Originally Posted by Xyntech
While it's still an approximation, I did use the best information I could gather from multiple sources, including (mostly) Craftyatom's map, as well as some E3 footage and an older hex map screenshot I had used previously for other things. Some of it is speculation as well, but overall this should be pretty accurate to what the current layout is (layout subject to change).
Alloys ( yellow) = Flash(10), Sunderer(150), Grenades(10)
Polymers ( green) = Lightning(80), Mosquito(125), Reaver(125), Scythe(125)
Catalysts ( orange) = Prowler(100), Magrider(100), Vanguard(100), Liberator(150)
Legend provided from Craftyatom's post on the first page, again all credit to him. I just wanted to provide an even cleaner version of concept.
Okay, just since this seems like as good a spot as any to refine this, and you've gone to more trouble highlighting the outlines than I did in my quick-and-dirty counting aid...
Okay, I'll just attach them here since it's quick and easier than trying to remember my photobucket account info, lol.
The first two files are the ones I was actively working on. The first iteration shows the breakdown of the regions that I estimated. Now, I kind of screwed up, here, because I forgot to work on a separate layer for that step, and so I don't have the original screen-grab for that one, and my work there kind of gets in the way of clearly seeing the validity of the first step I did, which is shown in the second image -- here, I found a convenient brush size and just marked each individual hex. About two thirds were easy to pick out definitively, either because they were on the edge of the map, or because their borders were easily recognizeable. For the rest, I used the regularity of stacking hexagons to inform their placement. As such, I'm highly confident in my hex count. From there, I worked with that overlay to identify which hexes were paired together.
I used two other reference screen grabs, which I've included here as well just so we've all got the same stuff to look at if we want.
So, now.. Stepping back and looking at things, I think I might've been wrong about that Vanu region near their Sanc.. it pretty clearly does appear to be a non-round 7-hex region. Lame.
So I'm conceding what I've got directly east of the Vanu foothold in favor of your orange and yellow territories, though I'd argue with the devs that that hex should be forfeited to either the orange or the green region adjacent to it.
However, I do have one you guys seem to have missed. It's a onesie yellow in the northwest corner of the map, just south of the 3-hex yellow on the top edge, that you've included as part of the orange 5-hex region.
In addition, my hex-counting seems to be short one; I conflated one of the green resource icons with unused hex space along the top edge of the map, and couldn't make sense of the two remaining hexes. You guys' identification there makes way more sense than what I was trying to come up with.
The orange and yellow 5-hexes you guys marked differ from my 4-hex and 6-hex parallelogram regions, but looking at them again, I think your divisions center the resources better, so I'll concede that, too.
Take another look near the TR foothold. You guys have 1 4-hex orange, 1 4-hex green, and a 3-hex green there that I divided differently. Double-checking my reference material, it looks like I've got one too many regions in that section, but I'm pretty sure I'm right in that the green icon is smack dab in the middle of that hex two west of the TR foothold's northwest corner. As such, I don't think that's a 4-hex region that you've got colored green, but either a 3-hex or a 1-hex, with the leftover green ones you've got to neighboring hexes.
All in all, though, the rest of the map checks out between my completely independent work and the job you two have played off each other to create. So I'd say that we're probably pretty well spot on aside from those discrepencies.