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Old 2006-03-29, 05:12 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant General
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A full auto shotty, like a Sigia(sp) not to be used full auto per se but to ease on reloading times(clips 4tw).
A .40 pistol, S&W prefered brand.

If i got a game's weapon I'd go for the upgraded gravity gun, and I'd leave all the other weapons behind.

I would not have a base, I would take three vehicles, and but at the minumum the tanker and the bus.
A normal school bus with most seats striped, fitted with cots, a kitchen, a week or food and a good bit of water, and most, if not all, of the armory. It woudl have a CB radio(like the other vechs), a TV, an AM/FM radio, and a shortwave. Reinforced with plating in weak areas.
The second vehicle would be a tanker truck, filled to the brim with diesel, cab reinforced and some food and water and ammo in there.
The third would be a semi with a sleeper cab, and a Refrigerated trailer. This would store all the food we come by and a large amount off water. It would also store as many spare parts as we could find, and other usefull things(welder and generator come to mind), and if a third vehicle was not found, any excess space would contain diesel fuel.

People: 3 of my friends, Dad, a truck mechanic, and 2 ex-marines.

Body armor: some kind of chain mail like stuff to prevent bites hopefully light weight, otherwise: tough stuff, like a carhart or touch leather jacket.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2006-03-29, 05:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant Colonel
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You forgot 2 PSU members.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

-Douglas Adams
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Old 2006-03-29, 06:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
teh Sexb0t

All I need is...


and can't forget...

[ Penis removed by Hamma. ]
(The Shunk Logs.)
Violated by ChiaHamma

Last edited by Ivan; 2006-03-29 at 06:19 PM.
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Old 2006-03-29, 06:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
Lieutenant Colonel
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Can't forget the easy button.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

-Douglas Adams
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Old 2006-03-29, 08:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Old 2006-03-29, 10:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Plus Navarone and the entire Marine Corps. Im good.
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Old 2006-03-29, 10:08 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally Posted by ViperGTS

Plus Navarone and the entire Marine Corps. Im good.
I fucking KNEW you would return
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Old 2006-03-29, 10:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Brigadier General
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I would have Kyle Miller with AWP and tier 2. I would take Heavygain who, as myself, would not have any type of clothing or armor.
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Old 2006-03-29, 10:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Major General

Originally Posted by 321
I would have Kyle Miller with AWP and tier 2. I would take Heavygain who, as myself, would not have any type of clothing or armor.

Choke yourself!
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Old 2006-03-29, 11:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Lieutenant Colonel

Well, I suppose you could call that choking... but it wouldn't be with himself
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Old 2006-03-29, 11:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
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Katana. I really don't have Yellow Fever (I still hate anime) but it's the best, bar none, against unarmored targets.

Bayonet on AK-47
AK-47/GP-25 grenade launcher combo, with red-dot on rail attachment, and two 75-round drum magazines. Yes, the choice is rather controversial, but when I'm going to be fighting hordes and hordes of zombies I really really don't want a jam. If I was going to war I'd pick an M16 with a 6.8 upper, but hordes of zombies are different.

Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum. It may well recoil like hell but one shot is all you need. Factor in also the revolver's amazing reliability: if gore or something gets in a chamber, just pull the trigger and the next chamber fires.

Accurized M14 with scope and synthetic stock. For when they are far away.

Ammo. Lots of ammo. Along with MREs that don't perish and water. Also add in a few HE grenades and a couple of White Phosphorous grenades.

My stationary supplies would consist of:
Even more ammo, grenades, etc. with permanent food, gas stove, etc.

Ford Excursion with blanked out windows.

Base of Operations
Homestead AFB, preferably some well defended part of the complex, at least two stories off the ground.

No idea.

Don't shoot me, but I'd actually wear plate mail. Made correctly it's light and should be impervious to bites, claws, etc. (Plate armor was used in WW1 by German assault troops.)
The gun katas. Through analysis of thousands of recorded gunfights, the Cleric has determined that the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battle is a statistically predictable element. The gun kata treats the gun as a total weapon, each fluid position representing a maximum kill zone, inflicting maximum damage on the maximum number of opponents while keeping the defender clear of the statistically traditional trajectories of return fire. By the rote mastery of this art, your firing efficiency will rise by no less than 120%. The difference of a 63% increase to lethal proficiency makes the master of the gun katas an adversary not to be taken lightly.
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Old 2006-03-29, 11:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
Lieutenant Colonel

Originally Posted by AztecWarrior

Don't shoot me, but I'd actually wear plate mail. Made correctly it's light and should be impervious to bites, claws, etc. (Plate armor was used in WW1 by German assault troops.)
Yeah cause you know back in WW1, people used to try to bite and scratch German troops, lucky the fuckers had plate armor
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Old 2006-03-30, 12:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Lieutenant Colonel
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300lbs of food,200 lbs mt dew.
"There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened."

-Douglas Adams
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Old 2006-03-30, 12:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Will be posting mine tommorow... off to bed for now.
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Old 2006-03-30, 01:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Long sword. Call me a loonie, but I've been doing medieval combat for a long time!

Shield. Nothing like a good shield bash.

I'm gonna go with aztec on this one, AK-47 with the ammo drums. I rather have a gun that's damn near indestructable then an M16 that jams because of a grain of sand in the clip. I would go with JHP ammunition to inflict maximum damage.

Colt Anaconda .45 with an 8 inch barrel. Less of a punch then a .50 but I do beleive that .50 is pretty much overkill. Same as above, JHP ammunition.

Gravity gun, who could resist flinging cars at zombies?

Ammo, dried food, water, grenades. Maybe a couple of satchel charges.

My stationary supplies would consist of:
Ammo, food (hell maybe crops and livestock), water, gasoline, medical supplies, pharmaceutical supplies, etc.

I've been thinking alot about this one and basicly you want something that's reliable, fast, resistant and that won't flip too easy and that has alot of space for salvage. I'm guessing my best bet would be a modified semi with a big trailer.

Base of Operations
I have NO idea... honestly I'd say military base, but the closest is like 2-3 hours away and in the middle of nowhere...

So I'm gonna go with the underground complex that's near here. It's like 3 story into the ground one above with a huge warehouse and chainlink fence all around it. It's a shipping depot for some company. The warehouse could easily be converted into a workshop/salvage depot while the underground depot/offices could be converted into a rather large living area. The steel doors are already present and we could easily accomodate 50-60 people... just need to grab some appliances like stove, etc. and tadam!

Andr�e-Anne, my current girlfriend.

Guillaume, one of my friends who was in the army. Studying to become a mechanic.

Benjamin, another one of my friends who once stabbed someone in the leg with a compass in class because the guy tried to copy on him/was annoying him. (Does alot of medieval combat as well)

Mig, friend of mine who's a cop and an ex-military. He's big and mean. In fact I'd see him picking up a sledgehammer instead of a gun...

Hamma, he seems to be the normal person on this forum.

Bio or OMA, those two would probably be helpfull.

Lee-Sandy, friend of my current girlfriend. She's hot, bi-sexual and she could probably take care of herself even if she only weight like 90 pounds. (She's like 5 foot tall at max)

John, friend of mine who's really weird but has this huge talent. When he puts his mind on doing something he achieves it. He's studying in bio-chemistry right now at the university and he's only 18 (graduated at 15 from high school). He is already qualified to be an electrician, a mechanic and he also has basic knowledge of medecine (basic pharmaceutical studies and basic pre-med studies). He's been shooting guns since he was in diapers and is also trained in various martial arts. The guy is the busiest man I've ever seen. His room is FILLED with books, music instruments, computers and random papers. He barely sleeps and always finds something to do and can barely sit still but my god that boy's a genius. If I were a woman. I'd marry him, even if he looks like a bum with his long hair.

Vince, Italian guy I know who runs a less then reputable business in Ottawa. The guys a fucking psycho (he got into a bar fight once and punched the guy senseless then bit the guy's shoulder and ripped a fucking piece of flesh off) but I'd want him on my side, good friend of mine and he saved my ass more then once. Also has a LARGE collection of guns, suprises me he doesnt make his own bullets. The guy is a lisenced gunsmith and has alot of connections. He's also goth so he could communicate with the zombies!

(I have too many fucked-up people around me)

I do LARP's... best thing I got would be my platemail and my chainmail... nothing will get thru this baby. But it weights about 40 pounds, so I'd probly just go for light kevlar.
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