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Old 2012-08-04, 01:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
Captain1nsaneo's Avatar
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Re: Gaming Keyboard

Originally Posted by Vancha View Post
Have you actually tried a mechanical keyboard? It's as clear a difference as there is between scissor switches (laptop-style keys) and rubber domes (what you're using).
I've probably used them at one point or another (The Apple 2E probably had one) but I've never consciously put the two types of boards and tested them. While I do hate lap top keyboards it's only partly for their lack of texture and flimsiness. Normally I hate them due to how their keys are arranged and how it plays hell with my wrists and hands. To be honest I don't think the key responses matters that much to me as I'm fairly loud on my keyboard (I've been told about it enough that I've identified it as a trend and not an off comment) so most of my tell tale signs that I've hit a key is the impact force of my finger stopping.

Hmmm.... you know we have an old electric typewriter around the house and it probably has a mechanical keyboard. Though I'd probably like it more just because of larger key spacing which allows my hands to jump around more. (When spread and put thump to thump my hands are as wide as my keyboard, feels a bit cramped)

I've probably only had about 3 keyboards I've used over about 15 years so I can't really talk about makes just what I've observed going from my native board to using other people's keyboards and lap tops. Either way, there's going to be an adjustment time between an old board and the new one in terms of reaction speed. (e.g. F1 is still my medkit key in PS and the new board has it in a very different spot so I was constantly hitting implants when I wanted my medkit.)
By hook or by crook, we will.
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Old 2012-08-05, 11:32 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
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Re: Gaming Keyboard

I went in my local computer hardware store and they had keyboards out, and let me get a feel for them.

Went with blackwidow ultimate. It just feels utterly gorgeous.

Driving people around me absolutely barmy with the clicking mind you . . . but that's why I got turtle beaches haha!

If it hadn't been mentioned here I probably wouldn't have even requested to try a "mechanical" keyboard because I didn't realise how different they were . . . so thanks a bunch for mentioning that.

I'm constantly pressing wrong keys at the moment as the letters are shifted to the right a bit which can be infuriating in game. Trying tojust roll forward to get my gunner over the hill and VROOOM full speed over the hill!

Oh poo I pressed Q again. But I'll get there.

Thanks again, gave me a lot to think about and helped me make a better decision, or a less shaky one at least
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Old 2012-08-06, 12:24 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
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Re: Gaming Keyboard

Originally Posted by Katanauk View Post
but that's why I got turtle beaches haha!
An excellent choice!

Enjoy the keyboard.
ZulthusVS, 34/5 DARK
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