Thanks Sputty
*twitch*.. Im feeling much *twitch* better now. Momma made me some Soup to calm my nerves *twitch, sudder Twitch*
i cant even remember why I had that breakdown before *twitch, spills some of his soup*
Never mind I'll get to play PS one day....PS?....Beta?....BETA! *TWITCH!1&*
*falls over spilling soup everywhere*
WE wants it we does, My Beeeettttaaaa *twitch*
*sobs quitly on the floor as the light fades from his cold bedroom*
[ -> Squeeky <- ] = Teh RoXXoRz!1!
"Damn, Those Vanu bastards are gonna pay for shooting up my ride!"
"Rip off my sig and I'll shit down your neck!"