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Old 2004-11-12, 03:48 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
PSU Code Monkey
Ghryphen's Avatar

Not everyone is grammatically anal or educated well enough to choose the right words or spell correctly. If you are anal about that, the net isn't a good place for you to hang out, it will be a quick trip to ulcerville.

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Old 2004-11-12, 03:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Originally Posted by Gryphon
Not everyone is grammatically anal or educated well enough to choose the right words or spell correctly. If you are anal about that, the net isn't a good place for you to hang out, it will be a quick trip to ulcerville.
Spelling I could barely give two craps about unless the person mis-spelling every other word also happens to be a complete smacktard in the process.

Using the wrong words on the other hand leads to complete misinterpretation. That's kind of important.. That triggers wars, it's not healthy.

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Old 2004-11-12, 04:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
MattxMosh's Avatar

That kid hasn't been beat enough.

Maybe the tazing will set him straight.
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Old 2004-11-12, 04:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
SecondRaven's Avatar

Originally Posted by TotalBiscuit
Spelling I could barely give two craps about unless the person mis-spelling every other word also happens to be a complete smacktard in the process.

Using the wrong words on the other hand leads to complete misinterpretation. That's kind of important.. That triggers wars, it's not healthy.

Seems you still got what i said despite my bad grammar...so go figure

Last edited by SecondRaven; 2004-11-12 at 05:11 PM.
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Old 2004-11-12, 04:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
MattxMosh's Avatar

Originally Posted by SecondRaven
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Old 2004-11-12, 05:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Hezzy's Avatar

*Goes off to buy a tazer*
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Old 2004-11-12, 05:57 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Fragmatic's Avatar

Originally Posted by -Hezzy-
*Goes off to buy a disposable camera*
I bet nobody notices this text.
[Hezzy]: "balallaalalla! blow the heathens up with a large nuclear device"
[Hezzy]: "BOOM"
[Hezzy]: gg
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Old 2004-11-12, 07:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Lieutenant General
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a 6 year old kid wont seriously stab himself with a peice of glass. do you remember the kind of things you cry about when you were 6?

-your mom not giving you a cookie
-your kitty not letting you pet it
-falling on your ass
-realizing your shoes are untied
-shitting your pants

if you cried over stuff like that, would you stab yourself in the throat with a peice of glass?

Last edited by JetRaiden; 2004-11-12 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 2004-11-12, 07:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Lieutenant Colonel
Mag's Avatar

Originally Posted by Fragmatic
Don't try this at home!

1. stick sharp metal spikes through casing and into battery of camera (remember kids, this is DANGEROUS, don't zap yourself)
2. Turn on camera
3. Charge flash and watch it crackle
4. Poke people or small furry animals with your new toy.
Alternate, easier method. (probably less powerful though)
Tear casing from camera, charge flash, apply soldering near flash to target.
oh hey, what's going on?
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Old 2004-11-12, 09:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Originally Posted by SecondRaven
Seems you still got what i said despite my bad grammar...so go figure
My problem with you was simple.

It was not your opinion on the incident, that can't be any more right or wrong than mine or anyone elses.

It was your refusal to accept a fact and refusal to accept you were wrong. The title was misleading, that simple. I came into the thread ready to rant about the police and found that electrecution wasn't even an issue, because it hadn't happened.

A minor issue you may think, but there are two things..

1) I don't like it when people refuse to accept plain, cold, hard facts put in front of them and act like somehow I'm the evil bastard for being right

2) I'm a lawyer-in-training, I don't drop arguments. Ever.. never happens. This is part of my personality, it's not going to change. Deal with it sensibly. If you take offense to that then the intarweb is probably not for you.

Enough said on the issue.

Originally Posted by JetRaiden
a 6 year old kid wont seriously stab himself with a peice of glass.
Apparently he'd already cut himself with it 3 times before the officer tazored him. He was obviously quite willing to do himself harm with it. By the sounds of it, the kid had mental problems.

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Old 2004-11-12, 09:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
I Hate Pants
I Hate Pants's Avatar

I feel sorry for the boy actually. A 6 year old kid shouldn't be willing to cut himself.

You guys have to clue in here. Im sure the boy was having it much worst than we think if he was willing to inflict such pain on himself.

Did you guys even know methods of killing yourself when you were six? Were talking about kindergarden here folks. Hell! I wouldn't even know what scucide mean't if I was six.

Someone should go investigate the child's parents.
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Old 2004-11-13, 12:02 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Triggar's Avatar

Originally Posted by I Hate Pants
Someone should go investigate the child's parents.

Where there's smoke, there's fire.
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Old 2004-11-13, 12:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Major General
Everay's Avatar

Originally Posted by I Hate Pants
I feel sorry for the boy actually. A 6 year old kid shouldn't be willing to cut himself.

You guys have to clue in here. Im sure the boy was having it much worst than we think if he was willing to inflict such pain on himself.

Did you guys even know methods of killing yourself when you were six? Were talking about kindergarden here folks. Hell! I wouldn't even know what scucide mean't if I was six.

Someone should go investigate the child's parents.

good sir, that was a point in my life, where i was facinated by attack aircraft, and was thinking up ways to kill people, and thinking of (and designing, in my head that is) make shift weapons, and my folks are the best parents i could have wished for.
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Old 2004-11-13, 12:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
Giovanni's Avatar

Originally Posted by Triggar

Where there's smoke, there's fire.
Or some very high people.

Total Biscuit do us all a favor and stay in IRC? All you have done up to now is useless comments and arguing about shit that does not make sense. Had I been a MOD you would have gotten the bad end of the ban stick long ago.
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Old 2004-11-13, 12:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
Triggar's Avatar

Let's all cut the flaming, okay?

I think TB isn't half as bad as others I've seen. So let's all get along.

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