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Old 2006-01-25, 08:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Originally Posted by Hamma

That's not really a good thing.

i know ... Im just saying that we eected a PM that just stands in the shadow of the americans, and he doesnt stand for anything that canada is about. Seriously, I dont know what the 123 ridings in this country were thinking...
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Old 2006-01-25, 01:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

MmmmMMmmm......can you taste the burocracy?
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Old 2006-01-25, 03:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Red October
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Originally Posted by Electrofreak
Because we're spending billions on national security in our airports when we've got people with who knows what kind of criminal history or terrorist background just walking into our country.

A good majority of the Most Wanted in the US are illegal aliens. I do not make this up.

Not to mention... we screen every foreigner that enters our country extensively, but theoretically if a terrorist wanted to enter our country he could just go to Mexico and walk across our border. Don't you see a problem here? What good is our so-called national security when we don't bother to enforce our immigration laws?

I'm not hating on Mexicans or anything here, I understand the vast majority are just trying to make a living by earning a buck, often doing the things typical Americans don't want to do, but the immigration laws are there for a reason. Now it sucks when it comes down to getting someone like Jenny into our country, and there should be a way to streamline the process instead of wrapping it all up in red tape, but the bottom line is, we can't just let anyone walk into the country and live here illegally. They don't pay taxes, they aren't registered to vote, they aren't registered for the draft, they don't have a criminal background we can check, they don't have a social security number or any means to fill out and apply for numerous government and state services, etc.

Bottom line: immigration laws suck, but they're necessary. I can't see how human rights groups get into such a fuss when securing our borders gets discussed. We're not trying to make life HARD for illegal immigrants, but we need to keep track of who is in this country, their past history (and any criminal history to prevent citizens becoming endangered), as well as have them contribute to the government through taxation, as well as be eligible for benefits that the government can provide (like medicare etc). I hope things keep moving along for Jenny so she can finally break through the wall of beaurocracy that surrounds immigration, and it sure would be wonderful if only it could be simpler.

(ok I think I'm done).
Good post. And yes...were closing all the doors but leaving sliding door window wide open. On Dec. 31 2007, you wont even so much as be able to DRIVE accross the border unless you have a passport...but I probaly could easily go over it illegally. Makes no sense what-so-ever.

This problem is caused by simple economics....and HUGE Poli-tics. As the Goveniator said here in Kalyfonia, we NEED a Guest Worker program. NOBODY here wants to work minimum wage jobs in agriculture (i.e. picking cotton, berries, etc.), intensive manual labor jobs (back breaking roofing, ditch digging, etc.). And at the same time, seal the border tight.

But the minute a politician says boo about it, the opposing party (and it doesnt matter which party says it, democratic or republican, both are guilty) screams bloody murder and how the Guest Worker status is going STEAL EVERYONE'S jobs. Then open the flood gates of migration (which makes no sense, if they enforce the border and Guest Worker status, it would actually reverse it, since its already happening). They play on the publics fears just so they can oust the guy in the next election. Pathetic. Hence why everything f'd up.
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Old 2006-01-25, 06:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Bleh, we need to do both things. Heavily restrict the border to keep out the terrists, and institute a work program so that we can get the work force we want. The Mexicans in the US send that money back home, boom, everybody's happy.
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Old 2006-01-25, 07:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Originally Posted by Electrofreak
bla bla bla
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Old 2006-01-25, 08:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Well aside from the political drama.

It turned out our case was not entered correctly by the immigration officer who preformed our Green Card Interview. They fixed it in the system and said we should be set in about 3-4 weeks

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Old 2006-01-26, 12:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Typical of the red tape that beaurocracy is wrapped up in. Glad to hear everything will finally be all set for Jenny though!

Oh and Navaron, if you don't have an opinion, don't diss mine.

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Last edited by Electrofreak; 2006-01-26 at 12:21 AM.
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Old 2006-01-26, 08:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Theres just to many hooops to jump through, add to that the INS became part of the Homelan Security DEPT and all the crap that comes along with merging a major govt' agency.

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