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Old 2003-02-16, 05:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Brigadier General
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I still say my story pwns everyone elses
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Old 2003-02-16, 06:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
First Lieutenant
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If that's what you need to feel good about yourself...
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Old 2003-02-16, 07:51 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Second Lieutenant
CDaws's Avatar

I'm a history buff. I especially like any kind of military history from early Greek and Roman all the way up to present day. I had to do a report in my 6th grade history class back when Desert Shield and Desert Storm was going on and I pick that current event and of course I picked the 101st Ranger outfit for my topic. Then it got me hooked on the whole Ranger group and what things they do and the whole history of the LRRP's and the commando school all the way up to the present day Rangers. The Rangers are made up of the best of each branch of the military and I'm some what of a perfectionist and try to be the best that I can in everything I do so it goes good with me as name.
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Old 2003-02-16, 09:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
diluted's Avatar

Originally posted by Derfud
I still say my story pwns everyone elses
lol yep.

i originally used FED3RAL in starcraft back at very least 4-5 years ago. i got into slipknot maybe 2 years ago and read an interview of the lead singer/writer and the song 'diluted' was so powerful to him it made him cry after singing it. i started listening to the song more and it was just so kickass so tada diluted.

btw the story behind fed3ral is sooooo sososo lame. i was at the time about 10-11 and got one of those tech-deck bikes and looked on the back and saw the name of a company named fed3ral so im like "yippy skippy thats me weeeee"
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Old 2003-02-19, 12:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
Lieutenant General
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My name doesn't have to do much with gaming but it was an idea. I hunt allot, with my dad, relatives, but friends mostly. One time me and my good friend decided to try some place new. We were in the woods and decided to head different directions and meet at the truck in a couple hours. I eventually saw an eight point buck. As I slowly went to a prone and waited for a clear shot, I heard another distance shot that scared off the dear. I was pissed. I later found out we were close to a farm and my friend shot at another deer and hit an old man in the arm. He ran off and the cops got me. Since he lost so much blood they thought it was murder, and on the way to the police station they used the code 187. Since I always went off on my own, plus the code I thought I'd try it.
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Old 2003-02-19, 01:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
Arshune's Avatar

My name comes from a D&D campaign (yeah I KNOW that's nerdy, shup) I played with my friends. It's basically just sounds mashed together, but it sounds pretty cool. Arshune Medagard, the world's FIRST and ONLY chaotic evil paladin. He started out lawful good, but after numerous crowbar beatings in a local bar they went and changed my alignment. I still say there were at least SOME righteous smitings in there!
"There's a lot of things people respect me for. I'm clean, I'm smart, I'm a nice guy...but I think the biggest thing is that I'm always brandishing a razor for no apparent reason."

-Our principal is SO hardcore.
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Old 2003-02-19, 01:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
Custom Title

This isn't my name. I refuse to register for this forum.
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Old 2003-02-19, 01:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Sergeant Major


Latin in origin.
Literal meaning: "[The] Destroyer"

Destoyer of what? Hmm.

"Speech is the mirror of the soul; as a man speaks, so he is." -- Publilius Syrus
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Old 2003-02-19, 03:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

Well, i started using BaD a long long time ago, probably when i realized what my own initials were. B.a.D. people think i named myself BaD cause i have some complex or something, but in actuality, its just my name and my mom got tired of me using my initials as an excuse to be a trouble maker after like the 5th time i said it.

AuTo is my tribes clan, one of the oldest, and i am the last of a diein breed..

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Old 2003-02-19, 03:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
l33t Whore
#manlove op
BLuE_ZeRO's Avatar

hmm... the 1337ness of this name just sort of dawned upon me one day while I was playing Armored Core. Needed a name for my newly created core which happened to be colored blue. Sort of went from there.
:: -CDL- Clan Draconus Lupus ::
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Old 2003-02-19, 03:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
First Sergeant

Err... It's my name! Yay.
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Old 2003-02-19, 06:33 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
First Sergeant
Subliminal's Avatar

Im just pretty intrigued by the workings of the brain and one kinda thing i like is the whole subliminal messaging theory where with enough flash images of different things that you dont know youve seen make you believe in something. If you ever watch those static channels that dont come in on your tv i swear it makes you want to buy coke products and vote republican there is subliminal messaging in there.

yvan eht nioj. yvan eht nioj.
SUBS SCREENS: http://www.angelfire.com/games5/subspspics/
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