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Old 2003-04-15, 03:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
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Led's Avatar

Originally posted by PR24
It's responses like this that make me wonder if people know the meaning of BETA TESTING

BETA TESTING is NOT a few free months of gaming people. Beta testing is to address balence issues, bugs and stability issues.
It is YOUR JOB as a beta tester to make the DEV team aware of in balence issues and hope they are addressed.

Ignoring a balence issue with th hope that retail releases a over powered weapon to your empire is omronic to say the least.
One could say the same about people like you, that whine when you get blasted in a situation advantageous to another player. Then hide behind the guise of 'Im beta testing, you jerk!' whenever someone gets riled at your inane remarks.

Did you know the phoenix does jack squat in damage to infantry? They are an antiarmor weapon, that is all. If you are losing because you are too dependent upon your MAX units, then use your noggin and switch tactics.

Also, a phoenix user is very much at a disadvantage in an indoor fight. I swipe strikers and lancers when I can when I fight MAXes indoors, because having to stand outside of cover to blast something that is most likely also trying to shoot me is NOT spiffy. Striker/lancer users can quickly duck in and out of cover, much more useful in my opinion.

This is NOT COUNTERSTRIKE. You can NOT expect to charge straight at the enemy, using the same strategy every damn time and expect to win. Use your HEAD. I am a very deadly fighter, not because of my weaponry, not because of my ping, but because on a constant basis I outthing opponents that are honestly most of the time just braindead deathmatchers.

You have a squad of idiots trying to blast infantry with rockets from behind a hill (sure it takes six or so, but if you get enough firing on one target, they can be irritating)? Well then charge out the back, loop around, and own them all from the rear! It is not SOMEONE ELSES responsibility. It is YOUR problem, YOU deal with it!

Try thinking two steps ahead, kid.

If you get your way, and the phoenix gets toned down, then what? You have the NC constantly getting rolled over by other empires armor.

If you get your way, and the gauss rifle gets tone down, then what? You have the NC constantly getting mowed down by cyclers and chaingunners as we try to close to within fighting range.

Every empire has their advantage. USE YOURS. If you engage the opponent on their ground on their terms, you LOSE. I used to whine all the damn time about chaingunners too, but you know what? I got smart. I no longer have a problem with them. Plus I can also loot and use them now

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Old 2003-04-15, 03:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #32

Originally posted by Hamma
One fact remains, the Phoenix is still artillery, its a weapon that does not require LOS, something that the dev's were against since day one.

I'm personally suprised its still in the game myself
Your exactly right. The weapon WILL be changed if the devs are true to there word. Which they have been for the most part. So I expect this weapon to be changed very soon.

Last edited by phadE; 2003-04-15 at 03:14 PM.
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Old 2003-04-15, 03:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
Master Sergeant

striker takes 4 missiles to bring down a reaver or max, and 3 missiles for squito. Phoenix takes 2 missiles for a reaver.

i would personally take a striker over the phoenix just bc it is more versatile.

Yesterday in Dual Cycler MAX i took out a VS AI MAX and 4 infantry that were with it, just by clamping down. The MAX never tried to fly off or anything, just stood there and took a whoopin'. Best way to take down the TR max in that situation is fly off to the side and get out of his firing arc
yeah i played daoc, dont blame me

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Old 2003-04-15, 03:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #34


Reading comp 101 look it up
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Old 2003-04-15, 03:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
How about a more civil approach..

Before Lex's thread drags this topic down the level of the beta boards..

Having been an NC player more than the other factions I'll say this..

Is the Pheonix overpowered for its cost? Most likely yes...

Here's an idea though, instead of just saying "it sucks it sucks it sucks".. Why not offer new suggestions on what you could be done to improve it.. Talk about how NC weapons as a whole could be better balanced to offset any changes to the Pheonix, anything.. Otherwise, your posts just end up in the same pile as 99% of the beta board ones on the pheonix, inflamatory..
For all those who say "you should be beta testing", ok its been documented to death that many people don't like the pheonix, done. The 500th post on the subject doesn't make you a better beta tester, just that you're a borderline cyber-stalker on the concept of the NC Pheonix.. By this point, if its going to be fixed, the devs are already looking into it.. All this brow beating on NC players to "repent the ways of the pheonix" is as much a "terran fanboy" thing, as nerf the chaingun is an NC one.. Its stupid..

How about a constructive list on the kinds of things that would make the pheonix fair..

Line of sight? If its possible for the devs to implement, sure..
You could make the turning radius even more broad to limit the rocket's maneuverability.
You could increase the overall speed of the rocket 20-30% also thereby making it harder to control, but not impossible..
I also saw a suggestion once about the rocket being 'laser guided" like the rocket launcher from Half Life, a suggestion i rather like.. Solves your LoS problem, makes it a bit harder to hit moving targets, than if you had a camera in the nose..

Any other ideas?

Overall its getting rediculous in those beta forums, I've seen a thread wanting to downgrade just about every weapon the NC have.. Eventually it looks less and less like objective beta testing and more and more like poor sport whining.. Nevermind that a suggestion to tone down the chaingun (regardless of the posters intent) is met with the same rabid defense as pheonix users generate over their weapon.. Everyone has an opinion, and just because you, as a terran player, think the chaingun is balanced or the pheonix isn't doesn't make it true. So jumping on NC players for defending the pheonix, AND jumping on those who suggest the chaingun might be overpowered? Pot? Kettle Black?

Whether or not other empires weapons should be altered is secondary. Still, some people's bias for one faction is just as bad as they accuse others of being.. At the point where you get "angry" about the pheonix, you know you've crossed the line between objective tester and passionate anti-weapon advocate.

For what its worth, I decided to jump back over to the terrans for a while to see if its all as bad as people have been saying.. I haven't seen anything yet that was so abusive it would make me run to the boards screaming to the devs..

In the end, you make your objective opinion on the weapons in planetside known, then suggest possible fixes.. Browbeating someone with your "opinion" over and over till they concede, isn't beta testing.. You're allowed to have differing opinions, and still be objective..
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Old 2003-04-15, 03:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
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Originally posted by PR24

Reading comp 101 look it up
Aw, is that the best counter you can come up with?

Bite my shiny golden plated ass.
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Old 2003-04-15, 03:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #37

Before Lex's thread drags this topic down the level of the beta boards..

Having been an NC player more than the other factions I'll say this..

Is the Pheonix overpowered for its cost? Most likely yes...

Here's an idea though, instead of just saying "it sucks it sucks it sucks".. Why not offer new suggestions on what you could be done to improve it.. Talk about how NC weapons as a whole could be better balanced to offset any changes to the Pheonix, anything.. Otherwise, your posts just end up in the same pile as 99% of the beta board ones on the pheonix, inflamatory..

er, well most times when anybody on the beta boards suggests a change for the phoenix they get flamed for crying nerf.
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Old 2003-04-15, 04:34 PM   [Ignore Me] #38

I have sugested solutions to the phoenix. Many times. I have responded to so many threads now that it has become repetitive. This thread was meant to simply try and put a new perspective out to the NC players that seam to think it is ok to have an overpowered weapon as long as you have a weak one aswell.

As to the solutions, there are many.

Line of sight needs to be maintained. Even the striker needs to maintain the line of sight or the missle hits (user must keep target in reticule while missile is in flight or the missile goes into dumbfire mode) To do this you could either completely scrap the design and come up with a new one (self locking missile, you fire it and it flies dumb fire for a while then locks onto nearest enemy vehicle/max, with dumbfire ability) or you could make the weapon missile explode when line of sight is lost, or go dumbfire (like the striker) It would need a reload upgrade in this case, but anything to get rid of the artilery effect.
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Old 2003-04-15, 05:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #39

Originally posted by Led
Aw, is that the best counter you can come up with?

Bite my shiny golden plated ass.
No I am an adult and don't have time to argue with kids.

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Old 2003-04-15, 05:05 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
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Originally posted by PR24
No I am an adult and don't have time to argue with kids.

Oooh, scathing.

If you want to flame, feel free to send me a PM so I can ignore it. No need to be a jackass in public.
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Old 2003-04-15, 05:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #41

place me on ignore please
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Old 2003-04-15, 05:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #42


LLMerc I agree with you and have been doing the same but it seems to be useless to post about and NC weapon w/o the NC saying leave it alone.

DEV's at this point have heard the people in the forums so now it's a waiting game to see if they will fix the problem.
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Old 2003-04-15, 05:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Happy lil Elf
Happy lil Elf's Avatar

I'm just pissed it's so easy to kill aircraft period. All I've heard is how reavers are just missile fodder =\
Happy lil' Elf, now Santa approved.
-Immortalis Vita

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"Oni wont get banned, unless you get banned. Its a 2 man ticket."-Hamma to TekDragon re: his request to ban Oni. Life is good.

Last edited by Happy lil Elf; 2003-04-15 at 05:28 PM.
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Old 2003-04-15, 05:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Master Sergeant

As long as the aircraft aren't going down to a few handgun bullets, they're tough enough. I doubt many of the one-person fightercraft we have today could withstand a hit (in the sense that the pilot is alive, and the aircraft can fly) from, say, a SAM site or even a person-hauled Stinger (or the like).
Besides, Aircraft > Ground vehicles > Infantry > Aircraft, or so it seems.
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Old 2003-04-15, 05:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #45

Guess my empire?
Yup, even I, a non beta-tester, an NC PILOT, believes that the Phoenix should be changed. Give it a smaller range, and make it stay in LoS. Simple.
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