Yes, that was indeed me.
Yes I am indeed a civilian now. I left the Navy to be near my kids, my ex-wife has my kids in Kansas, and if I had stayed in, I would never have seen them. The Navy has removed all weather detatchments (or was/is in the process of doing so) from airfields and consolodating them CONUS in San Diego, and Norfolk.
I swore I would never get stationed in Norfolk Virginia. :P
As for the political debate forum, it was a place for people to let off steam guys, political debate centered, nothing more, nothing less. Some people (ehm... me at times) could get too into it, but it was there to free the general forum from political insanity, and it did it's job. If it hadn't, well Hamma would have pulled the plug on it real fast. If you want to view it in any other light, well, be my guest. That's missing the point of why Hamma let us have it, and that's how and why I ran it. The time I spent running that forum was some of my most... enjoyable time on the web. Sure there was drama, sure it got ugly after the 2004 elections... okay, it was down right nasty. But that happens, and the thing is... that happens.
And as for the ghost pics, there two that mattered were not water!
Most of the rest of the orbs, yes, dust, humidity and the like, but that one and it's second shot were not water. They were... I dunno, but not water. Water doesn't create it's own light :P