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Old 2004-12-26, 07:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Ahh, he's a Johari Nublet. That explains everything. Most of my pwnage vid for leaving the official forums involved smacking down Johari nubs with a surpressor..

Johari elitists tend to think they're all that. They rarely are. The few truly elite players don't act like arseholes (Byrd, Aftiel, Dreamer spring to mind). Using this logic therefore, I'm guessing you're not particularly elite and you're having a laugh if you think I'll seriously re-sub to school some random nub that I don't know.

Also, in be fo da lock.. you won't last long here Lusence if you keep acting like that. You smack of Markov Forum stupidity.

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Old 2004-12-26, 07:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #17

I dont need to consult a psychologist to see that you play this game way to much, hmmmmmm. Your an enigma, in your case, hehe you um, dont play enough. Like seriously, if you dont play or plan on playing PS then why stay around? And you better not say PS radio cause you stink up the joint.

Yah im a Johari "elitest/nublet" and you ownz me with the suppressor....
Just keep telling your self that, I bet you like dream your this super rock god ass kicking online gamer. Or was it forum troll only now adays?

BTW dreamer is a poser, he poseses as me.
And ive done nothing but defend myself, if thats wrong i dont want to be right. cliche

Last edited by Lusence; 2004-12-26 at 07:13 AM.
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Old 2004-12-26, 07:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #18

Originally Posted by Lusence
you stink up the joint.
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Old 2004-12-26, 07:31 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Lusence, are your reading abilities really that poor?

I unsubbed 3 months ago. PSR went the way of the dodo and I'm having a thoroughly nice time not trying to forcefully educate an entire legion of complete fucktards such as yourself.

Even as a forum troll, I smacked down the best in-game. Despite spending a fraction of their time in-game, they still died. MisterMaverick? Pwned. SgtDouglas? Pwned. Every other Johari nublet? Pwned. What's your excuse? How did it feel to eat dirt from a guy with more posts than kills? How much must you lot suck if you die to me? I'm surprised you can even live with the shame.

You're not defending yourself against anything, you.. once more, went nuts like a psycho-kid when someone said something you disagree with. The last thread you posted involved telling people to stop flaming and get back on topic while you flamed people yourself. You're an idiot, it's really that simple, and you won't last long here like that. Go back to the circle-jerk that is Markov Official Forums and stop wasting the time of the higher beings here.

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Old 2004-12-26, 07:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #20

Ironic? Hows that? Your another person that likes to use that word out of context, I heard that somewhere.... Oh yah futurerama.
Makes you sound like you have something to say when you actually have nothing when you just drop an insult and ignore the topic. Some people actually know how to hold a civil convorsation from the start and not provoke with insults and disrespect. Same ole cowards with issues.
"nublit" "fucktards" wow TB thats some vocab you get there. Bet it took over 10,000 forum posts to achive such skills with the word. I could really care less about your lack of gaming skills or how long you play or dont play, honestly i was here to joke and have fun. Like i have been doing... Thx for proving my point though. You ass-clown

Last edited by Lusence; 2004-12-26 at 07:48 AM.
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Old 2004-12-26, 07:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #21

Originally Posted by Lusence
Some people actually know how to hold a civil convorsation from the start and not provoke with insults and disrespect. [...] cowards
netarun is offline  
Old 2004-12-26, 07:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #22

Why do you guys act like such assholes online. I bet your like really shy and quite in real life.... Take out all your aggressions here by calling names and making fun of people who are getting made fun of. wow. i bet your life was over before you where born. I guess some people are just here for entertainment of those with something to say and be.
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Old 2004-12-26, 07:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #23

Originally Posted by Lusence
Why do you guys act like such assholes online. I bet your like really shy and quite in real life.... Take out all your aggressions here by calling names and making fun of people who are getting made fun of. wow. i bet your life was over before you where born. I guess some people are just here for entertainment of those with something to say and be.
what the hell are you talking about
netarun is offline  
Old 2004-12-26, 07:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #24

what the hell are you talking about?
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Old 2004-12-26, 08:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

Is your memory really that poor or are you just incredibly dellusional? The Irony Alert is very apt, considering you're nothing more than a hypocrite.

To help you out with your apparent comprehension problems, here's a definition.


1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings, or virtues that one does not hold or possess; falseness.
2. An act or instance of such falseness.

You accuse people of flaming you and having no life etc (with no evidence to suggest that at all) and yet do it yourself. You accuse people of calling you names and making fun of you when you do that yourself. You had the gaul to accuse me of having a limited vocabulary when half of your ridiculous thread on the Planetside board consisted of the word 'douchebag' and after you got burned by one of the most articulate and well-written flames known to man.

In short sir you either have serious mental problems (in which case see a doctor not the internet) or you are in fact, simply nothing but an arsehole. That's all you've manage to prove. 'Thank you for proving my point' posts only work when you actually have a point to prove. You don't, you are pointless, your role here is to provide amusement for the masses as they kick your worthless carcass across the forum.

There's an old saying, if 1 man calls you a camel, punch him in the face. If 20 men call you a camel, buy yourself a saddle. Needless to say, it seems that no-one here likes you, everyone agrees with my assessment of you and therefore.. you are nothing but a camel.

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Old 2004-12-26, 09:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #26

Oh IC Hipocrocy equals Irony.... wow
If im a camel... My full name would be A johari elitest nublit fucktard camel. I know im missing some. Atleast get your insults straight.
That still doesnt change what you are.
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Old 2004-12-26, 09:09 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Cynical Brit
TotalBiscuit's Avatar

What kind of a comeback was that? It was about as nonsensical as a dancing nun at a bar mitzvah. You must actually have to try to demonstrate this much ignorance.

TotalBiscuit is offline  
Old 2004-12-26, 09:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #28

Your momma?
Was that more on your level?
You sound like your hurt...
Need a band-aide?
Lusence is offline  
Old 2004-12-26, 09:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #29

Originally Posted by Lusence
Your momma?
Was that more on your level?
You sound like your hurt...
Need a band-aide?
netarun is offline  
Old 2004-12-26, 09:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #30

LOL Funny thing is you guys actually care about what people think about you here. Im just having fun on a gaming forum. I still make you guys look like the "douche-bags" (still the best insult yet) and dont even have to think about it. Well, im glad i could reconcile your differences and bring you together in your love of insulting me. Now thats a revolution of evolution... You guys are almost slugs in the sunlight, or was it ants in the afterbirth?
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