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Old 2003-04-24, 11:39 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
Lieutenant Colonel
Khronos's Avatar

well this isnt very funny but i got a laugh out of it when it happened. our squad headed through a warpgate and we popped out on the other end inside of a tree. After about 45 seconds of struggle, the galaxy just exploded and we all died.
None of us even attempted to bail out hehe
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Old 2003-04-24, 11:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #17

The very first day I got into the game, a squad, and a sunderer was funny. We had just taken off from some base that was dying down so we all pile into this Sunderer. The driver was also new and started barreling down the road, always a bit too far to the right, on which side there was water. So he keeps going and eventually flips the Sunderer upside down into the water. Everyone in it drowned except for me cause I bailed out and used my MAX run speed to make it to shore in time. Was pretty funny.
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Old 2003-04-24, 11:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #18
Master Sergeant

This is both funny and sad.

I think we were NC at the time when me and two friends jumped over to Esamir for some fighting, since there were almost 0 NC there (no sanctuary warpgate). We were trying to cap a base, but we needed an ANT, so while my two friends held a tower i went to the sanctuary and grabbed an ANT. I filled it up, drove halfway across Ishunder, and then started driving to the tower which was about 1/3 of the way across Esamir.

Anyone thats fought on Esamir knows that driving is treacherous, as there are many cliffs and ravines. I was switching between my map and the game to find the quickest route to the tower, as i had already been driving for about 15 minutes and wanted to get back to the fight.

Well, i switched back to the game and i had about 2 seconds to react before i saw myself drive off a cliff with a fully charged ANT. For about 20 seconds our voice chat was filled with winces, laughs and moans, since a friend saw the whole damn thing.

The ANT fell down the cliff and smashed into the cliff face 5 times before hitting the ground and making a massive explosion. The first thing i thought of was Homer Simpson falling down that gorge. Yeah, it was just like that.
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Old 2003-04-25, 12:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Master Sergeant

Another one i just remembered ...

My very first time getting into the game i remapped my keys, but sometimes i would map a key wrong without knowing.

Well, i jumped into a Galaxy and we proceeded to fly out of the sanctuary. I couldnt fire my weapon since we were in the sanctuary, so i dismissed it.

The Galaxy got-dropped us just outside a base, which was a swamp area. I jumped down (in reinforced) and hid behind a tree. Within seconds of dropping down i saw 2 enemy stealthers walking right towards me, plain as day. I tried to open fire ..... but couldnt.

Halfway through being pricked to death by little pistols i noticed i had mapped my fire to nothing by accident. I ended up just holstering my weapon and letting them strafe around me like little flies and prick away until i was dead.

And that was my first PS combat experience.
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Old 2003-04-25, 01:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
Master Sergeant


Keep in mind i could barely see these reavers fighting, even when i was zoomed.

I was 8X zoomed with my sniper rifle watching a friendly and enemy reaver duke it out. Just a second or so i decided to see if i could get a hit on the enemy reaver before it blew up, since the friendly reaver was obviously going to win. I shot just as the enemy reaver blew up, and the friendly reaver drove into its position.

I killed the friendly pilot. His reaver floated to the ground and blew up.

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Old 2003-04-25, 01:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #21
Major General
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Originally posted by Nitsch
One time..... at band camp....

*cough........hehheh, jk.....
PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)

Living is easy with eyes closed.
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Old 2003-04-25, 01:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #22

Hmm. Was funny to me at the time, here goes:

Squad has just broken up, and it was getting pretty late, I was running between two bases that my team owned saving them from being hacked by phantom hackers. Silly phantom hackers. Anyhow.

I walk into the CC of one of them, well, crouch-walk(I'm an infil), and I have a darklight. I go in there with darklight on and behold.. two enemy infiltrators! Obviously neither had darklight, because I owned them both. 8) I saved the CC, and sat around for a bit. What do you know, one of them comes back in, starts to hack the console. I kill him. Sit around a bit more, the other one walks in, starts to hack the console. I kill him. I figure, ok, they have to have learned by now. Sitting there, and a _third_ one comes in that I hadn't seen before, starts hacking, I kill him. Sheesh. Sit there for a bit longer, and lo and behold, the first one comes in again. Starts hacking. I killed him.

This went on for an insanely long time. Finally I sent a tell to the first guy, 'when is your team's infiltrators going to learn?'.

He said something like 'man I'm not trying to hack it anymore, I'm just trying to kill you, you're good'.

*grin* I bet he didn't know about the darklight implant. ;-)
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Old 2003-04-25, 02:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
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lol those some funny storys too bad i cant tell any.
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Old 2003-04-25, 02:14 AM   [Ignore Me] #24

we are what we repeatedly do. excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
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Old 2003-04-25, 02:18 AM   [Ignore Me] #25

Nice one, afex. Hah...
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Old 2003-04-25, 02:44 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
First Sergeant
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I think one of my funniesnt moments was when I was in agile armor and was experimentsing wth the punisher rifle, i had brough with me like a million grenades of all types. Well we were at the AMP station defending the hack, bout me and 2 people. a MAX comes and just wastes my 2 friends so I run out the door and shoot a grenade at the MAX, he follows me out and into the "ring room" of the AMP station CC. lol for about o hell iunno 10 min we were going round and round this room and i was shooting grenades and healing when i could, lol i finaly killed him after like 20 nades, cause he was always aroudn the corner and i couldnt hit him dead on, plasma, frag, rocket, lol i was shooting everythign I could just running aorund in a circle for 10 min healing and poping grenades form the punisher, it was hilaruous.

And yes we got the hack, but I was the only one around to get BEP
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Old 2003-04-25, 03:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
Anam Nantom
Staff Sergeant

I was cloaked, saw an enemy misquito land outside a tower. I waited, and watched him hack the door. After he went in, I started jacking his misquito.. after he got the tower hacked he came running out only to see his musquito just changed ownership... so he looked around a bit, and proceeded to jack it back... to which I knew it was my cue, and I shot the heck out of him with my pistol, killed him, jacked it back, and got my tower back.

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Old 2003-04-25, 05:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #28

Originally posted by Urthstripe
Nice one, afex. Hah...
guess who was driving?
we are what we repeatedly do. excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
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Old 2003-04-25, 05:37 AM   [Ignore Me] #29

Funniest thing i've been involved in was this:

was rolling along full speed in my cloaked wraith

decided i'd be cool and scoot thru the trees and be extra sneaky

after about 2 minutes, out of no where i blow up

I'm like wtf happened

I get a tell from a NC dude of, "rofl"

I'm still not getting the joke

anyways, i grab another wraith and set off again

it happens again!

This time i'm paying attention and see what happens, and what happened last time of course

Back to back head on collisions with the same dude, both of us on cloaked wraiths
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Old 2003-04-25, 04:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #30
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lol keep these funny moments coming.
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