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View Poll Results: Yay or Nay To Drugs?
Yay 9 20.00%
Nay 36 80.00%
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Old 2005-03-17, 03:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
firecrackerNC's Avatar

Yay even tho I quit and am clean for 4 months now. I need to stay clean for a job and Marines plus it was costin alot of my money which Im saving up. Now my only cash drain is my alcohol. Btw St. Patricks Day fing rocks, drank some old Irish whiskey before school and was set.
these are lame
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Old 2005-03-17, 03:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Giovanni's Avatar

Originally Posted by firecrackerNC
Yay even tho I quit and am clean for 4 months now. I need to stay clean for a job and Marines plus it was costin alot of my money which Im saving up. Now my only cash drain is my alcohol. Btw St. Patricks Day fing rocks, drank some old Irish whiskey before school and was set.
Guess what buddy! If you did any hard stuff be prepared to wait up to four years before even daring to apply for the marines. If you consider that pot stays in your system for up to 6 months I can't even start to imagine how long the other stuff sticks with you but I know one thing if you ever tried mushrooms even just once you have to wait 2 years or else it will be detected.

Edit: I know that because the guy who greeted us for signing up told us to leave right away if we ever did drugs and informed us of different types and how long they stay.

Last edited by Giovanni; 2005-03-17 at 03:41 PM.
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Old 2005-03-17, 05:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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EarlyDawn's Avatar

Originally Posted by Lonehunter187
Could you imagine if Mary-joo-wana was legal? The government could set a hellatax on it and still people would pay.
How do you regulate it? I agree with you, in theory, but I can't figure out how you'd address that problem.
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Old 2005-03-17, 05:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
MattxMosh's Avatar

This thread needs to be put to an end. Along with a few of you. Seriously.
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Old 2005-03-17, 05:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Lonehunter's Avatar

Originally Posted by Giovanni
Guess what buddy! If you did any hard stuff be prepared to wait up to four years before even daring to apply for the marines. If you consider that pot stays in your system for up to 6 months I can't even start to imagine how long the other stuff sticks with you but I know one thing if you ever tried mushrooms even just once you have to wait 2 years or else it will be detected.
Different people will take different amounts of time, especially if you drink a lot of water, marajuana could leave you in a month or so, or maybe several. But depending on how serious the drug test is, drugs can always be detected.

Originally Posted by Giovanni
Edit: I know that because the guy who greeted us for signing up told us to leave right away if we ever did drugs and informed us of different types and how long they stay.
Trusting what a recruiter says is something very few people should do. No matter how friendly or just-trying-to-help attitude they have. A lot of people join the military and leave soon after cuz it was not what they were lead to expect.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none

Last edited by Lonehunter; 2005-03-17 at 05:45 PM.
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Old 2005-03-17, 07:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
firecrackerNC's Avatar

I never touched anything stronger then weed, im crazy not stupid. Coke/Crack, heroin, scrooms pills ect ect fuck them. Expensive and not worth it. As for weed it leaves your system in 1-2 months most the time. Or you can buy detox but military tests show that up, job site tests wont.
these are lame
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Old 2005-03-17, 09:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Giovanni's Avatar

I don't know how they do it in the U.S but here they take a urine sample and a small blood sample. The THC takes about 6 months to leave your bloodstream completely.
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Old 2005-03-17, 10:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Originally Posted by Strygun
It's just plain stupid to risk your health, life, friends, family, money, or anything else just for a temporary fix. Not to mention the risk to others if you do it. Most people who commit crimes these days are under the influence of some kind of drug.
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Old 2005-03-18, 04:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Actually, a lot more people commit crimes while drunk than while high. People who are drunk tend to have lapses in judgment. People high on weed tend to just stare at shit and act mellow.

That isn't to say that there aren't drugs that cause crimes. This is why I'm pretty set against drugs like cocaine, acid, heroine etc, but not against marijuana. Weed is, IMO, a drug that is way overrated. You're much more likely to die from alcohol poisoning than you are to die from smoking weed. The effects of alcohol tend to produce more dangerous behaviors than weed. Yet alcohol is legal and if you're caught with even a small amount of weed on your person you are looking at jail time.

Whats the problem here? We have way too many kids who got caught with a nickle bag and a bowl on their person being punished and not enough attention being paid to the people who are totally destroying their minds and bodies with stuff like heroine. That, and it bugs me how our first course of action is to hit them with PUNISHMENT, instead of HELP. Most drug addicts need treatment, not prison time. I know a kid who got caught smoking up and spent weeks in jail. After he got out, first thing he did was go and smoke up again. Its NOT solving the problem.

Coincidentally, I had this whole discussion with my father this morning, and he agreed. My dad used to be a hippie (and still wears his hair long as a result) and has seen the problem first hand. It started when I pointed out a newspaper article that told about a black guy who had been badly injured but denied pain medications because the predjudiced doctors feared he'd sell it on the street. So, daily, he suffers through crippling pain because of the fear that he might sell it to somebody. Whats the real danger in taking such a risk? Shouldn't we put compassion on the part of our fellow man before paranoia that somebody somewhere might be getting high off of his pain medication? Christ, whats this world coming to when we deny people the medication they need because of our fear of it falling into the hands of some teenage kid looking for a fix?

I just see it as a huge hypocrisy that alcohol, which is a drug that causes many more deaths than most other illegal drugs combined is legal, while they aren't. Granted, it can be used in moderation and responsibly, but then so can marijuana. "Hard" drugs with highly addictive properties have a tendancy to push their user into more dangerous levels of abuse, and certainly need to be controlled, but I don't think marijuana falls into that category, and shouldn't be treated in such a heavy-handed manner by our judiciary.

So, theres my opinion, though I doubt any of you bothered to read it all (or cared). It just bugs me how people can either say "DRUGS ARE BAD" or "OMG DRUGS ARE KEWL" because theres different types and its not as black and white as you might think.

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Last edited by Electrofreak; 2005-03-18 at 04:41 AM.
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Old 2005-03-18, 06:47 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Lonehunter's Avatar

Very nice post freak, especially that fourth paragraph.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none
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Old 2005-03-18, 08:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
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Kuraltai's Avatar

You make some good points EF .. and I agree with the majority of 'em.

My thoughts on the topic:

If you want to toke weed once in a while, that's your thing, just don't bring it on me. If it's all you can think of, then you need to reconsider your priorities and most likely our relationship. I look on alcohol in the same way.

As for the harder drugs and prescription theives, good luck with what little life you lead. That stuff steals more of your life than you'll realize before it's too late. If you're lucky, you may even make it out alive. Good luck .. you'll need it.

/side note:

It's actually about 50-50 for crimes committed involving alcohol and drugs. Many involve drugs in some way, either for money to get them, or while under the influence. Some folks are just plain stupid and get in trouble with no help what so ever. Here's an example .. This past weekend at work while I was off: Drug Money Seizure
~ Kuraltai
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Old 2005-03-18, 06:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Drugs suck.

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Old 2005-03-18, 10:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
Zodiac's Avatar

Originally Posted by Firefly
Drugs are for pussies who can't get a natural high because they're too fucking stupid to think.
Well said.
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Old 2005-03-18, 11:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Electrofreak's Avatar

Originally Posted by Kuraltai
It's actually about 50-50 for crimes committed involving alcohol and drugs. Many involve drugs in some way, either for money to get them, or while under the influence. Some folks are just plain stupid and get in trouble with no help what so ever. Here's an example .. This past weekend at work while I was off: Drug Money Seizure
True... many drug crimes are due conflicts over the drugs themselves, not actually because of the effects of those drugs. Thats another reason why I think our government needs to change how they deal with it. Harsh laws won't stop the distribution of illegal drugs, it just has a tendancy to make distributors out of people who have nothing else to lose. And those are the people who are willing to commit other crimes in order to protect their "business."

Don't get me wrong. I'm not a pothead, nor do I condone the use of illegal drugs, but for lightweight drugs like marijuana I just don't get why the law has to be so heavy handed. To be honest, if marijuana was legal and it sale controlled similarly to alcohol, I think there would be a lot less drug-related crimes simply because there wouldn't be anything to fight over. After all, look at how the Netherlands handles the use of marijuana. Its use is surprisingly well-handled and responsible over there, and I don't see any reason why the US couldn't pull it off in much the same way. In fact, I think it could solve a lot of problems.

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Last edited by Electrofreak; 2005-03-18 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 2005-03-19, 11:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
iluvthequasar's Avatar

I HOPE the 6 "yay"s are people who are joking around...

I watched a friend die in the hospital from an overdose. I have never taken a single drug and I never will.

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