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Old 2007-07-17, 01:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

If all things had been right in the world...the Confederacy would have won.

But for different reasons than the ones they wanted to win for.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2007-07-17, 05:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Originally Posted by Sobekeus View Post
If all things had been right in the world...the Confederacy would have won.

But for different reasons than the ones they wanted to win for.
Indeed. If the had won, the rest of us would look a lot less like fools. I'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln is quite upset that he wasted so much time trying to keep the south in the union.
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Old 2007-07-17, 05:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Originally Posted by Sobekeus View Post
If all things had been right in the world...the Confederacy would have won.

But for different reasons than the ones they wanted to win for.
Indeed. If the had won, the rest of us would look a lot less like fools. I'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln is quite upset that he wasted so much time trying to keep the south in the union.
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Old 2007-07-18, 12:49 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

-_- This thread got sooo derailed.
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Old 2007-07-18, 11:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Originally Posted by Infernus View Post
Indeed. If the had won, the rest of us would look a lot less like fools. I'm pretty sure Abraham Lincoln is quite upset that he wasted so much time trying to keep the south in the union.
The death of the Confederacy saw the death of State's Rights...and empowered the Federal Government to run everyday life and dictate to the states what they could do in their own state.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2007-07-18, 01:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Heh, the drinking age would still be 18, Pot would be legalized, and there wouldnt be much in the way of speed limits being 55 everywhere.
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Old 2007-07-18, 03:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Originally Posted by Sobekeus View Post
The death of the Confederacy saw the death of State's Rights...and empowered the Federal Government to run everyday life and dictate to the states what they could do in their own state.
And, as it would later happen, the ability for a person to subjugate another person based on a perceived difference.

While I admit, it was a large blow to states rights, its the equivalent of saying "Hitler was a good guy because he pressed for the development of the volkswagen.
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Old 2007-07-20, 01:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Slavery would have died anyway. It wasn't a cold issue.

Hitler has nothing in common with this scenario. If anything he represented the North in strict terms.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2007-07-20, 01:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

"You can't compare this to Hitler!"
It's analogous at the very least, and a good basis for comparison.
Hitler comparisons are easy to understand because everyone knows about him.

"But it's not a serious!!!!eleventy"
That's why it's an called analogy.

Slavery still exists in places to this day...To say that it would have died out anyway is a ridiculous leap.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.

Last edited by Rbstr; 2007-07-20 at 01:42 PM.
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Old 2007-07-20, 03:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

No its not, slavery was on the way down even in the south as it was. The Civil War has zero to do with slavery. And frankly, even if the south won slavery would have been defeated the right the state level.
Post at me bro.

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Old 2007-07-20, 04:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Any evidence? At all, or is it just wild conjecture, as it appears to be?
(I've got some to the contrary, like the so called "bleeding kansas", or sharecropping after the war and jim crow laws[essentially slavery under another name]?)

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.

Last edited by Rbstr; 2007-07-20 at 05:09 PM.
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Old 2007-07-20, 07:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Slavery wasnt worth it maybe? If you do some research you find it would have been cheaper to hire workers than have slaves.
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Old 2007-07-20, 07:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Find that research. 'Cause I'm not seeing it anywhere.

All opinions are not equal. Some are a very great deal more robust, sophisticated and well supported in logic and argument than others.
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Old 2007-07-20, 08:38 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?


You put them up in a shack and feed them semi-properly... you can scare them shitless so they work faster and whip one as an example...


You pay them for every day they spend working for you and they can quit/give you lip and they aren't afraid of you. Ah and you can't hit them... They can come in to work late...

How the fuck is labor cheaper? Well... unless they're Mexicans...
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Old 2007-07-20, 09:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Re: How many rednecks can you fit on a wrangler?

Originally Posted by Sobekeus View Post
Slavery would have died anyway. It wasn't a cold issue.
I had a fairly large post constructed, and then my aunt's computer crashed and I lost it.

Any way, thats retarded to say that, slavery was a huge cause. Specific examples: The Election of 1860, Bleeding Kansas, The Compromise of 1850 (especially: the fugitive slave act of 1850).

Slavery was an underlying in issue in all of the main causes of the Civil War. Other then being a HUGE basic cause in itself; it was an underlying cause of the sectionalism that divided the union. Other causes were, indeed, the issue of federalism (or states vs. federal rights) which was rotated around the issue of slavery at its core; economical issues (farms in the south vs. factories in the north); party politics (the Pro-Slavery, Pro-South Democrats vs the Anti-Slavery Pro-North Whigs and later the Democrats vs the Anti-Slavery Republicans); and (in tying back in with the Compromise of 1850) expansionism such as the addition of new territories and states after the Mexican-American war (and the issues regarding how they would be admitted to the union).

Would slavery have died? Yes, quite possibly, it eventually did in most of the rest of the world. Was it still a polarizing issue? YES! To marginalize it shows a lack of grasp on reality.

Originally Posted by Sobekeus View Post
Hitler has nothing in common with this scenario. If anything he represented the North in strict terms.
You don't understand the common use of analogy? Thats what that was. I was comparing Hitler to the south, and then mocking your argument by saying that the South supported states rights and Hitler supported the rights of drivers.
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