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Old 2003-02-14, 02:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant Colonel
Lexington_Steele's Avatar

Originally posted by Hellsfire123
He didnt say that there wouldnt be BEP shared with the galaxy crew. More then likely there will be a squad of gunners/pilots, and 2 squads of infantry. That will be a platoon and all will get BEP.
In one of the dev chats dave specifically stated, no sharing of BEP between the platoon.

What thi means is that the galaxy pilots and crew must be a part of the squad they are transporting to get BEPs. This BEP policy deters people from just ferrying people to and from battle.

You are no longer a galaxy pilot first, grunt second, you must be a grunt first, galaxy pilot second.
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Old 2003-02-14, 02:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar

Therefore, the only way to include your Galaxy crews in BEP rewards would be to put your crews into two separate squads of 6 infantry each and let the remaining 8 infantry form the third squad with your escorts or ground vehicles. In my uninformed opinion, that is teh suck.

Come on guys, think of the Galaxy crews. They logically should be assigned to a single squad to carry two distinct infantry squads, but if that happens they get squat. Otherwise you have to use three diminished infantry squads to allow your two galaxy crews to draw experience from the operation. Futhermore, ladies and gentlemen of the supposed jury, this is Chewbacca:

[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-02-14, 08:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #18

Galaxy crews can pick up ANT's and ferry them to EVERY BASE THEIR FACTION CONTROLLS for BEP if that's what they're after. If you're gonna fly Galaxies than ANT's are gonna be your focus.

Hell, everyone is going to want their base functioning, and if as a Galaxy pilot you can form a squad of gunners and grunts to safely deliver "The Good Stuff" to bases, then your whole squad gets the BEP.

Galaxys are gettin the love, you just dont see it yet ;-D
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Old 2003-02-14, 11:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Sig Mastah!
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A lot of the time, I'm going to fly galaxies and ANTs are not going to be my focus. My focus will be in getting squads to remote bases to raid objectives. I am interested in getting a share of the BEP from those raids, and it makes a difference in whether the galaxy crews can stick to their job or need to grab a rifle and jump out at every objective.

I'm really not that interested in holding bases, either. I'll leave that for whoever wants to fill the void when we move on to the next objective.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-02-15, 02:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

heres what i think... bep sould be givin to galexy crews for every man that enters the galexy and more for vechs. this would have a flaw as in people would just jump in and out 2 give people BEPS but i think its stupid that u only get beps if u run into battle drop off men u picked up at base and let any random ppl get in so they get out of the heat of battle and take off and get no beps for it...
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Old 2003-02-15, 06:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #21

Steve, the method ultimately has to be exploit proof, so that should be your primary consideration when you theorise. The way it works at the moment, characters in a squad have to put themselves at risk some how to get BEP from battles.

You'd have people jumping in and out of Galaxy's just to generate XP for their friends... stuff like that. I personally think the way it works ATM is cool.

Hell, if you squad up with your gunners, there's no reason you cant lay the smack down on enemies as you fly in for the drop for the BEP. And as I said before, there'll be plenty of ANT work, especially for those out the way / behind enemy lines bases that need the nanites ;-D

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Old 2003-02-16, 05:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #22

well i guess so about the explit proof thing i agree but if u think about this, if the only way u can get beps when ur transporting is 2 pick up your own squad then thats still dumb. i mean who stays in this little packed up groupe of a squad during a huge full skale assult? any team no matter how good they are there going to split up and when their transport arrives they are widley spread out. this will get it killed ect ect ect. idk im most likly going 2 be a galexy piolt/gunner or a reaver piolt. im just trying to make my point because i want beps so i can advance my guy, if i dont get beps for piolting a galexy then idk.

PS. the names not Steve its stevo*
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Old 2003-02-17, 09:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar

All I can say is that if the best and only way to get decent rewards for flying a Galaxy is by ferrying ANTs around, I won't even bother to cert in it and I'll go for a tank or something. I want to play Air Assault, not Airborne Fueltruck.
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-02-17, 09:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
Staff Sergeant
Lillemanden's Avatar

Well you have to remember that the point of the game is not to get BEP's, the point is to aid your empire.. And unlike online RPG's a lvl 20 soldier will not be total 1337, unless the person has skills.
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Old 2003-02-17, 01:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Sig Mastah!
Airlift's Avatar

BEPs aren't the point until you're not getting any
[ Been a while, desu ne? ]
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Old 2003-02-17, 01:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #26

any team no matter how good they are there going to split up
if the team knows what they're doing, they'll keep together unless there are seprate fireteams. dead infantry don't do good without medics and medics will get torn up w/out infantry (read meat sheild , btw, i'm a medic hopeful)
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Old 2003-02-17, 02:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #27

i belive in the whole point that BEPS arint the reason for playing but i mean whos going 2 aid ur empire if u cant even kill the other team. the more beps the better you can get thus helping ur team to victory.
secondly- the whole thing with ur team spliting up can go 2 ways first- ur team can have different fire squad (as he said) but how the hell is the galexy gonna get BEPS if there all over the place when they wanna get picked up?? and second if ur team is running into battle there not gonna stay in this little group cuz thats just stupid if u guys do then someone sould drop a bomb in the middle of u...idk i would like to hear what the people at sony have to say about the issue
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Old 2003-02-21, 03:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #28

Personally I tink BEP should be a proportional deal. Your sqaud killed a total of "x" guys. You get "X" divided by "Y" BEPs. Everyone knows that glory rolls uphill. You figure out a new way to conduct business. Well you get credit for it, your boss (squad leader) gets credit for it, his boss gets credit for it (platoon CO), the president of the company gets his share (outfit Co) and overall the entire company gets credit for this ground breaking revoloution. So lets do some math...

Alpha Squad kills 30 (insert enemy of choice here)

30/10 = 3 BEPs for squad leader (where 10 is the constant divider for BEPs at the squad level)

Charlie Platoon gets a total of 100 Kills

100/30= 3 BEPs for Platoon CO (Where 30 is the constant divider at the platoon level) I know it's actually 3.33 but we round down.

Anyway, BEPs are awarded to leaders based on the valor and merit of the unit. Anybody who has ever served knows that a commander is only as good as his troops are. The entire idea of a big ass assault with 300 guys and only one dude getting the BEP because his squad was designated to infiltrate the actual structure really chaps my ass. It take the team out of the picture.
Please note my formula can be applied to other fields i.e successful infiltrations and exfiltrations by Galaxy Crews (wink)

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Old 2003-02-26, 11:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Galaxy BEP solution

Perhaps there could be a way for a player to voluntarily designate or "tag" another player to recieve a certain number of BEPs (or even CEPs). Sort of the equivalent of a cab fare. Maybe even not a fixed amount, perhaps a percentage of BEPs and CEPs earned over the next 5 or 10 minutes.

L33tbob: tag me for 5% and ill drp yer squad at amp stat Aja.
GunMaven37: sure, but make it 2%

Dunno, maybe it needs some work. How much is a tag worth... Can you take a tag back... etc.

I do agree that there ought to be some way to allow more people to get CEPs from a given action.
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Old 2003-02-27, 02:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
Staff Sergeant
Chanfan's Avatar

Perhaps there could be a way for a player to voluntarily designate or "tag" another player to recieve a certain number of BEPs (or even CEPs). Sort of the equivalent of a cab fare. Maybe even not a fixed amount, perhaps a percentage of BEPs and CEPs earned over the next 5 or 10 minutes.
Took the words right out of my mouth.

I was thinking that - a small percent, or a few points - would be nice to be able to distribute via donation or vote. Perhaps all the members of a squad / platoon could vote on who gets the BEP or CEP "merit bonus" for that action. This way, stuff could be given to defenders, transport folks, and others who help get the kills, without actually being the guy pulling the trigger.

Or, a commander could get some merit points to distribute after a base cap.

Anyhoo, I do think that support/defensive folks are very important, and should get rewarded - the tricky part is coming up with an exploit resistant/proof system to do so. Even in tribes, it was tricky for defensive folks to rack up kills - having the turret and mine kills credited helped. Folks who mainly transported were out of luck.

As for CEP point sharing, that's cool. One possible pseudo-exploit comes to mind, tho'. Any smart squad, say of nine folks, that knows it's likely to cap the base, would split into three person squads, formed into a platoon, so that three folks would get the CEP reward instead of just one.

On the other hand, perhaps that's a worth reward for being well organized.
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