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Old 2004-07-21, 04:04 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Incompetent's Avatar

So make it handle similar to the MG-42 in ET, and stop obsessing over snipers ffs. The 12mm is practically a sniper rifle in its own right on some of the vehicles. If they give it a similar COF to the harrasser mount and players make good use of medkits/Pshield, snipers will get raped at all except ultra-long range, and you can always take terrain into account when you deploy it. I know, making intelligent use of cover can be hard for some, but thats mainly because they're stupid.
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Old 2004-07-25, 07:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

How about this instead:-

Heavy weapon - Common pool

This is a infantry deployable heavy machine gun which uses a 15mm rotating barrel.
When the weapon is deployed (using same key as the TR max) the user lays prone on the ground and a small shield generator covers the user with a limited shield like an AMP Station provides for vechicles. Can be recharged and an AMP station.
The fire arc for this weapon is 45 degrees to the front and 20 degress vertical elavation, the new 15mm ammo is effective angainst both infantry and armour targets.
Effective range, is medium to long.
Deploy/un-deploy time 2 secs, reload time is 1 sec.
Zoom = x4
The shape of the Scythe would be similar to the Harrasser weapon but would have 2 small legs at the front for prone support.

Main role would be suppression fire on basses and towers, the small shield generator and the prone (laying on ground) would offset the deployable static stance and afford some defense vs snipers i.e. laying on ground user is harder to hit and shield would take damage giving the user a chance to react to incomming fire.
I think this will give a balance to the weapon while giving some extra fire support for infantry squads vs armour or being out numbered, the Common pool would make the heavy weapons cert more atractive (especialy for TR who are unhappy with the chaingun)

Last edited by Holgarth; 2004-07-25 at 07:53 PM.
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