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Old 2004-12-21, 02:24 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
First Sergeant
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Originally Posted by -Hezzy-
I can't really change the post, so I'll rewrite it.

Here's my 2 pence.

"Jocks" act like arseholes because they're insecure about something or other. It's mostly the fact that they are jealous of smart people. They can't figure out the stuff smart people do, so they do somthing they can do, which is mostly work out, and play sports. They then eventually figure out that they're bigger and stronger than the smart people. They're still bitter about not understanding what smart people are on about, so they bully them.

While that might not apply in all cases, it's applicable in many cases.
thanks teh hezzy, exactly. But I want to know, if you could
get one to listen to you, and make them give you an answer
possibly even get them to think
And most times, these jocks dont even think that what there
doing is stupid or annoying, or even think about what there doing
at all. And thats the other part, that this might, just once, get them
to think and possibly make them realize the ugly truth.

If you push hard enough, it'll fit.

Last edited by Sabinius; 2004-12-21 at 02:27 PM. Reason: spelling error
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