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Old 2003-04-17, 03:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Bighoss's Avatar

Originally posted by simba
lol ya it was great, but I aint a fan of the slow-motion shit, slow-motioning when its starting 2 get cool was really, REALLY lame imo. Made the fighting sceens really lame.
you obivously don't understand the point to the slow motion scenes. They were meant to emphasize the speed of which they were hitting each other.
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Old 2003-04-17, 04:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Dragoon Admiral
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I'd say 90% of the movie is all about how you interpret it. Those so much stuff that you don't catch if you're just in it for the action... Just like the fact you're supposed to realize that they're going SO INCREDIBLY FAST that everything else seems like it's going slo-mo, like Bighoss pointed out.

So if you h8 The Matrix, it's because you dun gettit.
It's certainly not because your opinion can be different than ours.
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Old 2003-04-17, 05:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #18

Originally posted by Bighoss
you obivously don't understand the point to the slow motion scenes. They were meant to emphasize the speed of which they were hitting each other.
I obiosly dont get it huh? Just bcoz I didnt thoughti t was cool I dont get it, thats great bighoss.
It was lame IMO, not UMO.
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Old 2003-04-17, 06:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Ginzue's Avatar

Who the hell dident like that movie? God frikin damn it was good. The only thing I dident like about it was all the pointless shooting stuff, that was just put in there so teens would watch it...

Oh and the thing with the people in the Matrix using guns, such as the Agents, WTF?! If the agents are the computer that run the matrix can't they just program a super weapon or somthign like better than a GUN! Im talking about the scene with Neo and the Agent in the subway, the agent (Agent smith,Hugo, also know as the 'big silly' in 'Prisilla Queen of the Desert') runs out of bullets, if they can make a freaking worm thing that crawls into Neo can't they make a really good weapon to kill the rebels other than a handgun?
See you Space Cowbay...
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Old 2003-04-17, 06:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #20
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They have to obey the same "laws" they make, otherwise the humans would do the same and make a super gun for themselves.

Or so the story goes.
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Old 2003-04-17, 06:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Second Lieutenant

Originally posted by Ginzue

Oh and the thing with the people in the Matrix using guns, such as the Agents, WTF?! If the agents are the computer that run the matrix can't they just program a super weapon or somthign like better than a GUN! Im talking about the scene with Neo and the Agent in the subway, the agent (Agent smith,Hugo, also know as the 'big silly' in 'Prisilla Queen of the Desert') runs out of bullets, if they can make a freaking worm thing that crawls into Neo can't they make a really good weapon to kill the rebels other than a handgun?
No they cannot, because then they would be uber It's called "Fun Factor", video games use it all the time.
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Old 2003-04-17, 10:46 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
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Originally posted by Venom
I've seen the Matrix once, haven't felt the urge to see it again.
I've got the urge, Herbal Essences
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Old 2003-04-17, 10:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Originally posted by Mazuli
I thought The Matrix sucked.
No one cares what you think

The Matrix Owns
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Old 2003-04-17, 10:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

slow motion is cool
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Old 2003-04-17, 10:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
Elf Lord

slow motion is very cool. Like in max payne! Now that was a fun game...
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Old 2003-04-17, 11:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
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Sando138's Avatar

The reasons that the agents didn't just make the 'anti-neo-ubergun' are:

1: keeping up appearances. while jumping from one building to the next to pursue a suspect is not completely unimaginable, a guy pulling out a concentrated laser beam to blast someone with would seem completely unbelievable. the idea behind the matrix is to keep the human batteries from realizing that the world they live in isnt real, so they need to keep some pretense of realism. otherwise, everyone present would do one of those 'wake up and assume it was a dream' like neo did after the worm thing.

2: humans can break the same rules that the computer does. all they have to do is watch what they do and hack one in for their team, using the 'white area' with all the racks of guns. so uber-beams-of-doom means destruction for both sides.
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Old 2003-04-18, 12:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Finafuckingly, Squeeky. Thought you would never watch it.
They should have hacked themselves a MAX.
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Old 2003-04-18, 12:27 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
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io's Avatar

Just like to point out that the Agents are NOT part of the makers of the matrix at all. Their are more like pawns, sent in the matrix by the machines in the real world to prevent another failure of the matrix by stopping the Zion rebels.

Think of the matrix as the net (which is pretty much is), Morpheus, Neo and all the other rebels from Zion are like viruses that infect the matrix. The Agents are the virus busters. They don't control the matrix, they can't change anything in it, the only thing they can do is use the knowledge they have to bend the rules of the matrix and use the input/output signals of everybody still connected to the matrix to move around in it. They aren't really a part of the matrix, they are simply there because of the Zion rebels, that's why Smith kept trying to get the Zion mainframe codes from Morpheus, as he said he is sick of "this zoo" and wants out, now if he got the Zion codes he could enter Zion's mainframe and simply destroy it, defeating the rebellion and rendering his role and existence useless and void.
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Old 2003-04-18, 12:35 AM   [Ignore Me] #29
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I love the Matrix. One of the very few sci-fi movies you can't disprove could happen.
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Old 2003-04-18, 11:07 AM   [Ignore Me] #30

One of the best things - and it's good cause not many seem to pick it up - is that the path Neo takes, greatly reflects that of Christ.

I'm not some Bible thumper or anything. It's just a neat little detail that, when you notice the similarities, heightens your appreciation for the movie.

Wow. All those times that I sided against by better judgement and actually WENT to Media class really payed off.
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