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Old 2003-06-11, 12:11 PM   [Ignore Me] #31
Lieutenant Colonel
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damn you, i didn't fail and i got a giant "you don't apply yourself" speech
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Old 2003-06-11, 12:15 PM   [Ignore Me] #32

Originally posted by Doobz
damn you, i didn't fail and i got a giant "you don't apply yourself" speech
Just do really good at the first quarter, start to slip[ ad second quarter. be completely failing by third, then pull all your grades up to a c- by fourth and your paretns will parcticly chucking money at you
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Old 2003-06-11, 12:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #33
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pfft, doesn't work for me, i'm way to damn lazy
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Old 2003-06-11, 12:17 PM   [Ignore Me] #34

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Old 2003-06-11, 12:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
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yeah i am

i have to rely on my awsome test grades to get me by

i swear, if i weren't intelligent, i'd so fail just about every class
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Old 2003-06-11, 12:30 PM   [Ignore Me] #36
Pns Ndabut
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i hear that, i've taken algebra 1 3 years ina row and failed it 2 times jsut because im too alzy to do my homework. I do good on tests, but HW is 50% of grade. soo yeah im lazy
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Old 2003-06-11, 12:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
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well, sucks for you, passed Algebra 1 in the 7th grade with a 95
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Old 2003-06-11, 06:18 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Pns Ndabut
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well, now i just look stupid.
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Old 2003-06-11, 06:27 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Freespace 2 (If you can find it)

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Old 2003-06-11, 06:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Staff Sergeant

get countervstrike: condition zero and swg oh yea and ps
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Old 2003-06-11, 06:44 PM   [Ignore Me] #41
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Command & Conquer Generals
Half Life 2 or Halo 2 or PS*
Star Wars Galaxies

CnC Generals is the best RTS game out right now. I cant get enough of it, and they keep making it better each patch.

For FPS games its tough. Halo 2 will be great for playing on the Xbox with your buds. Half Life 2 will be hands down the best FPS. PlanetSide comes in at third, but if you cant wait for a good FPS, go ahead and get it. I wodnt recomend PS except for the fact that you have so many PCs. Chances are PS wont run on fully half of them but youve got so many backups it HAS to run on one of them. I got lucky and it worked on my third machine (albiet at lowest system settings) after having it hardlock continously on my Alienware 2.8ghz P4 with Radeon 9700 and 1056 MG DDRAM.

Star Wars Galaxy is a no brainer if youve been checking up even once a month on their website. These guys are not fucking around. That game is going to be awesome. Its going to be everything EQ, DAoC, AO, and AC should have been.. and its going to be what UO2 could of been.
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Old 2003-06-11, 06:49 PM   [Ignore Me] #42
Staff Sergeant

Command & Conquer Generals
this game got bad reviews from computer gaming world.
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Old 2003-06-11, 07:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
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I dont trust gaming magazines for shit. Every single one of them reviews based on the check they get in the mail from the publishers.

Ive played RTS games since the genre was freaking invented (Herzog Zwei on the Sega Genesis) and have followed most of the good series (CnC, WarCraft, Total Annhilation, etc) religiously.

Generals is, without a doubt, an excellent game.

Graphics are superb. The highest setting makes your jaw drop when you watch tomohawks fly through the air or a nuke go off in an enemy base.

The units are reasonably plentiful and almost everything is PERFECTLY balanced. Each faction has its strong points. EVERY unit has its strengths and can play a valuable part on the battlefield.

CnC Generals is one of the few games where combined arms really DO make a difference. Most of the RTS games in the market have you make 50-100 of a unit and zerg rush the base. Not in Generals, that strategy will get you a loss in a hurry.

Just as an example, most of my battle groups consist of:

--3 Crusaders (main battle tanks) to take the blunt of anti-armor shots
--5 paladins (higher firepower tank with less armor and with a laser turret to shoot down enemy missles) behind the Crusaders to lay down the heavy fire
--3-4 tomohawks in the back laying down targeted artillery fire and to pick off the enemy artillery
--4 humvees (upgraded with TOW rocket launcher) with 2 rocket infantry covering the flank nearest the enemy base to provide anti-armor support and anti-air
--2 sniper infantry spread out wide on the flanks to increase vision (so i can target with tomohawks) and to pick off incoming footsoldiers
--3 Comanches (helicopters with machine guns and rocketpods) to hit the flanks of enemy armor once my tomohawks knock out the anti-air in an enemy division
--2 Auras (high speed bombers) flying patterns behind my strike force, ready to bomb a critical enemy building or mass of armor once the anti-air has been neurtralized (or sooner if i think the sacrifice is worth it).

Now THATS combined arms. Takes mad skill to manuever a group like that and keep everything working smoothly but ive wiped out enemies with armies two to three times my size, simply because my forces flow like water and i meet enemy units with what they are weak against.

Good lord.. i gotta go play some Generals right now
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Old 2003-06-11, 07:13 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Brigadier General
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CGW advertised the HELL out of CnC: G.....
Theory. Officially. Disproved.

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Old 2003-06-11, 08:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
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Ok, CGW may have more scruples than 95% of the other magazines out there. You could be right.

Doesnt change the fact that CnC is a great game.

Way i see it, i rarely ever see anyone bitching about CnC as a game. Sure, i see some whines on MIGs or technicals, but i dont see a "CnC SuX" thread but once in a blue moon on the official forums and on the main unofficial ones.

Only people ive ever seen bitch down Generals are the people who have never played it, or who expect it to play like StarCraft and not like the CnC genre (which is hugely succesful and popular).

Were getting off topic though. I didnt want to turn this thread into a CnC Generals good or bad thread.

My opinion is the game is the best RTS game released in a long time. It even squeeked ahead of Warcraft III.
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