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View Poll Results: Want a menu option to select FOV?
Yes 51 62.20%
No 31 37.80%
Voters: 82. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 2002-12-21, 12:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #16

i don't care
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Old 2002-12-21, 12:45 AM   [Ignore Me] #17
Dragoon Admiral
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I'd like one to be added, but people would complain.
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Old 2002-12-21, 03:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
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Well seeing as their will be no modding allowed if it were to happen it would be available to everybody so i don't see a big problem. As long as everybody gets the same advantages or disadvantages i'm cool.
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Old 2002-12-21, 05:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
Serbitar's Avatar

I voted no. I consider having FOV more than 90 quite unrealistic and even cheating. PLus ist makes everything look streched. I dont want to make everything look streched just to be on par with those who alter FOV !
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Old 2002-12-21, 09:11 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
PSU Staff
Code Hound

Serbitar real life view is MUCH more than 90... so it's not unrealistic. Higher fov will not make the 'par' go up forcing you to switch. It's just a per-player preference.
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Old 2002-12-21, 09:16 AM   [Ignore Me] #21

whats FOV?
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Old 2002-12-21, 09:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
PSU Staff
Code Hound

FOV = Field of Vision

It's the range (in degrees) of how much you can see. If you were able to set your FOV to 360 degrees your monitor would show everything around you in every direction. 90 degrees, only a quarter of that, is somewhat of a standard for some games. Real life (and what many people switch their games to) is higher than 90. (Actually real life is like 190, but on a monitor that would look very bad. )
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Old 2002-12-21, 12:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Dragoon Admiral
Zarparchior's Avatar

I'd like a game to have 360 degree FOV for once... To have them just attempt that would be amusing.

And that, my friends, is why people would complain. Serbitar nailed it. People would force themselves to have insane FOV to stay on par with the craizees.
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Old 2002-12-21, 12:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #24
Sergeant Major

I agree, the FOV should not be changed, I gues sit would keep everybody on an even playing field.

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Old 2002-12-21, 12:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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I want to surround myself with 8 monitors so I can have a 360FOV

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Old 2002-12-21, 12:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #26
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Yeah there is no way Multi-monitors isn't cool.

And 2 things.

1-Real life FOV is no way 190 if you compare it to video games. In a video game you move your head not your eyes so if you compare RL to video games you can't move your head. In that case if you look straight ahead without moving your eyes your FOV is 180 at best and even then it's more around 160-170.

2-Increased FOV for 1 person would give that person an advantage. If not explain to me how seeing more of the battlefield is not an advantage.
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Old 2002-12-21, 12:47 PM   [Ignore Me] #27

changeable FOV always leads to zoom scripts, and i think they are trying to keep the zoom under control since there is a augmentation that allows that, that said, it might be possible, if they allowed you to change your FOV before entering the game, then it being locked as you play.
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Old 2002-12-21, 12:52 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Well like i said if it's allowed it will be in the settings menu or something since there will be no mods allowed.
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Old 2002-12-21, 12:53 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
Serbitar's Avatar

In real life, FOV is about 120, but in a computer game you have your monitor which is flat. This flatness can only display a fov of 90 without stretching things. FOV more than 90 is an advantage, but it makes everything look streched. Thus I consider FOV more then 90 cheating, because if others do this, they force me to do the same (if I want the same advanteage) and I then have to endure streched grafix (which I do not want to).

Its that simple. I just want to not play with some strange fish eye grafix. And I consider everything that reduces my fun in the game, but gives others an advantage (and so force me to use it to get this advantage, too) a cheat. (Like an aimbot. gives others an advantage and reduces my fun in the game greatly if I would have to use it to get the same advantage)
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Last edited by Serbitar; 2002-12-21 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 2002-12-21, 01:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #30

reduces my fun in the game
How does my FOV affect your fun? As you have no way of knowing what FOV others are playing at, you couldnt even be suspicous unlike a wallhack/aimbot.

perhaps you are talking about uses of FOV to spy around objects or zoom, a possible solution would be to have a range of acceptable FOV's, such as 75 to 130, and the command reject values out of that range, that way you could even change it ingame, to experiment, but remove the exploi-like FOV values.
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