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Old 2013-10-08, 02:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
PortlandZombie's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

^ dat sig

made my day even better
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Old 2013-10-09, 05:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
johnukguy's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

Originally Posted by PortlandZombie View Post
^ dat sig

made my day even better

It's true too
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Old 2013-10-16, 12:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
First Sergeant
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Re: Roles for old slow guys

Advance apologies, but I wanted to share my latest feelings about this particular topic:-

Well, I'm still that old guy and still pretty crap compared to most other soldiers on the planet. Here are some facts:-

I enlisted 35 days ago.
I have put in a total of 54 hours in the field (that's an amazing 1.54 hours per day and I only get online two or three times a week so I'm almost embarrassed about that fact LOL).
I've been a member of an Outfit for 23 days.
I'm now at BR 19.
My KDR has crawled up to 0.296 (yeah, I know, it's no gauge of real "skill").
My SPM is currently 71.2 (but was as low as 20 when I first started).

So I have to admit that I am doing pretty damn well considering where I was a month ago.

I have to admit that I have become a premium member simply because I was taking much too long to rack up them certs. I've now managed to max out my healing tool and almost maxed out my repair tool.

I've also bought an awesome NS-7 PDW SMG. I thought I was doing okay with the default guns but since I've unlocked this weapon I'm managing to win a lot more 1-V-1 CQ fights than ever before.

And so, to the original question posed in the OP, I now know, for me at least, where I fit into my Outfit and it is very firmly in a support role. This is pretty much as advised here and elsewhere and is one hundred percent spot on, and obvious really.

I go medic more than anything, but if the squad leader calls for engy then I'm up for that too, hence trying to max out on the healing/repair tools. I equip both my medic and engy with the NS-7 and with that I am also able to make a little difference, rather than just walking around with my heal tool all the time.

From time to time there is a call to go heavy assault or even infiltrator and I will oblige, of course. I do not bother with light assault anymore because I really think that that particular role requires a certain skill that I just do not have. I need to think ahead and I struggle to act in an instinctive way. That's not to say I can't react quick enough when in support, but I'm not sure I can do what is required as light assault. This is my perception and I know I may be wrong in this. Perhaps one day, if my Outfit requires it, I will try light assault again…
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Old 2013-10-16, 08:40 AM   [Ignore Me] #34
Bulltahr's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

You've got it, those full cert tools are great!!
Support classes are greatly under estimated I reckon.
Hey, at least you never started with a K/D of 0.09 (but that's another story....)
Good going.

Oh yeah, max your ammo pack also, you will enjoy the constant Ca-ching sound!

Last edited by Bulltahr; 2013-10-16 at 08:42 AM.
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Old 2013-10-17, 12:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
First Sergeant
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Re: Roles for old slow guys

LOL, when my chums pestered me to play Battlefield 3 online with them it took a couple of battles to get my first kill and at that point my KDR was something like 0.02, I kid you not. I was like a lamb to the slaughter.

But I'm over that now and at least I'm holding my own from time to time. Still get raped but not as much

I was wondering what to cert up next. Thanks
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Old 2013-10-17, 12:50 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
OCNSethy's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

Good for you! KDR is much over rated. Max up those tools and ammo kits.
If you can support your squad mates to that win, thats as important as actively killing the enemy.

Dont forget to cert up your Nano-Regen Device. That way you can heal while just moving around
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Old 2013-10-18, 12:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #37
First Sergeant
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Re: Roles for old slow guys

Hi Sethy, thanks

There's so much to save up them certs for, and it's a slow process for me. At the moment I'm about 180 certs up towards my last step for the Nano Armour Kit (500 certs). At 48 certs a day, assuming I remember to log on, and perhaps another 70 certs from a week on the battlefield, it'll be next weekend before I can do that.

Then I can start looking at the other bits and pieces I need


Hmmm... I was on 130 certs not 180.

But, what the hell!!! I gained over 200 certs tonight... Something to do with an "alert"

Looks like I'll be maxing out my repair tool much sooner than I thought

Last edited by synkrotron; 2013-10-18 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 2013-10-21, 12:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #38
OCNSethy's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

That's the way! You will be there before you know. One important thing to remember is to have fun. I know it can be frustrating and I have been known to drop the f-bomb on more than a few occasion.... Especially against your factions maxs
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Old 2013-10-21, 02:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
Bulltahr's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

OK, I've been thinking for a while and have accepted that I will never be a Tower stomping LA, given up on trying, but you know, Armour ( Tho I rarely pull it myself), and base turrets are somethings that you can use that do not require nanosecond reflexes to use well. More a steady hand (Mouse), and calm thinking. Age no barrier to thier use, just use brain before LMB.................
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Old 2013-10-22, 07:29 AM   [Ignore Me] #40
First Sergeant
Re: Roles for old slow guys

It's good to hear you've found a couple roles that your comfortable with and content knowing your contributing toward your teams efforts. More time at it is the best medicine. That and the added certs from the premium account was a good call, maximizing the time you do have to play.

Have you tried sniping? I prefer CQC but recently I've gotten back into it just for a change of pace. Knowing the lay of the land better now I can usually figure out a good spot to pluck away at the enemy to open up the way for my fellow ground pounders. You don't need as much twitch reflexes as you do, good judgement and learning a rifle.

Priortize targets. If you know there are snipers, they will be your biggest personal threat on more open battles. Take them first to lessen the change of being couintersniped and then find the spot where the fighting is heaviest and start whittling down the enemy support. If their support isn't there, then the battle is already over. But don't stay in the same spot too long. Have alternate fallback locations. Prep approach or escape routes with proxies.

I also love to go behind or admist the enemy lines. You'd be suprised how much damage one infiltrator or small team in the enemies back court can do. People grow complacent when they are not in the thick of it. I look for pockets of snipers and go to work. Yes you'll need some twitching but if you are patient you can take down a number of targets rather easily.

If you have someone else that likes that kind of work. Run a small infiltrator team in and use those beacons and squad deploy to its fullest. Hack terminals, switch to engy and lay down those AV mines right outside a vehicle bay, switch back to infiltrator. If your in a larger outfit, get behind their line even one base back, hack a vehicle terminal and bring a sundy from a direction they're least expecting. Your outfit can keep a token force up front to keep them distracted and while the rest redeploy on that sundy you just snuck in.

Like Sethy and Bulltahr have stated. If you can't out reflex them, then out think them.

Last edited by CraazyCanuck; 2013-10-22 at 07:31 AM.
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Old 2013-10-23, 08:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
Mastachief's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

Have you considered playing some twitch based games as practice? even if you only play against bots something like Unreal tournament allows for bots from easy to hard mode and you can tailor the speed of game.

I go back to these games for a day or two when i find my twitch/aim slipping.

Age for the most part is just a number and in fact the older you are, more experience you have to draw on. By this is mean you should have mastered the cool head and thinking things through. A lot of guys have pointed out that to be effective in battle you must put yourself in a position that is better than the other guys. Putting your brain into action will win you 50% of fights with little "skill" in terms of aiming or twitch coming into it. I see some really stupid moves in this game (i'm guilt of a few my self)

Always looking
Look where you are going but at the same time twitch check those corners and roofs. Position yourself so you have a RUN AWAAAAY route should you encounter an enemy in a better position or numbers.

While positional sound in ps2 is terrible, it works in some ways. Not only this but know the sounds and relating to what they mean will save your life.
The stomp stomp of max units
The 3 distinctive cloaking noises
The jet pack noise
Vehicle sounds

Know your certs.
What do you have and what can you get to get a one up over your opponents. Medpacks, shields, armour types. Understand these and the advantage/disadvantages they have. Ask friends/fellow players or check out youtube.

Play with friends
Find a good home with an outfit that you can support and be supported by. Good support players are good killers first, any body that disputes this is probably a bad player/killer.

Setup the game/gaming environment so you can play comfortable.
Kind bindings, these are so important. Everything should be mapped so you can get at it with ease.

Know when to pull them and how to take the best advantage of them. Certs are important here and really make a difference. Find the vehicle you most like playing and then when you can throw certs at it. Again consult youtube/forums/other players. Stay in or very close to the friendly lines and keep aware of the situation as it developes around you.

Read it. Sounds simple yet so many players don't understand it or bother to. Read the population of hexes and predict the enemy movements, go to fights you can effect. No point in you being in a fight with 48+ enemies when you have 3 friendlies.

Seating/desk and environment. The right posture and freedom of movement means you are focusing on the game and not distracted by the cramped 14 year olds school desk and the dog humping your leg while the grandkids kill each other in the background.

Good PC - goes without saying really

Mouse and mouse mat
You dont have to spend a fortune but a nice dpi adjustable mouse that fits you hand can do wonders. Mouse mats (people seriously under estimate the importance of a good mat, sizes and material are a very personal choice). Good mouse and mat will probably set you back £40 total (you can spend £100's but generally its a waste)

Sounds is so important, so get a decent headset. If i play the game without sound my k/d halves or worse.

Any halfway decent one will do, so long as it can handle multiple key presses. Don't cheap out here but then you also don't need to spend a fortune.

24inches+. One thing age will have hurt is probably your eyesight. Bigger screen easier to see. Common sense really

I kinda vomited this post out, some of it may apply but heyho if it's not useful so be it. Just take comfort in knowing there are lots of older people playing this game and age really only plays a small part in being able to kill people.
Average play time of 2.8hours per day and falling.
Average play time of 2.5hours per day and falling. Need metagame.

Average play time of 2.0hours per day and falling. Need metagame / Continents.
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Old 2013-10-28, 07:15 AM   [Ignore Me] #42
Master Sergeant
Maarvy's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

Try Egg roll's
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Old 2013-10-28, 09:37 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
OCNSethy's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

Mastachief... great advice there. Especially on keyboard, mouse, monitor and headphones. I really cant recall anyone pointing those out before... kudos!
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Old 2013-11-01, 01:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #44
First Sergeant
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Re: Roles for old slow guys

It's me again

Yep, Bulltahr, I do, when the opportunity arises, get into a base turret and partake in a bit of AT or AA fun (I prefer AA as I find it a bit easier for some reason). As for armour, I’ve tried and died trying. I still prefer to ride shotgun and leave the driving to someone else.

CraazyCanuck, thanks for your input. I have tried sniping, early on, but I didn’t have much luck. A bit frustrating really because I generally get killed with one good headshot, so I know it can be done, but I don’t appear to be able to get those headshots in myself.
But, recently I have been going “Infiltrator” but using my favourite SMG, the NS-7 and sneaking around enemy bases hacking stuff here and there and even getting the odd kill too. I’m still way off being any use but I will try that role more now and I might even try my hand at sniping again.

I have also experimenting with Heavy Assault again, especially if we are under fire from ground vehicles, but I’ve still to get the hang of the unguided rockets. It think I need to upgrade to lock-ons ASAP LOL.

I’ve still yet to don my MAX suit too… I really should try that some time…
Mastachief, thanks for your input too. Plenty to take in there. I have Battlefield on my PC so I suppose I could play a campaign, like you say, against the bots and see how I manage on a hard mode. Trouble is, I’d rather spend time on Planetside instead, such is my current love of this game.

Regarding hardware, I think I’ve got a half decent setup now.
For my headset I’m using a set of Turtle Beach PX-21’s, which I got as a present one Christmas.

My mouse is a Logitech G500s and my keyboard is a Logitech G510s. I am really happy with those. I think I have my mouse set up just right for me but I am still experimenting with my keybindings with the G510s. It’s really handy having the additional programmable keys on left hand side of the keyboard.

Anyway, looks like I’ve kind of taken over this topic now… sorry ‘bout that LOL
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Old 2013-11-04, 10:32 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
Blackburn's Avatar
Re: Roles for old slow guys

Try leading, age equals wisdom. There are many times I find myself leading where I am just sitting in my sundy looking at the map making a plan, and do very little fighting. If you have a sharp strategic mind, and the ability to have people listen to you, you can win a battle without firing a bullet.
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