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Old 2003-02-27, 05:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Homework sucks, I have 3 hours a night.
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Old 2003-02-27, 05:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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Even if skool was uped an hour or 2, I wouldn't care, I'd just draw an talk wit me friends. Then stay another hour and watch em skateboarder wanabe's try to olly over me head......everytime they hit me i get $2, if i get scratched or get rubben by the trucks, $5. I get me lunch money that way........also for makin bus-passes (Elementary skool gets out 1 later aftr skool so if i wana take their bus i need a "pass").

And haha, I take Pre Algebra!!

Down with homework! Iwana play Ghost Recon!!!!!!
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Old 2003-02-27, 06:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
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as a freshman I should be taking geometry but I had the most retarded algebra teacher last year and didn't do so well... lol no one did the highest grade was like an 80 something. So now I have to double up next year
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Old 2003-02-27, 08:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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i finished up geometry in 8th grade.

taking algebra 2 teacher who is exceptionally intelligent in math, but he expects everybody else to be as intelligent as him with it, so not so great a class.

most students have about an average of 3 passing tests the entire year so far. we've had quite a few too

problem is, he slaps down some really hard and long stuff, then expects us all to have it done in 45 minutes

he seems to have illusions of adequicy
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Old 2003-02-27, 08:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #20

hehe i think this is a lost cause, you'll never get rid of homework, just dont take courses with alot of homework
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Old 2003-02-27, 08:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Soh I wehn 2 Puhblik skol an aint dun my english 4 collage yhet... bite me, I sayd bite me.
Back from the internet!
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Old 2003-02-27, 09:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #22

Originally posted by Arshune
Not to mention that 90% of real jobs don't give homework. Doctors don't take pregnant women home to deliver their children. Maybe a lawyer might read a law book at home or something, but that's the only example I can really think of.

Kidding, right? If doctors don't take work home, they still put in hellish hours. And they have a right not to do homework *ANYMORE* since they have spent about 10 YEARS in college doing some of the most grueling schoolwork in the world.

Lazy bastards like yourself, however . . .

Homework teaches responsibility, time management, and goal-setting. It is also a time to practice the skills you learned in class. The classroom is the time to learn the concepts. Home is the time to practice the concepts.

I am an Algebra teacher

flame on
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Old 2003-02-27, 09:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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I don't know what kind of homework YOU'RE giving, but the homework at my school is basically garbage. It does nothing to teach; it's a massive waste of time. My test grades when I do my homework=3.5-4.0. My test grades when I don't=3.5-4.0.

Ok, the doctor was probably a bad example, but the fact still stands that MOST people don't take work home.
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Old 2003-02-27, 11:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Homework is neccessary. When you get to college you will see that you are going to be loaded with homework.

English: If you don't write your papers and read your books at home, you class would have to be 3-4 times as long. In college you are going to be spending more time on your english outside of class than you will inside of class.

Math: repetition of math is good for memorizing formulas and getting good experience using them. When you reach higher level math courses like Calculous 3 or diff equasions, you will get little or no practice in class. A class's format will probably be, an approach to solving a problem or a formula wil be introduced or proven. You will be assigned problems. The next class the teacher will take questions about the assigned homework (it probably won't even be collected). The homework was your only oppurtunity to farmilliarize yourself with the new concept and use of new formulas.

Science: Same as math. Concepts and formulas will be gone over in class. It is up to you to do the homework and make sure you know how to use the formulas and understand the concepts.

Computer programming: In college it is very likely that you will do no programming in class. All of your programming assignments will have to be done outside of class. If you don't actually program, you are not learning how to program.

Many courses will require you to do reading outside of class and class time will be spent discussing the reading. Don't do the homework, then you are going to be completely lost in class.

Get used to doing homework, you are going to see a ton of it in College. Most of it won't be useless.
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Old 2003-02-27, 11:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Originally posted by Arshune
Ok, the doctor was probably a bad example, but the fact still stands that MOST people don't take work home.
Do you spend 70 hours a week in the classroom? These days a 70 hour work week is not uncommon.

You may not get homework, but you are not spending less time on on work related material then you spend on class time + homework.
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~ Vincent van Gogh

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Old 2003-02-27, 11:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
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I currently have a 90 average what does that translate into GPA?
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Old 2003-02-27, 11:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #27
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well, mr. algebra teacher, i can tell you right now that homework has helped me diddily squat, that, in fact, it is the classroom practices and questions i am able to ask my teacher that set anything in my mind.

when i do homework, which is rarely, it's because *I* think i need the extra practice, not the teacher. i usually just end up copying my homework.

i pass all my tests with 90s, btw.
cept for goddamn algebra 2. guy is weird, seriously has something like an average of 85% failure rate for his tests, no joke
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Old 2003-02-28, 12:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
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my algebra teacher is kinda odd. its hard to learn when he teaches all of us but he can make everything make sense in 10-15 minutes max of extra help.

The only thing he can't help are just plain stupid people who are happy with a 70. I've noticed that stupid people are usally happy... lucky them
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Old 2003-02-28, 12:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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i think i'm making a 70 something in my A2 class, all because of the teacher

it's not that i don't get the stuff, in fact, i don't pay attention to him till he reviews the day before the test, where i look to see what it's about and how to do it , but because he makes the problems really long and complicated, so there is no WAY you are finishing in 45 minutes. in fact, i've never seen anybody actually finish one of his tests
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Old 2003-02-28, 01:20 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Originally posted by Doobz
problem is, he slaps down some really hard and long stuff, then expects us all to have it done in 45 minutes
Maybe if you had done all the homework, the problems wouldn't seem so long and hard.
If you hear a voice within you saying, 'You are not a painter,' then by all means paint boy, and that voice will be silenced.
~ Vincent van Gogh

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