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Old 2006-04-01, 04:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally Posted by Sobekeus
Let them nuke each other. Saves us having to hear our liberals whine about us doing it.
I'm kinda scared about that idea.

If they think we won't stop them if they have a nuke war then their gonna have another nuke war with another country they don't like and so on.
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Old 2006-04-01, 04:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
teh Sexb0t

Originally Posted by Infernus
I took that to mean that they designed multiple classes of tanks, apcs, and missles. But only one type of a fighter plane.
Great! Now that you said that I see what you mean and it killed what I thought was funny! Now I'm sad.
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Old 2006-04-01, 04:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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Originally Posted by Hawkeye37
I'm kinda scared about that idea.

If they think we won't stop them if they have a nuke war then their gonna have another nuke war with another country they don't like and so on.
I think we all know whatever survives their nuke war will be far less annoying then insurgents.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2006-04-01, 10:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Originally Posted by OneManArmy
religion is going to be the death of us all.
Pretty much, yep.

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Old 2006-04-01, 10:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Originally Posted by Electrofreak
Hey, I've got an idea, why don't we preemptively declare war on the entire damn world.

The irony is, we have tons of WMD, but nobody else is allowed to have them, even though we're the nation most likely to attack another country.
Erm Lot's of contries are allowed to have them, and some that aren't alowed do, and noone's taken much action to remove them. Pakistan and Inda(and probably Israel) Come to mind.

And the inverse of your statment is also true, We are the nation most likey to be attacked.

That's not to say we're justified, but it's but we do have some standing.

Now here's what happens when Israel attacks(conventionaly or WMD) Iran becsaue of the missiles? Iran will do all they can to nuke Israel, if isreal has't use nukes they will, and pakistan will shoot too becuase missiles are being lobbed in thier general direction, and India will be scared by pak's launches and shoot, china might think it's an attack on them and getn involved aswell. Someware in there an american base gets nuked and we start lobbing them. Before you know it the entire middle east is glassed, and depending on how sane russia and the EU are, perhaps the entire world.

*takes a breath*

But the rational logical people will win out before, hopefully.

EDIT: for the point on religion, you forget any sort of positive aspect, charity ect. If it wasn't for religion, we wouldn't know mendilian gentics(being a monk gave mendel the time he needed), possibly the printing press(bibles for everyone!), and any number of incredible works or art.

Perhaps those things would have come along anyway, but that's history we can't undo it and fine out if it works the other way.

Religion it's self is not the problem, Dogma is. Dogma will kill us all.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.

Last edited by Rbstr; 2006-04-01 at 10:51 PM.
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Old 2006-04-02, 01:22 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Originally Posted by Rbstr
Erm Lot's of contries are allowed to have them, and some that aren't alowed do, and noone's taken much action to remove them. Pakistan and Inda(and probably Israel) Come to mind.

And the inverse of your statment is also true, We are the nation most likey to be attacked.

That's not to say we're justified, but it's but we do have some standing.

Now here's what happens when Israel attacks(conventionaly or WMD) Iran becsaue of the missiles? Iran will do all they can to nuke Israel, if isreal has't use nukes they will, and pakistan will shoot too becuase missiles are being lobbed in thier general direction, and India will be scared by pak's launches and shoot, china might think it's an attack on them and getn involved aswell. Someware in there an american base gets nuked and we start lobbing them. Before you know it the entire middle east is glassed, and depending on how sane russia and the EU are, perhaps the entire world.

*takes a breath*

But the rational logical people will win out before, hopefully.

EDIT: for the point on religion, you forget any sort of positive aspect, charity ect. If it wasn't for religion, we wouldn't know mendilian gentics(being a monk gave mendel the time he needed), possibly the printing press(bibles for everyone!), and any number of incredible works or art.

Perhaps those things would have come along anyway, but that's history we can't undo it and fine out if it works the other way.

Religion it's self is not the problem, Dogma is. Dogma will kill us all.
I quite agree. Fundamentalism is what is dangerous, not religion itself.
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Old 2006-04-02, 01:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
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nope. i get to lob it in all under religion. because whether you're shooting an AK at me or telling me how to live my life. you suck.
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