Originally Posted by Secant
The only way BFR's would've ever made sense is as a CR6 special ability like...once a day if that. Not pilotable. Just a moderately capable AI that maybe you can set the goal position of. Orbital drop a BFR of your preferred configuration onto the battlefield like a giant walking spitfire turret; at least it wouldn't be possible to abuse the piss out of them. Maybe keep an AMS-bubble-range calldown restriction as well...
I only started playing PS1 a couple of years ago when Gemini was made the last server, so I actually didn't see any of the really bad BFR stuff.
From what I heard though they did try making them a rare perk at the start, players had to have core combat (obviously) and they were insanely powerful but on a 12 hour cooldown. That really didn't work.
Personally I actually like them, at least the 2 man ones, yet they are heavily armoured with their shield, but they are slow as heck and their weaponry is barely any better then a main tank.
I've been jumped and destroyed in seconds my 4 guys in that cloaked aircraft.
One tank can take one out, but they just need to keep mobile (I've done that a lot of times with a mag), but if someone is dumb enough to stand toe to toe with a BFR then they just get blatted.
The only two things I don't like about them are the solo ones that have jumpjets, I have no problem with them having jump jets but they should have a long cooldown, as right now they can always get away from any fight.
And the lasers, I love the sound and looks of the weapon, its incredibly short ranged too which is fine, but the damage is way too low to justify taking them.
To me BFR's seem to have gotten a lot of hate for how they were OP at the start, in their current state now they don't seem overbalancing to me. Orbital strikes and Reavers seem the most OP weapons.
I've quit so many games because I've been orbital strike spammed since there is just no response to it, that weapon should have been more of a tactical one where orbital ships line up for the shot, and the other side can see the danger zones (so it denies areas of the battlefield to players, maybe leaving them radioactive/boiling hot) rather then the one shot it is now.