Originally Posted by ****
I know, I found out like the day it was announced. But, MW2 wouldn't mean MechWarrior 3015 (the new one), it would mean MechWarrior 2: 21st Century Combat (which is weird, since it's the 21st century, and we don't have giant battlemechs, I guess that's just another misconception of the 20th century).
No. You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. Now instead of telling you to go die in a fire and join your cousin, I'm going to give you a little breakdown.
Technically this game would be considered "Mechwarrior 5" because the last series of games was Mechwarrior 4. However, Microsoft was making that line of games so this one is just "Mechwarrior 3015", or as it's become known "Mechwarrior Reloaded" because it's being made by Smith & Tinker and a sub-contracted studio. Side note, MekTek.com is slated to re-release the MW4 games along with their MekPaks. Soon-ish.
Now I realise you're referring to the "MW2" and Modern Warfare when you reference 21st Century Combat, but you have no idea what you're talking about with relation to Mechwarrior and BattleTech. So before you go and stick your foot in your mouth, I'm taking up the slack in the rope you've been given with which to hang yourself.