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Old 2003-03-15, 07:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
First Sergeant
Format's Avatar

rofl, you really do ammuse me unreg. Seems to me that you have some problem in life and you need to take it out on people you that dont know a fuckin thing about. Perhaps your parents died? lol. Remeber that your one insignificant kid that I, nor anyone else gives a fuck about.
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Old 2003-03-15, 07:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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This is getting even better.

Sputty - I didn't know you were Canadian, I find you even less offence then Dio, so you'll be added to my "Good Canadians" list. The irony of this thread is that the 'Illiterate Canadians' this thread is for have really proven to be an embaresment for your country.

Format - Take your own advice there asshat. A) I am not a 'Kid' whitch is why I find you to be funny, and B) I could give a fuck what you think about me. I'm not here to win any popularity contests.

Last edited by Unregistered; 2003-03-15 at 08:02 PM.
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Old 2003-03-15, 09:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Registered User

Enough.... this thread is an example of going to far. Just b/c someone bashes the US doesn't mean I stand right back up and give it back. I'm ashamed to see all these threads. Political debate is fine..... but when it reduced to insults it has no merit. I will stay out of these political debates until we all start acting like adults ( I realize some of us aren't legal adults)(I will just post fact). I have made my point of view very clear in many posts. If you find yourself wondering what 'ol KoldFusion might say..... just use the search function. I will no longer restate my opinion for someone who just won't get it.... I have my right to believe what i want and everyone else can believe what they want no matter how wrong and full of shit it may be.
/end rant
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Old 2003-03-15, 09:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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The first post in this thread is an example of a Parody of another thread. The rest of it is me going to far. So if my attempt at humor has gotton people upset then so be it.

If I offended Hamma, Mr.V, or Nav sorry about that. I used them in the Parody part without their knoledge or consent. So when spreading the H8 send it my way, not theirs.

Last edited by Unregistered; 2003-03-15 at 09:15 PM.
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Old 2003-03-15, 09:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
Teh Masturbator
Squeeky's Avatar

Originally posted by Format
/me waits for Squeek to post somthin about "keeping it civil"
keep it civil god dammit,

ahhh why do i even bother
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