other snipers off your back so you can CE the place.
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Old 2004-07-19, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant General
Dharkbayne's Avatar

Originally Posted by Wraithlord
haha chainfall, same thing, I see a fucktard sniper on my team sitting in a doorway sniping, I drop a boomer and blow his ass away, someone is waiting for me to run out first? (I can tell) BAM BAM BAM sweeper to the head. Someone running in front of me to get to the veh term? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Laggy hallway newb spammer? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Tank driver spamming for us to rep his vehicle like a newb? (boomer love). I kill anyone who annoys me in game, whoever they are, I get grief-locked pretty often, but it is a price Im willing to pay for ridding myself of irritating little shitheels violently. That and the tells I get after I TK them are priceless.
You are an asshole.
[Sig removed by forums changing color. Ph34r the design change.]

+200 Cool Pts
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Old 2004-07-19, 07:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Incompetent's Avatar

Originally Posted by Wraithlord
haha chainfall, same thing, I see a fucktard sniper on my team sitting in a doorway sniping, I drop a boomer and blow his ass away, someone is waiting for me to run out first? (I can tell) BAM BAM BAM sweeper to the head. Someone running in front of me to get to the veh term? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Laggy hallway newb spammer? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Tank driver spamming for us to rep his vehicle like a newb? (boomer love). I kill anyone who annoys me in game, whoever they are, I get grief-locked pretty often, but it is a price Im willing to pay for ridding myself of irritating little shitheels violently. That and the tells I get after I TK them are priceless.
You lose at life.
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Old 2004-07-19, 07:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Major General
Indecisive's Avatar

Originally Posted by Incompetent
You lose at life.

What a tard.
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Old 2004-07-20, 12:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #22

Originally Posted by Wraithlord
haha chainfall, same thing, I see a fucktard sniper on my team sitting in a doorway sniping, I drop a boomer and blow his ass away, someone is waiting for me to run out first? (I can tell) BAM BAM BAM sweeper to the head. Someone running in front of me to get to the veh term? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Laggy hallway newb spammer? (steps over bullet ridden corpse). Tank driver spamming for us to rep his vehicle like a newb? (boomer love). I kill anyone who annoys me in game, whoever they are, I get grief-locked pretty often, but it is a price Im willing to pay for ridding myself of irritating little shitheels violently. That and the tells I get after I TK them are priceless.
Originally Posted by hDrakbynea
You are an asshole.

Agreed, its people like you who should play games that dont involve live teammates.
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Old 2004-07-20, 12:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Staff Sergeant
Meursault00's Avatar

I don't think Wraithlord actually does what he says. He's trying to boast (he's failed miserably though) that no one gets in his way. Griefing is not something that impresses people. In fact, you get flamed for it (just as you were).

If he really did do all those things all the time, he'd be banned by now.

Edit: Though, if he really does do all those things, I'd have to say that he has no right to do that. People pay to play the game on a monthly basis, and the fact that he wasted 1 minute (maybe more) of our time is like him taking money from our wallets. Someone report this fool if he really is a griefer.

Last edited by Meursault00; 2004-07-20 at 12:36 AM.
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