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Old 2013-03-06, 11:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: PS2 Premium Membership May Give Acess to PS1

Originally Posted by Figment View Post
Tbh, you're looking at it the wrong way.

And I mean... you don't seem to understand the advantage of package deals.

1. You get PS2 premium free with a (cheaper!) PS1 sub.
2. The amount of players with a PS2 sub is quite significant. People who play PS2 and subbed may try out PS1 - because they get to have it anyway. Even if only 1% of the PS2 subs now and then plays PS1, we're talking thousands of players. Increasing the population and thus the content for PS1 to a level that's very worthwhile.
3. People who tried PS2 and can't quite handle it with their hardware may try out PS1 once they realise it's actually still active and has a more healthy populace.
4. The more people play PS1 who started playing PS2 - the more chance we'll see more support for PS1 systems once players start realising the differences in certain mechanics favour PS1 systems over PS2 systems. >.>
5. Some part of the sub profits might end up being spend on PS1.
That's a very optimistic assumption of you, Figgy . Personally, I relay back to my own experiences when I pay for a game and the company offers me another game free, or access to the other game. I literally never had any interest in the old game, or only checked it out for a few minutes to go back to the new game. Of course, everyone is different and not everyone thinks like I do, so some people may be more open to try out new things, but given the current trend and mindset of people, I can't say I'm as optimistic about it as you are.

I feel like most people will generally give PS1 a try, yes. But I don't think it will anything past that. Once they see how much work they have to put into a character for it to amount of anything and the pacing of the game compared to the sequel (assuming they never played PS1) I don't think they'll go for it.

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Old 2013-03-06, 01:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Lieutenant General
Re: PS2 Premium Membership May Give Acess to PS1

Originally Posted by Death2All View Post
That's a very optimistic assumption of you, Figgy .
In this particular case, I'm slightly optimistic because it can't in fact get any worse (!).

Regarding point 5 btw, I'm wondering if they'll continue with the "PS Next" process, which was supposedly mostly retexturing and a graphics update.

I feel like most people will generally give PS1 a try, yes. But I don't think it will anything past that. Once they see how much work they have to put into a character for it to amount of anything and the pacing of the game compared to the sequel (assuming they never played PS1) I don't think they'll go for it.
A lot of new outfit members of ours indicated they would have prefered a slower pacing and a lot of specific design revisions akin to PS1. I think that if PS1 were to become active again, I could get 50% of my outfit into it, compared to the 5%-8% that is playing PS2 now. Consider also that we (PS1 players in general) kept PS alive for ten years. I'm not saying the next gen will keep it alive that long, BUT, there's a good chance they'll get hooked in a similar way because there's an entirely different flow to enjoy. They may well put a few years in before they get bored.

I mean, if they think the Crown is fun, just wait till they get their hands on Dagda. :x
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