At US east Matterson your empire is either kicking ass or getting it kicked. Populations fluctuate too much. For my last 3 play sessions the NC have had 40% plus world pop prime time. Kind of hard to have a fair fight when the VS and Tr also have to take on each other . So Soe cannot be hands off it needs to take steps to balance out populations.
I do not think these transfer tokens are the answer. Server mergers may turn out to be only a temporary solution as well and one I hope would not be needed. My preference being game growth and larger player base.
I also believe that Soe should not allow a particular server to lose say 20%,40% or any large number of its population to transfers to other higher populated servers. Soe needs some control.
So maybe after a servers population dips under a certain number then that server could become an open server allowing players from other servers to log into it. So it may display something similar to this, TR open spots 32, VS 26 and NC 12. With exp incentives of course.
So If my TR outfit is in Waterson and I see that there are 32 TR spots opened on Helios then I could take a few of my squads to Helios to help the TR there.
This would only be used to assure a certain number of players on any giving time on a server and once the server pop reaches its normal number the server locks up again. Any migrant characters will return to their original servers once they log off.
This would allow players and outfits the chance to play on other servers in a controlled way with no server losing its population to permanent transfers.